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Package no longer supported. Use package @cap-js-community/odata-v2-adapter instead.

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1.9.21 • Public • Published

@sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy (cov2ap)

CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy for CDS OData V4 Services.

Exposes a full-fledged OData V2 service, converting OData V2 requests to CDS OData V4 service calls and responses back. Runs in context of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) using CDS Node.js module @sap/cds or CDS Java modules

Open Source / Deprecation

Getting Started

  • Run npm install @sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy -s in @sap/cds project
  • Enhance or create ./srv/server.js:
    const cds = require("@sap/cds");
    const cov2ap = require("@sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy");
    cds.on("bootstrap", (app) => app.use(cov2ap()));
    module.exports = cds.server;
  • Execute cds run from the project root to start the server:


The CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy instantiates an Express router. The following options are available:

  • base: Base path under which the service is reachable. Default is ''.
  • path: Path under which the proxy is reachable. Default is 'v2'.
  • model: CDS service model (path(s) or CSN). Default is 'all'.
  • port: Target port which points to OData V4 backend port. Default is process.env.PORT or 4004.
  • target: Target which points to OData V4 backend host:port. Use 'auto' to infer the target from server url after listening. Default is e.g. 'http://localhost:4004'.
  • targetPath: Target path to which is redirected. Default is ''.
  • services: Service mapping object from url path name to service name. Default is {}.
  • mtxRemote: CDS model is retrieved remotely via MTX endpoint for multitenant scenario (old MTX only). Default is false.
  • mtxEndpoint: Endpoint to retrieve MTX metadata when option 'mtxRemote' is active (old MTX only). Default is '/mtx/v1'.
  • ieee754Compatible: Edm.Decimal and Edm.Int64 are serialized IEEE754 compatible. Default is true.
  • fileUploadSizeLimit: File upload file size limit (in bytes) for multipart/form-data requests. Default is 10485760 (10 MB).
  • continueOnError: Indicates to OData V4 backend to continue on error. Default is false.
  • isoTime: Use ISO 8601 format for type cds.Time (Edm.Time). Default is false.
  • isoDate: Use ISO 8601 format for type cds.Date (Edm.DateTime). Default is false.
  • isoDateTime: Use ISO 8601 format for type cds.DateTime (Edm.DateTimeOffset). Default is false.
  • isoTimestamp: Use ISO 8601 format for type cds.Timestamp (Edm.DateTimeOffset). Default is false.
  • isoDateTimeOffset: Use ISO 8601 format for type Edm.DateTimeOffset (cds.DateTime, cds.Timestamp). Default is false.
  • bodyParserLimit: Request and response body parser size limit. Default is '100mb'.
  • returnCollectionNested: Collection of entity type is returned nested into a results section. Default is true.
  • returnComplexNested: Function import return structure of complex type (non collection) is nested using function import name. Default is true.
  • returnPrimitiveNested: Function import return structure of primitive type (non collection) is nested using function import name. Default is true.
  • returnPrimitivePlain: Function import return value of primitive type is rendered as plain JSON value. Default is true.
  • messageTargetDefault: Specifies the message target default, if target is undefined. Default is '/#TRANSIENT#'.
  • caseInsensitive: Transforms search functions i.e. substringof, startswith, endswith to case-insensitive variant. Default is false.
  • propagateMessageToDetails: Propagates root error or message always to details section. Default is false.
  • contentDisposition: Default content disposition for media streams (inline, attachment), if not available or calculated. Default is 'attachment'.
  • calcContentDisposition: Calculate content disposition for media streams even if already available. Default is false.
  • quoteSearch: Specifies if search expression is quoted automatically. Default is true.
  • fixDraftRequests: Specifies if unsupported draft requests are converted to a working version. Default is false.
  • changesetDeviationLogLevel: Log level of batch changeset content-id deviation logs (none, debug, info, warn, error). Default is 'info'.
  • defaultFormat: Specifies the default entity response format (json, atom). Default is 'json'.
  • processForwardedHeaders Specifies if the x-forwarded headers are processed. Default is true.

All CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy options can also be specified as part of CDS project-specific configuration under section cds.cov2ap and accessed during runtime via cds.env.cov2ap.

