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2.14.1 • Public • Published


Twilight JS Web Components

A ready-designed and styled set of js web components for Salla stores.
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Table of Contents
  1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Events
  6. Support
  7. Contributing
  8. Credits
  9. License


Twilight comes with a ready-designed and styled set of web components for Salla stores. For example, ready components to display the login form, product availability section, search bar, localization menu, and many more. Twilight JS Web Components are a collection of high-level building blocks and reusable web components that can be built together to swiftly develop the UI for custom Salla Themes, governed by clear guidelines.

Getting Started

JS Web Components were built from the ground up to be simple to learn and use, with various thoughtfully constructed user interface components. Its complete compatibility with the themes' structure and architecture makes it easy to customize, as the documentation explains.

List of Twilight JS Web Components

Below is a list of the ready-made Twilight JS Web Components which can be used easily. Following, in this part of the document, each component is explained in detail.

Every web component comes with a list of properties and events that make that component customizable. Besides, each web component uses methods from the Twilight JS SDK to fetch any needed data from the backend.

Component Code Tag Description
Advertisement salla-advertisement Shows all the details about product advertisements.
Apps Icons salla-apps-icons Shows clickable labels of Google Play Store and Apple Store for the Store's application.
Add Product salla-add-product-button Allows controllability over button text labels and behaviors based on the product-status and product-type properties.
Breadcrumb salla-breadcrumb Helps users navigate by showing their path through pages, allowing them to easily go back by clicking on links.
Button salla-button Shows a customizable button, in terms of size, color, style, status, position, etc.
Cart Summary salla-cart-summary Shows the icon of the shopping cart with a small circle badge indicating the number of items in the cart.
Color Picker salla-color-picker Allows selection of a color using a variety of input methods.
Comments salla-comments Displays a comment form for specific products or pages.
Contacts salla-contacts Shows the store's contact information details.
Conditional Fields salla-conditional-fields Allows for hiding/displaying certain features in a product, such as size.
Conditional Offer salla-conditional-offer Enables dynamic presentation of offers and discounts based on the customer's cart status.
Count Down salla-count-down Shows the amount of time left until a given date.
Datetime Picker salla-datetime-picker Allows users to select both date and time with the same control.
File Upload salla-file-upload Allows the user to upload a file or a number of files.
Filters salla-filters Allows the user to filter the data in a variety of ways.
Gifting salla-gifting Displays items as gifts, which can be used after the customer has completed a purchase.
Infinite Scroll salla-infinite-scroll Allows for infinite scrolling to load content continuously as the user scrolls down a page.
Installment salla-installment Shows a block area for the available installment payment options provided for a specific product.
List Tile salla-list-tile Used to display listing items in a tile form.
Loading salla-loading Used to convey that some data is currently loading to the user.
Localization salla-localization-modal Shows the menu for the store's available languages and currencies.
Login salla-login-modal Displays the login form, which prompts a user for their credentials in order to authenticate their access.
Loyalty salla-loyalty Displays a popup that represents the Loyalty program.
Map salla-map Displays geographical maps from various sources with multiple layers and interaction through events.
Menu salla-menu Shows nested list items that either appear on the header section or footer section.
Metadata salla-metadata Shows detailed specifications for a product, displaying one or multiple sections of information like links, and text, etc.
Modal salla-modal Displays a dialog box or pop-up window on top of the current page.
Offer salla-offer Displays offers, categories, products, banks, and discount information.
Offer Modal salla-offer-modal Shows a list of products with an offer given by the store admin.
Orders salla-orders Shows a table with order details, such as order ID, product total, order status, and more.
Payments salla-payments Shows the available payment options as labeled footer items.
Placeholder salla-placeholder Reserves space for content that soon will appear in a layout.
Product Availability salla-product-availability Shows the "Notify availability" option as a button for the registered customer.
Product Card salla-product-card Contains content and actions about a single subject in a card display mode.
Product List salla-product-list Displays a group of related products with some information, such as products' names, prices, and other relevant information in an organized way.
Product Options salla-product-options Shows customizable product fields before proceeding to ordering.
Product Size Guide salla-product-size-guide Enables the merchant to add product measurements of height, weight, depth and other metrics.
Products Slider salla-products-slider Navigates horizontally through a group of related products.
Progress Bar salla-progress-bar Displays a progress bar indicating that data processing is underway.
Quantity Input salla-quantity-input Allows the customer to use a counter to specify the needed quantity of a specific product.
Quick Buy salla-quick-buy Allows for placing the Quick Buy button for a quickly checkout and pay for products.
Quick Order salla-quick-order Allows the customer to quickly checkout and pay for products.
Rating Stars salla-rating-stars Displays a form of rating scale using a star glyph.
Rating Modal salla-rating-modal Displays the rating scale for a store, product, or shipping company.
Reviews salla-reviews Displays vertically scrollable reviews, which can its data source can be customized.
Reviews Summary salla-reviews-summary Allows users to display the general rating out of 5 stars on the product details page.
Scopes (Branches) salla-scopes Shows a list of scopes (branches) owned by the store.
Search salla-search Shows a search box, field, or bar.
Sheet salla-sheet Baseline layout foundation for other components to be set on.
Skeleton salla-skeleton Displays an indication to the user that something is coming but not yet available.
Slider salla-slider Gathers numerical user data by reflecting a range of values along a bar.
Social salla-social Displays a list of the store's social media account.
Social-share salla-social-share Displays a menu with social media platforms.
Swiper salla-swiper Modern touch slider to display a list of items.
Tabs salla-tabs Makes it possible to have several panes inside a single view.
Tel Input salla-tel-input Shows a field for entering a telephone number, with country key/code prefix.
User Menu salla-user-menu Shows a navigation menu list with links.
User Profile salla-userprofile Displays user profile detailed information.
User Settings salla-user-settings Allows the user to manage their account settings.
Verify salla-verify Shows fields for verifying email/mobile of users by sending OTP verification code.

