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2.0.3-rc2 • Public • Published

React Native Atomic Style

Make your react native style more easier


# Install using yarn
yarn add @saintno/react-native-atomic-style
# Or prefer npm way
npm install @saintno/react-native-atomic-style


  // Use with `useStyleBuilder`
  const {s, style, isDarkMode, setDarkMode} = useStyleBuilder();

What included:

s(query: string | TemplateStringArray, ...args: PropStyle[])

Use for tranform style string into react native style

Can be use as two way:

 s('h-100% w-100%', {backgroundColor: "#123321"}) // Function style
 s`h-100% w-100% ${{backgroundColor: "#123321"}}` // Template string style
 // Output => {height: 100%, width: 100%, backgroundColor: "#123321"}

isDarkMode: boolean and setDarkMode(state: boolean)

Use for set app dark mode and get current darkmode value

style: IAppStyles

Current style of app, for getting style value

Support breaks point

For switching style between OS and screens

const defaultBreakpoint = {
    i: Platform.OS === 'ios',
    a: Platform.OS === 'android',
    web: Platform.OS === 'web',
    win: Platform.OS === 'windows',
    mac: Platform.OS === 'macos',
    l: (dark) => !dark,
    d: (dark) => dark,
    pad: SCREEN_TYPE === 'pad',
    lg: SCREEN_TYPE === 'lg',
    sm: SCREEN_TYPE === 'sm',
// Example
s`bg-white-i bg-purple-a pa3 br-pill br1-a pl4 pr4 shadow-3`
// => Android will have purple background and ios will have white background


import {useStyleBuilder} from '@saintno/react-native-atomic-style';
const {s} = useStyleBuilder();

return <View style={s`flex pa4 br3 ba bc-light bw-3 shadow-6 bg-blue w100 mb2`}>
  <View style={s`flex flex-row center-items`}>
    <Text style={s`white f1 flex-1`}>Hello World</Text>
  <Text style={s`mt4 f3 gray white bold`}>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Totam,
    perferendis nulla quod odit aliquam temporibus sed iusto a, sit
    ratione modi et eius? Laboriosam molestiae vero, explicabo quas porro
  <View style={s`w100 mt4 items-end`}>
      style={s`bg-white-i bg-purple-a pa3 br-pill br1-a pl4 pr4 shadow-3`}>
      <Text style={s`bold black-i white-a`}>Click Me</Text>

Make your own builder with makeCustomBuilder

You can make an custom builder for your app style

const {useStyleBuilder} = makeCustomBuilder({
  light: {
    COLORS: {BLUE: '#445599', PINK: '#ff4499'},
    SOLID: {
      l1: 4,
      l2: 8,
      l3: 12,
      l4: 18,
      l5: 32,
      l6: 48,
      l7: 64,
  dark: {
    COLORS: {BLUE: '#445599', PINK: '#ff4499'},
    SOLID: {
      l1: 4,
      l2: 8,
      l3: 12,
      l4: 18,
      l5: 32,
      l6: 48,
      l7: 64,
  // w-100%-lol => only in IOS and Darkmode is turned on
  breakpoints: {lol: (isDark: boolean) => isDark && Platform.OS === 'ios'},
  builder: style => ({
    wow: {
      fontSize: 24 * style.SOLID.l1,
      fontWeight: "600",
      color: style.COLORS.PINK,
    wow2: {
      fontSize: 24 * style.SOLID.l2,
      fontWeight: "600",
      color: style.COLORS.PINK,
    // wow3-value1-value2...
    wow3: (value1: number, value2: string) =>({
      fontSize: 24 * value1,
      fontWeight: "600",
      color: value2,
// IMPORT YOUR useStyleBuilder into COMPONENT
const {s} = useStyleBuilder();
// Try it
s`wow-lol wow3-3-#123321`

Default config

Default value if use useStyleBuilder directly from library

THEME_MODE: 'light',
  l1: 4,
  l2: 8,
  l3: 12,
  l4: 18,
  l5: 32,
  l6: 48,
  l7: 64,
  f1: 26,
  f2: 22,
  f3: 18,
  f4: 14,
  f5: 12,
  f6: 10,
  f7: 8,
  PRIME: '#389bff',
  PURPLE: '#9b71de',
  BLUE: 'blue',
  RED: '#de2f2f',
  ORANGE: 'orange',
  GREEN: 'green',
  WHITE: 'white',
  FONT_LIGHT: '#717171',
  FONT_HARD: '#2b2b2b',
  BACKGROUND_LIGHT: '#f6f6f6',
  BACKGROUND_MED: 'white',
  BLACK: '#000',
  GRAY: '#b6c0cc',
  PRIME: '#389bff',
  PURPLE: '#9b71de',
  BLUE: 'blue',
  RED: '#ff0266',
  ORANGE: 'orange',
  GREEN: 'green',
  WHITE: 'white',
  FONT_LIGHT: '#5D5D5D',
  FONT_HARD: '#D7D7D7',
  BACKGROUND_LIGHT: '#585858',
  BACKGROUND_MED: '#464646',
  BACKGROUND_HARD: '#333333',
  BLACK: '#000',
  GRAY: '#b6c0cc',
LIGHT_FONT_WEIGHT: { thin: '200', bold: 'bold', default: 'normal' },
DARK_FONT_WEIGHT: { thin: '300', bold: 'bold', default: 'normal' },

