
1.3.1 • Public • Published

ReDBox Portal Record PDF Generation

An installable hook for the ReDBox Portal to add PDF generation functionality for records using Puppeteer.


There are a few steps to install the pieces needed for generating PDF files.

Install package

In your redbox portal root folder run the command:

npm i @researchdatabox/sails-hook-redbox-pdfgen

Install browser that puppeteer will control

Modify your Dockerfile to install the puppeteer dependencies and install the browser that puppeteer will control.

The dependency of this package puppeteer will download known working versions of Chrome for Testing and chrome-headless-shell.

Add to your Dockerfile:

# As the 'root' user.
# USER root

# Install dependencies for Chrome for Testing.
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y wget gnupg ca-certificates \
    && wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/googlechrome-linux-keyring.gpg \
    && sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/googlechrome-linux-keyring.gpg] https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends google-chrome-stable fonts-freefont-ttf libxss1 \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
    && mkdir -p /opt/browsers \
    && chown node:node /opt/browsers

# As the 'node' user.
# USER node

# Copy the source files.
# COPY --chown=node:node . <source-path-in-container>

# Set the download path to a place that is stored in the container.
RUN cd <source-path-in-container> \
    && npm install


The service is designed to run using the record post-save trigger functionality. It has the following options:


Required: yes

A css selector that puppeteer will wait for before generating the PDF. Usually this is when the angular app has finished initialising and the selector "div#loading.hidden" will be satisfactory. If you have components that make AJAX calls after initialisation that you need to wait on then you may need to use a different selector.


Required: yes

The prefix of the filename that will be generated. PDFs will be stored as datastreams (attachments) to the record with this parameter as a prefix followed by an ISO8601 datestring. e.g. <type>-pdf-201901021000.pdf


Required: yes

An API access token that puppeteer will use to access the record. This needs to be generated for a user on the User Management page of the system. The user must also have appropriate roles set so that it has appropriate permissions to view the record.


Required: no

Default: /default/rdmp/record/view

Set the base source url.


Required: no

Default: {format: 'A4', printBackground: true}

Change the pdf attributes.

Example configuration

Inject the API token via the hook's index.js.

In index.js:

module.exports = function (sails) {
  return {
    initialize: function (cb) {
      if (!_.isUndefined(sails.config.auth.default.local.default.token) && !_.isEmpty(sails.config.auth.default.local.default.token)) {
        const enabledTypes = ["<type>"];
        for (let enabledType of enabledTypes) {
          sails.log.verbose(`PDFService::Adding token for recordtype ${enabledType}`)
          sails.config.recordtype[enabledType].hooks.onCreate.post[0].options.triggerConfiguration.options.token = sails.config.auth.default.local.default.token;
          sails.config.recordtype[enabledType].hooks.onUpdate.post[0].options.triggerConfiguration.options.token = sails.config.auth.default.local.default.token;

Set up the pdf generation task.

In config/agendaQueue.js:

module.exports.agendaQueue = {
    jobs: [
            name: 'PDFService-CreatePDF',
            fnName: 'rdmpservice.queuedTriggerSubscriptionHandler',
            options: {
                lockLifetime: 120 * 1000, // 120 seconds max runtime
                lockLimit: 1,
                concurrency: 1

Configure when to run the pdf generation.

In config/<type>-recordtype.js

module.exports.recordtype = {
  '<type>': {
    "packageType": "<type>",
    hooks: {
      onCreate: {
        post: [
            function: 'sails.services.rdmpservice.queueTriggerCall',
            options: {
              jobName: 'PDFService-CreatePDF',
              triggerConfiguration: {
                function: 'sails.services.pdfservice.createPDF',
                options: {
                  waitForSelector: 'div#loading.hidden',
                  pdfPrefix: '<type>-pdf',
                  token: ''
      onUpdate: {
        post: [
            function: 'sails.services.rdmpservice.queueTriggerCall',
            options: {
              jobName: 'PDFService-CreatePDF',
              triggerConfiguration: {
                function: 'sails.services.pdfservice.createPDF',
                options: {
                  waitForSelector: 'div#loading.hidden',
                  pdfPrefix: '<type>-pdf',
                  token: ''


# This will build the npm package for `sails-hook-redbox-pdfgen` and install it into the `rbportal`.
# To start a redbox instance for local development:

# After making code changes:
npm run dev:docker:clean

# To run tests, then clean up the test docker compose resources:
npm install
npm run dev:host

npm run test:bruno:docker
npm run test:bruno:docker:clean

# npm run test:mocha:docker
# npm run test:mocha:docker:clean

npm run test:docker:clean

# To remove the database contents and all generated and cached files:
npm run dev:host:clean



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npm i @researchdatabox/sails-hook-redbox-pdfgen

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18.4 kB

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  • redbox-dev