Options can also be passed as command line environment variable, by converting the camel-cased option name to snake-case. Underscores (_) need then to be escaped as double underscore (__) when provided via command line environment variable.


  • path => CDS_COV2AP_PATH=odatav2
  • quoteSearch => quote_search => CDS_COV2AP_QUOTE__SEARCH=false

Option cds.odata.v2proxy.urlpath is available to specify an OData V2 proxy url path different from default /v2 for CDS core.



Logging is based on cds.log, therefore CDS logging configurations apply.

Logging Modules

Component Module Name(s)
CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy cov2ap

Kibana Logging

In order to enable Kibana friendly logging for cds.log feature toggle cds.features.kibana_formatter: true needs to be set.

Debug Mode

Debug mode can be activated to log requests and responses processed (V2) and initiated (V4) by CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy. The following information can be retrieved for analysis:

  • Request: url, headers, body
  • Response: status code/message, headers, body

Debug log level can be activated

  • via command line environment variable: CDS_LOG_LEVELS_COV2AP=debug
  • via cds.env in code: cds.env.log.levels.cov2ap = "debug"

Details on how to set CDS environment can be found at cds.env.

Log Levels

Logging can be configured to respect the following log levels:

  • error: Error logs are written (includes warn)
  • warn: Warning logs are written (includes info)
  • info: Info logs are written (includes debug)
  • debug: Debug logs are written
  • trace: Same as debug
  • silent: No logs are written

Logging Components

cds.log.levels.cov2ap: "error"
  • [cov2ap] - Proxy: Proxy processing error
  • [cov2ap] - Authorization: Authorization header parsing error
  • [cov2ap] - MetadataRequest: Metadata request processing error
  • [cov2ap] - Request: Request processing error
  • [cov2ap] - Response: Response processing error
  • [cov2ap] - Batch: Batch processing error
  • [cov2ap] - AggregationKey: Aggregation key error
  • [cov2ap] - MediaStream: Media stream processing error
  • [cov2ap] - FileUpload: File upload processing error
cds.log.levels.cov2ap: "warn"
  • [cov2ap] - Service: Invalid service definition (name, path)
  • [cov2ap] - Context: Invalid (sub-)definition (name, path)
  • [cov2ap] - ContentDisposition: Content disposition warning
cds.log.levels.cov2ap: "info"
  • [cov2ap] - Batch: Changeset order deviation (req, res)
cds.log.levels.cov2ap: "debug"
  • [cov2ap] - Request: Log OData V2 client request (url, headers, body)
  • [cov2ap] - ProxyRequest: Log OData V4 proxy request (url, headers, body)
  • [cov2ap] - ProxyResponse: Log OData V4 proxy response (status code/message, headers, body)
  • [cov2ap] - Response: Log OData V2 client response (status code/message, headers, body)


  • [cov2ap] - [HPM]: Proxy middleware processing logs

CDS Annotations

The following CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy specific annotations are supported:

Entity Level:

  • false: Suppress analytics conversion for the annotated entity, if set to false.
  • @cov2ap.deltaResponse: 'timestamp': Delta response '__delta' is added to response data of annotated entity with current timestamp information.
  • @cov2ap.isoTime: Values of type cds.Time (Edm.Time) are represented in ISO 8601 format for annotated entity.
  • @cov2ap.isoDate: Values of type cds.Date (Edm.DateTime) are represented in ISO 8601 format for annotated entity.
  • @cov2ap.isoDateTime: Values of type cds.DateTime (Edm.DateTimeOffset) are represented in ISO 8601 format for annotated entity.
  • @cov2ap.isoTimestamp: Values of type cds.Timestamp (Edm.DateTimeOffset) are represented in ISO 8601 format for annotated entity.
  • @cov2ap.isoDateTimeOffset: Values of type Edm.DateTimeOffset (cds.DateTime, cds.Timestamp) are represented in ISO 8601 format for annotated entity.

Entity Element Level:

  • @Core.ContentDisposition.Filename: <element>: Specifies entity element, representing the filename during file upload/download.
  • @Core.ContentDisposition.Type: '<value>': Controls the content disposition behavior in client/browser (inline or attachment).
  • @cov2ap.headerDecode: [...]: Array of sequential decoding procedures ('uri', 'uriComponent', 'base64') used for media entity upload header.

