- 🚀 Lightweight and fast
- 👴 ES3-compliant
- 💻 Portable between the browser and Node.js
This is a library that generates the Collatz sequence for any positive integer. Let $ n_0 $ be the initial number, a non-zero positive integer. The conjecture claims that the sequence
$$ n_k = \begin{cases} \frac 1 2 \cdot n_{k-1} & n_{k-1} \in {2, 4, 6, 8, \dots} \ 3\cdot n_{k-1} + 1 & n_{k-1} \in {1, 3, 5, 7, \dots} \end{cases} $$
converges eventually to the infinite loop $ {4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, \dots} $ for all natural numbers (integers strictly greater than zero). As of this writing (April 2024), this behavior hasn't been proven or disproven.
- Via NPM:
npm install @santi100a/collatz-conjecture
- Via Yarn:
yarn add @santi100a/collatz-conjecture
- Via PNPM:
pnpm install @santi100a/collatz-conjecture
function collatzSequence(n: number): number[];
Calculates the Collatz sequence for a given number.Name Type Description Optional? Default n
The number to calculate the Collatz sequence for. No N/A
// Import the collatzSequence function
const collatzSequence = require('@santi100a/collatz-conjecture');
// Example usage
const input = 5;
console.log(`Collatz sequence for input ${input}:`);
const sequence = collatzSequence(input);
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