This package has been deprecated

Author message:

This component is deprecated, please migrate to @rei/cedar


1.0.3 • Public • Published


For the most up-to-date information, see REI Cedar documentation.

name type default
alt string empty

Sets the alternate text attribute for the image. Default value is empty

name type default
src string empty

Sets image source URL

name type default
lazy bool false

Setting this value to true will enable lazy loading for internal applications. Lazy loading is provided using the the FEDPACK rei-lazy-image-loader project

name type default
lazyOpts object array

For internal projects. Provide an object of lazy options as defined on within the rei-lazy-image-loader API. This will output each option as a data- attribute on the root element.

name type default
ratio enum n/a

Sets the aspect ratio and scales the image as large as possible without cropping or stretching the image (See CSS background-size: contain). Possible values: { 'auto' | 'square' | '1-2' | '2-3' | '3-4' | '9-16' | '2-1' | '3-2' | '4-3' | '16-9' }

name type default
ratioSm enum n/a

Sets the aspect ratio at the small breakpoint. Possible values: { 'auto' | 'square' | '1-2' | '2-3' | '3-4' | '9-16' | '2-1' | '3-2' | '4-3' | '16-9' }

name type default
ratioMd enum n/a

Sets the aspect ratio at the medium breakpoint. Possible values: { 'auto' | 'square' | '1-2' | '2-3' | '3-4' | '9-16' | '2-1' | '3-2' | '4-3' | '16-9' }

name type default
ratioLg enum n/a

Sets the aspect ratio at the large breakpoint. Possible values: { 'auto' | 'square' | '1-2' | '2-3' | '3-4' | '9-16' | '2-1' | '3-2' | '4-3' | '16-9' }

name type default
crop string n/a

Requires ‘ratio’ to define the starting position for cropping image. Image will overflow and not be displayed. Possible values: { ‘left’ | ‘x-center’ | ‘right’ | ‘top’ « ‘y-center’ | ‘bottom’ }

name type default
cover false n/a

Requires ‘ratio’ to scale the image to be as large as possible to fill the entire background area. See CSS background-size: cover.

name type default
radius enum n/a

Sets a border radius to the root element. Possible values: { 'circle' | ‘rounded’ }

name type default
modifier string n/a

Modifies the style variant for this component. Possible value: { ‘responsive’ }



Set the innerHTML for cdr-image. This includes text and html markup


Resources are available within the CdrImg package:

  • Component: @rei/cdr-img
  • Component styles: cdr-img.css

To incorporate the required assets for a component, use the following steps:

1. Install using NPM

Install the CdrImg package using npm in your terminal:


npm i -S @rei/cdr-img

2. Import Dependencies


// import your required CSS.
import '@rei/cdr-img/dist/cdr-img.css';

3. Add component to a template


  <cdr-img />

import { CdrImg } from '@rei/cdr-img';
export default {
  components: {



  • Positions the original image asset off-screen and replaces it with a background image
  • CSS background property value is set to contain which resizes the background image to make sure it is fully visible
  • Shrinks the image and display additional padding to the requested ratio
  • To manipulate background property and remove excess padding:
    • Use cover property
    • Use crop property
    • cover and crop properties can be used together


  • Resizes the background image to cover the entire container
    • Without stretching the image
    • Cropped either vertically or horizontally without empty space
  • Requires the ratio property


  • Background image is displayed in its original size
  • Requires the ratio property
  • Defines the starting point of the overflow position
  • Accepts a single x-axis and y-axis value (e.g. crop=”top left”):
    • Adjust the starting background-position on the x-axis of the image:
      • left: Orients the image to its horizontal left
      • right: Orients the image to its horizontal right
      • x-center: Orients the image to its horizontal center
    • Adjust the starting background-position on the y-axis of the image:
      • top: Orients the image to its top
      • bottom: Orients the image to its bottom
      • y-center: Orients the image to its vertical center


  • Variants for this property: circle or rounded (for rounded rectangle)
  • Uses preset values provided in cdr-core.css


Following variants are available to the cdr-img modifier attribute:

Value Description
'responsive' Sets the image to display block and 100% width


For internal applications with large images or images that would benefit from changes due to platform or breakpoint, use lazy load properties to integrate with the rei-lazy-image-loader project.




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