CDS Modeling Restrictions

CDS project configuration cds.odata.version shall be set to v4, as OData proxy maps to OData V4. CDS supports modelling features that are not compatible with OData V2 standard:

  • Singletons: Usage of annotation @odata.singleton is not supported in combination with OData V2
  • Structured Types: Usage of cds.odata.format: 'structured' is not supported in combination with OData V2
  • Arrayed Types: Usages of array of or many in entity element definitions lead to CDS compilation error: Element must not be an "array of" for OData V2
  • Managed Compositions: The usage of managed composition (currently) produces Format Exception in Fiori Elements V2 for Date/Time data types

To provide an OData V2 service based on the CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy, those CDS modelling features must not be used. In general any CDS OData API flavor must not be used in combination with CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy.

Per default, those modelling incompatibilities are reported as Warning and will not stop the compilation. The resulting EDMX V2 may be invalid and not processable by an OData V2 client. To prevent this situation and fail early to detect modelling incompatibilities, the severity for respective codes can be increased to Error, by setting the following environment variables:

  "cdsc": {
    "severities": {
      "odata-spec-violation-array": "Error",
      "odata-spec-violation-param": "Error",
      "odata-spec-violation-returns": "Error",
      "odata-spec-violation-assoc": "Error",
      "odata-spec-violation-constraints": "Error"

Cloud Foundry Deployment

When deploying the CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy to Cloud Foundry, make sure that it has access to the whole CDS model. Especially, it’s the case, that normally the Node.js server is only based on folder srv and folder db is then missing on Cloud Foundry.

To come around this situation, trigger a cds build during development time, that generates a csn.json at location gen/srv/srv/csn.json. Point your Cloud Foundry deployment of the CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy to the folder gen/srv (using manifest.json or MTA), so that the CDS models can be found via file srv/csn.json, during runtime execution on Cloud Foundry.

Make sure, that all i18n property files reside next to the csn.json in a i18n or _i18n folder, to be detected by localization.

Multitenancy, Feature Toggles and Extensibility (MTX)

CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy supports multitenant scenarios. Basic extensibility is already supported in combination with the CDS MTX module. More advanced extensibility scenarios and feature toggles are supported in combination with the CDS Streamlined MTX services.

In order to provide the feature toggle vector to be used to build-up the corresponding CSN and EDMX metadata documents, the Express request object req needs to enhanced by feature definitions. To add support for a specific feature toggles management you can add a simple Express middleware as follows, for example, in your server.js:

const cds = require("@sap/cds");
cds.on("bootstrap", (app) =>
  app.use((req, res, next) => {
    req.features = req.features || ["advanced"];

SAP Fiori Elements V2

The OData V2 service provided by the CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy can be used to serve an SAP Fiori Elements V2 UI.

SAP Fiori Elements V2 examples:

  • SQLite based:
    • Analytics: Analytical List Page app
    • Basic Edit: Basic editing app
    • Draft Edit: Draft supported editing app
    • Hierarchy: Hierarchical display of data in tree table
    • Overview: Overview Page app
    • XML: Basic app (Atom format)
  • HANA based:
    • Parameters: Parameterized Entity app

Running examples can be tested as follows:

Code repository is only available SAP internal.

Compression Support

Response compressions can be enabled, by registering the compression Node.js module in Express app at bootstrap time, e.g. in srv/server.js:

const cds = require("@sap/cds");
const cov2ap = require("@sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy");
const compression = require("compression");

cds.on("bootstrap", (app) => {
  app.use(compression({ filter: shouldCompress }));

function shouldCompress(req, res) {
  const type = res.getHeader("Content-Type");
  if (type && typeof type === "string" && type.startsWith("multipart/mixed")) {
    return true;
  // fallback to standard filter function
  return compression.filter(req, res);

The shown compression filter function enables compression including OData Batch ($batch) calls with content type multipart/mixed.

Approuter Compression

@sap/approuter now support out-of-the-box compression for OData $batch calls with multipart/mixed. It's disabled by default, but can be enabled using option compressResponseMixedTypeContent.

