API Client for Parallel Specs.
Service could be used as orchestrator for your spec files during parallel testing across different machines/containers.
You can register your account at parallel-specs UI
or use demo credentials - email: test@test.com
and password: test
Source code: parallel-specs.
If you already have account at parallel-specs UI you can use email and password with this api client to obtain authorization token. Another way is to create specific api key (recommended) to avoid sharing credentials.
- yarn:
yarn add @shelex/parallel-specs-client
- npm:
npm install @shelex/parallel-specs-client
import { ParallelSpecsClient, filesToSpecInput } from '@shelex/parallel-specs-client';
// const { ParallelSpecsClient, filesToSpecInput } = require("@shelex/parallel-specs-client")
const client = new ParallelSpecsClient({
project: 'test',
email: 'test@test.com',
password: 'test'
// or just use api key (email and password are not required in such case):
token: 'api_key'
* specs are located in folder "specs"
* files: "spec1.js", "spec2.js", "spec3.js", "spec5.js", "spec4.js"
* take all js files in "specs" folder excepting "spec5.js"
const specs = filesToSpecInput(['**/specs/*.js'], ['**/specs/spec5.js']);
// create new session (project will be created automatically, or link existing)
// or in case you have files as strings just pass them as array of objects:
// const specs = [{ filePath: 'spec1.js' }, { filePath: 'spec2.js' }, { filePath: 'spec3.js' }, { filePath: 'spec4.js' }]
// client.addSession(specs)
// query next spec for any of your runners
const next = client.next({ machineId: 'runner1' }); // start spec1, return spec1
const next = client.next({ machineId: 'runner2' }); // start spec2, return spec2
const next = client.next({ machineId: 'runner2' }); // finish spec2, start spec3, return spec3
const next = client.next({ machineId: 'runner1' }); // finish spec1, start spec4, return spec4
const next = client.next({ machineId: 'runner2' }); // finish spec3, return null
const next = client.next({ machineId: 'runner1' }); // finish spec4, return null
// get current state of project "test"
const project = client.project();
Library also provides CLI interface
parallel-specs-cli create-session --project test --token $parallel_spec_token --include-specs '**/cypress/integration/**'
Use parallel-specs-cli create-session --help
to check arguments available
Created session will be stored as json file or just console.log
session id to catch from bash:
PARALLEL_SPECS_SESSION_ID=$(parallel-specs-cli create-session (args for parallel spec client) | tail -1)
Constructor. options
may contain inital values for:
, default: "https://parallel-specs.shelex.dev/api"; url for parallel-specs service queries -
, may be also passed as second argument toaddSession
, in case you have already obtained api key, login step will be skipped -
, in case token option is empty, constructor will call login method with this credentials to obtain token
Create a new session for project. Project will be reused, or created in case it still not exist.
Returns object with property sessionID that could be used for retrieving spec.
Get next spec for machineId + sessionId, returns spec filePath.
Ends previous spec for this machineId + sessionId in case it exists.
Get project details with latest 15 sessions
Prepare a script that uses Cypress module API, examples could be found in cypress-parallel-specs-locally repository.
You can have multiple machines\actions\containers with such runner (with different machineId
) and each runner will ask service for next spec file to execute.
Idea is to have separate service for orchestrating specs during test runs. Classical solution is to manually divide spec files in groups, however it may be not so efficient in terms of run duration as you have to edit such timings, and one group may finish long after another one thus execution time is unoptimised. Strategy used in this service is basically to run new specs and then from longest to shortest compared to previous session.
Potentially, some UI could be built on top of Parallel Specs service to track test sessions across the time.
Copyright © 2022-2024 Oleksandr Shevtsov ovr.shevtsov@gmail.com
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for full details.