Support command

Read more at style folder

Command About Note
View Size
vw-{size} Width base on screen's width value as percent
vw{percent} Width base on screen's width value as percent, 10 each step
vh-{size} Height base on screen's height value as percent
vh{percent} Height base on screen's height value as percent, 10 each step
vh{solidLevel} Height = Width = min screen's dimentions (Square view) Solid level, from 1 - 7
wh-{size} Height = Width = min screen's dimentions (Square view) value as percent
wh{solidLevel} Height = Width = min screen's dimentions (Square view) Solid level, from 1 - 7
h-{size} height of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel can be h-100% for 100% or h-100 for 100px
h{solidLevel} height of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel Solid level, from 1 - 7
w-{size} width of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel can be w-100% for 100% or w-100 for 100px
w{solidLevel} width of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel Solid level, from 1 - 7
mh-{size} maxHeight of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel can be mh-100% for 100% or mh-100 for 100px
mh{solidLevel} maxHeight of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel Solid level, from 1 - 7
mw-{size} maxWidth of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel can be mw-100% for 100% or mw-100 for 100px
mw{solidLevel} maxWidth of view, base on parent size for percent or pixel Solid level, from 1 - 7
mvh-{size} maxHeight of view, base on phone's height value as percent
mvw-{size} maxWidth of view, base on phone's width value as percent
flex-{size} define flex size of view value as number, default is 1
Text styles
tc textAlign: center
tl textAlign: left
tr textAlign: right
f{fontLevel} fontSize: ${fontLevel} With font level from 1-7
fw-{weightLevel} fontWeight: ${weightLevel} This is font weight level
bold fontWeight: ${boldSize}
thin fontWeight: ${thinSize}
Object position
absolute position: absolute
relative position: relative
top-{pos} set top position can be top-10 for 10px or top-10% for 10% from top
bottom-{pos} set bottom position can be bottom-10 for 10px or bottom-10% for 10% from bottom
left-{pos} set left position can be left-10 for 10px or left-10% for 10% from left
right-{pos} set right position can be right-10 for 10px or right-10% for 10% from right
z-{index} set zIndex of view value as number > 0 only
z100 set 100 zIndex of view
z999 set 999 zIndex of view
z9999 set 9999 zIndex of view
pa-{size} padding view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
pt-{size} paddingTop view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
pb-{size} paddingBottom view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
pl-{size} paddingLeft view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
pr-{size} paddingRight view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
ma-{size} margin view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
mt-{size} marginTop view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
mb-{size} marginBottom view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
ml-{size} marginLeft view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
mr-{size} marginRight view by size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
> All object position have solid size by {prefix}{solidLevel} with solid level from 1 - 7
Border properties
ba borderStyle solid
bat-{width} borderStyle solid, borderTopWidth
bab-{width} borderStyle solid, borderBottomWidth
bar-{width} borderStyle solid, borderRightWidth
bal-{width} borderStyle solid, borderLeftWidth
b--dot borderStyle dotted
b--dash borderStyle dashed
bw-{size} borderWidth size size can be 10% for percent or 10 for pixel
br{solidSize} borderRadius with solid size solid size from 1 - 7 level
br-pill borderRadius ${pill radius}
br--bottom borderRadius only bottom
br--top borderRadius only top
br--left borderRadius only left
br--right borderRadius only right
Utils properties
center-items center all items in view
justify-{center,start,end} justifyContent
items-{center,start,end} alignItems
flex-row flexDirection: row
flex-column flexDirection: column
flex-{wrap,nowrap} flexWrap
overflow-{visible,hidden,scroll} overflow
shadow-${depth}-${color} Drop shadow to view depth as number default 3, color default #000, depth and color only work on ios
Color properties
o-{alpha} opacity: alpha size alpha size from 0-100 as percent
white color: ${white}
prime color: ${prime}
purble color: ${purble}
blue color: ${blue}
orange color: ${orange}
red color: ${red}
green color: ${green}
black color: ${black}
light color: ${fontLight}
hard color: ${fontHard}
{color}-{alphaPercent} color: ${color} with alpha percent alphaPercent Should in range (0-100)
bg-{color}-{alphaPercent} backgroundColor: color, support all above color, default as ${backgroundHard} light and hard color with changed to flight and fhard
bg-med color: ${backgroundMedium}
bg-light color: ${backgroundLight}

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  • saintno