
6.4.0 • Public • Published


Widget development server and build for production


(1) Improve the DX for several widgets that work together; (2) Create an easy-to-use page application.


npm install @s-ui/widget-embedder --save


File structure

Your project must follow the following folder structure:

├── package.json <- Project package.json
└── pages
    ├── detail <- Name of the page where widgets will be
    │   ├── Gallery.js <- Widget
    │   ├── ContactForm.js <- Widget
    │   ├── index.js <- Bootstrap widgets
    │   ├── index.scss
    │   └── package.json <- Page package.json
    └── list
        ├── index.js
        ├── Footer.scss
        ├── index.scss
        └── package.json <- Page package.json

Generating pages where widgets will live

If you don't want to take care about base code and folder creation of a new page for widgets you can use the generate functionality of the sui-widget-embedder:

$ sui-widget-embedder generate <pageName>

This will create the base files to make your first widget work.

You can also define the regExp that should match to load your widget into the page doing the follow:

$ sui-widget-embedder generate <pageName> -E 'expression'

Note that the quotes here are not 'optional' you can add an expresion without quotes off course but you'll need to escape all the chars that are interpretable by the terminal.


Project config

"config": {
  "sui-widget-embedder": {
    "remoteCdn": "http://cdn-widgets-vibbo-pro.surge.sh",
    "devPort": "2017"

Inside your project-level package.json, you could config the library,

  • alias [OPTIONAL]: create aliases to import certain modules more easily or to avoid importing them in production.
  • remoteCdn [OPTIONAL] (default: '/'): the base path of the cdn where your assets will be located.
  • devPort [OPTIONAL] (default: 3000): Port where your development server will be listening.

Page config

Inside each page you must create a package.json file.

  "pathnameRegExp": ["/d\\w+\\.html"],
  "blacklistedRegExps": [
  • pathnameRegExp [*REQUIRED]: RegExp or array of RegExp as strings to identify the pathname of the page where this list of widgets must work. In case of array of RegExp, the widget will load if at least one RegExp matches with the current location.
  • hrefRegExp [*REQUIRED]: RegExp or array of RegExp as strings to identify the href of the page where this list of widgets must work. In case of array of RegExp, the widget will load if at least one RegExp matches with the current location.
  • blacklistedRegExps [OPTIONAL]: List of RegExps to identify the pathname of the pages where the widgets don't have to work at. (*) It's required just one of these two fields: pathnameRegExp or hrefRegExp

Working with React

sui-widget-embedder does not expect to work with React. But if you want to create your widgets as React trees in your page, there are 3 helper utilities:

import Widget from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/Widget'
import Widgets from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/Widgets'
import render from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/render'
  • render: A method that expects a tree of React components starting with a Widgets root.

  • Widgets: React Component that encapsules all your widgets.

  • Widget: React Component that renders the children as a new React tree in another place of the page. Available props:

    • children (required): Content of the Widget. Should be a compatible React Element.
    • context: Object with the context object that you want to be available inside the widget.
    • isVisible (default: true): Determine if the widget must be shown.
    • renderMultiple (default: false): Determine if the Widget must be rendered on every node found using the selector prop. If false the Widget will be rendered only in the first node found.
    • selector: (required) CSS Path to select the node (or nodes) where you want to render the Widget.

Passing a context to a Widget

Sometimes the components you want to render inside a Widget are expecting a React Context to be available. You could use the prop context in order to send an object that will be used to create an static context by using @s-ui/react-context.

import Widget from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/Widget'
import Widgets from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/Widgets'
import render from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/render'
import ComponentToRender from 'awesome-component'

import './index.scss'

const context = {
  cookies: document.cookie,
  userAgent: navigator.userAgent

    <Widget node="#widget-to-render" context={context}>
      <ComponentToRender />

How to develop

For start developing your widget, you should use the sui-widget-embeeder like this:

$ sui-widget-embedder dev -p <pageName>

This will create a bundle with all the widgets for the page that you could add in your sites in order to test it.

Also, it will copy to your clipboard a Javascript code snippet. Open the page in which you want to run your widgets, open the Developer Tools and run the Javascript snippet in the console to load the widget.

💡 You could create a bookmarklet with the snippet. For that, just add javascript: before the snippet provided in order to improve your DX. Be aware as the PORT provided could change.

The -b --browser option

In some cases, a developer working on a widget may want to load the widget into a sandboxed environment, a isolated HTML template containing the root node where the widget will be mount.

This could happens for example when the page that will host the widget has not yet the root node, or when the APIs called by the widget in production are not ready.

To mount the widget into a different page, two steps are required:

  1. Create an index.html template file inside the target widget page folder, adding the root node to the template. E.g. pages/my_first_page/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
 <title>My First Widget</title>
 <div id="my-first-widget"></div>
  1. Launch the development command adding the -b option to build and inject the widget code into the html template.

Doing so, you'll be able to visit the root page on the port used for development and see the widget mounting correctly.

E.g. visit http://localhost:8077/

How to build

If you want to get the remoteCdn from package config you just need to do that:

$ sui-widget-embedder build

If you want to define the remoteCdn by command option you can pass it using the param -R or --remoteCdn

$ sui-widget-embedder build -R http://mycdn.com

Propagate webpack's resolve.alias config

In case you need this feature of webpack (e.g to not load faker in prod environment) you have to add an alias to your sui-widget-embedder's option within your package.json like so:

  "sui-widget-embedder": {
    "alias": {
      "moduleToLoad": "path/to/file/to/load"


Migrate from v3 to v4

  • This version uses latest @s-ui/bundler@7. You might want to check its migration guide.

  • Removed support for legacy props i18n, browser and domain. Instead, use the context prop so you could pass directly the context object you want to use on your Widgets.

-      <Widget
-        browser={browser}
-        domain={domain}
-        i18n={i18n}
-        selector="#widget-userCommunicationsMessage">
+      <Widget context={context} selector="#widget-userCommunicationsMessage">
  • Removed node prop that indicates where you want to create the React tree as the name was incorrect. Instead use selector.
-      <Widget node="#widget-id">
+      <Widget selector="#widget-id">
  • Removed support for legacy React Context. If your widgets were using it, please, move to the new React Context.

  • Removed @s-ui/react-domain-connect package. It added the legacy context support.

  • manualCompression flag on your sui-widget-embedder config is not longer supported and it will be ignored. No more manual compression is supported.

-  "config": {
-    "sui-widget-embedder": {
-      "manualCompression": true
-    },
  • New react/jsx is used so you don't need to import React from react. The generated files avoid that as well.
-import React from 'react'
import Widget from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/Widget'
import Widgets from '@s-ui/widget-embedder/react/Widgets'
  • Now, only .js and .json extensions will be resolved if you ignore them on importing the file.
// before
import util from './util' // finally, any extension will be handled as we're using * as a fallback
// after
import util from './util' // only .js and .json files will be resolved


Please refer to the main repo contributing info.




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