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Clean, simple, and standardized.

Developers will follow standards and let users fall in love with the user experience with ready-made components and beautiful (yet changeable) themes. Developers can use a stylistic guideline and functional designs to create huge Themes with UI Component modules.

Using Twilight JS SDK

Twilight Web Components are using the Twilight JS SDK, which allows communication between the frontend and backend using specific REST API.


Twilight Web Components are maintained by a full-time core team and a large community of developers and contributors. This is because Twilight helps developers collaborate.

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Things to know:

It's worth noting that the Tailwind CSS Framework is the default foundation for the Twilight web components.There is a possibility that future plans may include other CSS frameworks.


To use the components, developers need to load a CSS file and some JavaScript. The CSS file includes the fonts and design tokens.

Twilight Themes

In case of using the Twilight web components inside the Twilight themes, the developer doesn't need to includes the Twilight web components in your bundle or inside the html, Twilight theme engine will inject the latest version of Twilight web components in the page

Bundler/ES modules

The developer needs to install both of the node.js and Tailwind CSS, then installing the Twiligh web components by performing one of the following commands:

npm install @salla.sa/twilight-components --save
yarn add @salla.sa/twilight-components

After that, inside the javascript codebase, developer may do import as follows:

import {
  defineCustomElements as TwilightWebComponents
} from '@salla.sa/twilight-components/loader';

applyPolyfills().then(() => {


Another approach for loading the Twilight Web Components isby using the version hosted on the CDN. The components can be loaded via <script> tags in the head of the HTML document


JIT Enabled

Tailwind added a just-in-time compiler, which generates styles as the developer writes the theme rather than generating everything in advance at initial build time.

Since JIT mode generates your CSS on-demand by scanning your template files, it’s crucial that you configure the content option in your tailwind.config.d.ts file with all of your template paths, otherwise your CSS will be empty

  content: [
    // theme views
    // list of classes which required by twilight web components

Previously, as mentioned that the file tailwind.config.d.ts is already bundled with the Twilight starter theme files.

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After installation, Components can be easily added in the basic HTML markup, as shown in the following example:

// Salla Button component
<salla-button fill="outline" color="dark">Hello World 👋</salla-button>

// Salla Telephone Input component
<salla-tel-input onclick="telInput.isValid()" country-code="sa"
   country-key="+966" mobile="555555555">

// Salla Product Availability component
<salla-product-availability channels="sms,mobile,email" is-subscribed="false">


We recommend using DOM events, but we also provide custom events to help with specific event kinds. All custom events are always documented on their own documentation page for each component.

// Save reference to the modal component below
var modal = document.querySelector("salla-modal");

// Listen for open events
modal.addEventListener("modalVisibilityChanged", function (isOpened) {
    console.log("Modal Opened");

Moreover, developers can detect when a component has been loaded, as Twilight registers its components using the standard Web Components API's CustomElementsRegistry object. This object also provides a whenDefined function, which takes a component name and returns a promise. When the component is defined, the promise will be fulfilled:

window.customElements.whenDefined("salla-button").then(() => {
    console.log("Salla Button is defined!");

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The team is always here to help you. Happen to face an issue? Want to report a bug? You can submit one here on Github using the Issue Tracker. If you still have any questions, please contact us via the Telegram Bot or join in the Global Developer Community on Telegram.

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Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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