RNDM Meta is a simple Higher Order Component (HOC) used to derive and update meta tags on demand. It has beenc reated so that it can easily be used as a cross platform solution for all the supported platforms in the React XP template, but can also be integrated with any other standard React project.
Make sure you have Node.js installed.
Then, to get started simply run the following command from your preferred terminal interface:
npm install --save @rndm/meta
The component is very easy to use and can wrap any other component. When wrapped, and mounted it will update the meta tags for Web React pages.
import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import WithMeta from '@rndm/meta';
const Page = () => (
<WithMeta meta={{
title: 'RNDM',
author: 'RNDM, info@rndm.com',
url: 'https://www.rndm.com',
copyright: 'RNDM',
description: 'Pioneers in open-source, cross-platform, low-code solutions',
<View style={{ height: '100%', backgroundColor: 'red' }}>
<Text>Hello Meta!</Text>
export default Page;