Custom Bootstrap

CAP Node.js Custom

  • Run npm install @sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy -s in @sap/cds project
  • Create new file ./srv/index.js:
const express = require("express");
const cds = require("@sap/cds");
const cov2ap = require("@sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy");

const host = "";
const port = process.env.PORT || 4004;

(async () => {
  const app = express();

  // OData V2

  // OData V4
  await cds.serve("all").in(app);

  const server = app.listen(port, host, () =>`app is listing at ${host}:${port}`));
  server.on("error", (error) => console.error(error.stack));

Note that @sap/cds is a peer dependency and needs to be available as module as well.

CAP Java Custom

For CAP Java projects prefer the Native OData V2 Adapter (

  • Run npm install @sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy -s in @sap/cds project
  • Provide CDS models (db, srv, app) or compile a generated CSN (see details below)
  • Create new file ./srv/index.js:
const express = require("express");
const cov2ap = require("@sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy");

const host = "";
const port = process.env.PORT || 4004;

(async () => {
  const app = express();

  // OData V2
      target: "<odata-v4-backend-url>", // locally e.g. http://localhost:8080
      services: {
        "<odata-v4-service-path>": "<qualified.ServiceName>",

  const server = app.listen(port, host, () =>`app is listing at ${host}:${port}`));
  server.on("error", (error) => console.error(error.stack));

Additional Considerations

  • A deployed version of CDS OData V2 Adapter Proxy shall have option target set to the deployed OData V4 backend URL. This can be retrieved from the Cloud Foundry environment using process.env, for example, from the destinations environment variable. Locally e.g. http://localhost:8080 can be used.
  • In proxy option services, every OData V4 service URL path needs to mapped to the corresponding fully qualified CDS service name, e.g. "/odata/v4/MainService/": "test.MainService", to establish the back-link connection between OData URL and its CDS service.
  • Make sure, that your CDS models are also available in the project. Those reside either in db, srv, add folders, or a compiled (untransformed) srv.json is provided. This can be generated by using the following command: cds srv -s all -o .
  • Alternatively, a cds build can be triggered as described in section "Cloud Foundry Deployment".
  • If not detected automatically, the model path can be set with option model (especially if csn.json/srv.json option is used).
  • Make sure, that all i18n property files reside next to the csn.json in a i18n or _i18n folder, to be detected by localization.
  • In a multitenant scenario in combination with a standalone proxy, the CDS model can be retrieved remotely via MTX endpoint (mtxEndpoint) by setting proxy option mtxRemote: true.
  • Proxy option mtxEndpoint can be specified as absolute url (starting with http:// or https://), to be able to address MTX Sidecar possibly available under a target different from OData v4 backend URL. If not specified absolutely, proxy target is prepended to mtxEndpoint.


Code repository is only available SAP internal.

  • Clone repository
  • Unit Tests: npm test
  • Test Server: npm start
    • Service: http://localhost:4004/v2/main
    • Metadata: http://localhost:4004/v2/main/$metadata
    • Data: http://localhost:4004/v2/main/Header?$expand=Items

For more details see CONTRIBUTION guide.


  • Batch support
  • Actions, Functions
  • Analytical Annotations
  • Deep Expands/Selects
  • JSON, Atom (XML) format
  • Deep Structures
  • Data Type Mapping
  • IEEE754Compatible
  • Messages / Error Handling
  • Location Header
  • $inlinecount / $count / $value
  • Entity with Parameters
  • File Upload (binary, multipart/form-data)
  • Stream Support (Octet and Url)
  • Content Disposition
  • Content-ID
  • Multitenancy (mtx, mtxs)
  • Feature Toggles
  • Extensibility
  • Draft Support
  • Search Support
  • Localization
  • Temporal Data
  • Tracing Support
  • Logging Correlation
  • ETag Support (Concurrency Control)
  • Next Links (skiptoken)
  • Delta Responses (deltatoken)
  • Continue-On-Error
  • X-HTTP-Method

OData V2/V4 Delta

What’s New in OData Version 4.0


This package is provided under the terms of the SAP Developer License Agreement.



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