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Next.js zkLogin SDK

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Next.js SDK for integrating with Sui zkLogin.

This SDK aims to provide full-stack support for building user authentication and Sui transaction execution into your Next.js application, using zkLogin primitives. It aims to deliver a seamless and familiar user experience that blends the Web 2 and Web 3 parts of your application together.

The following areas are covered:

  • Client-side React components and hooks for:
    • Initializing local zkLogin session state
    • Integrating with OpenID providers
    • Making auth API calls to the backend
    • Making transaction building and execution API calls to the backend
    • Implementing auth-protected pages with auto-redirection
  • Server-side API route handlers for:
    • User session / cookie management
    • Implementing auth API routes
    • Implementing auth-protected API routes
    • Implementing transaction building, sponsorship, and execution API routes
    • NOTE - the server-side SDK only works with Next.js Pages Router for now. Support for App Router is planned.

Getting started

A Next.js starter template has been provided to quickly get you off the ground using this SDK. You can follow the instructions over there to have a working example. Even if you are starting with an existing Next.js application, it's recommended to check out that example as a reference end-to-end implementation.

High-level architecture

Here is the intended architecture that can be achieved using this SDK:

Architecture diagram

Typical flow of signing in with zkLogin:


Typical flow of executing a sponsored transaction block:

Sponsored tx flow

Key SDK components

Please refer to inline documentations for more detailed information.

From @shinami/nextjs-zklogin/client

  • ZkLoginSessionProvider
    • Root React component to provide zkLogin session state.
    • Must be used near the root of your component tree.
    • This component itself must be wrapped in a TanStack QueryClientProvider.
  • withNewZkLoginSession
    • React HOC for implementing the login page.
    • Resets local session state and prepares a new one. The new session state will be needed to get a new JWT from the OpenID providers.
  • getGoogleAuthUrl, getFacebookAuthUrl, getTwitchAuthUrl, getAppleAuthUrl
    • Helper function to compose the auth URLs for each OpenID provider.
    • You'll need to redirect your user to those URLs to complete a sign-in with them.
  • withGoogleCallback, withFacebookCallback, withTwitchCallback, withAppleCallback
    • React HOC for implementing the callback pages for each OpenID provider.
    • After a successful sign-in, the page will automatically issue a login request to your backend (default at /api/auth/login), and redirect the user to the original page they were trying to access.
  • useZkLoginSession
    • React hook to use data from the user's current zkLogin session.
    • The returned data could be one of these types: ZkLoginSessionLoading, ZkLoginSessionActive, ZkLoginSessionInactive.
  • withZkLoginSessionRequired
    • React HOC for implementing an auth-protected page.
    • User will be redirected to the login page (default at /auth/login) if they don't have an active session.
  • apiTxExecMutationFn
    • Helper function to generate TanStack mutation functions for end-to-end Sui transaction block execution.
    • Must be used on API routes implemented with zkLoginSponsoredTxExecHandler or zkLoginTxExecHandler from @shinami/nextjs-zklogin/server/pages.
  • useLogout
    • React hook for issuing a logout request to the auth API.
    • Alternatively, you can also redirect the user to the logout API route (default at /api/auth/logout).

From @shinami/nextjs-zklogin/server/pages

  • authHandler
    • Implements auth API routes, by default at /api/auth/login, /api/auth/logout, /api/auth/me, /api/auth/apple.
  • withZkLoginUserRequired
    • Higher-order handler for implementing auth-protected API routes.
    • Requests would result in HTTP 401 if the user doesn't have an active session.
  • withSession
    • Higher-order handler for augmenting the wrapped handler with session state.
    • The session state is managed using iron-session, and this is just a thin wrapper on top of withIronSessionApiRoute.
  • zkLoginTxExecHandler
    • Implements API routes for building and executing a Sui transaction block.
    • Two routes are implemented under the hood:
      • [base_route]/tx for building the transaction block.
      • [base_route]/exec for executing the transaction block after signed by frontend, and parsing the transaction response.
  • zkLoginSponsoredTxExecHandler
    • Implements API routes for building, sponsoring, and executing a Sui transaction block.
    • Two routes are implemented under the hood:
      • [base_route]/tx for building and sponsoring the transaction block.
      • [base_route]/exec for executing the transaction block after signed by frontend, and parsing the transaction response.

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  • jasonxh