This Guard will use an id-token for the authentication token and will be verified and decoded for credentials
Include the module with the below example
import { AuthModule } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
imports: [
useFactory: () => ({ env: 'dev' }),
export class AppModule {}
Not the above does not include api-key-invoke verify
Usage within controller below.
import { IdTokenGuard, Creds, CredsType } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { UseGuards, Controller, Get, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'
export class ExampleController {
async getExample(
@Creds() creds: CredType,
): Promise<LoginIdentity> {
if (creds.type === 'jwt') return creds
The access token guard will use the userInfo platform endpoint to verify that the user is logged in and set the response (user info) as the credentials
import { AccessTokenGuard, Creds, CredsType } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { UseGuards, Controller, Get, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'
export class ExampleController {
async getExample(
@Creds() creds: CredType,
): Promise<LoginIdentity> {
if (creds.type === 'jwt') return creds
There are 2 types of creds that can be returned. One is jwt
which is a LoginIdentity type from @reapit/connect
and api-key
from @reapit/api-key-verify
The below example is how to use the api-key-verify method to use the invoke function to verify api-keys from the api-key-service. This will enable api-key verification from CredGuard.
AdminReadonlyGuard and AdminWriteGuard are unable to use api-key authentication method
import { AuthModule } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config'
import authModuleConfig from './config/auth-module-config'
imports: [
useFactory: (config: ConfigService) => ({
apiKeyInvoke: {
enabled: true,
invokeArn: config.get('api-key-verify'),
inject: [ConfigService],
imports: [ConfigModule],
export class AppModule {}
There are 2 scopes for admins in Reapit. One is readonly and the other is write admin. We use 2 different guards to handle the differences between them shown below.
This guard makes sure the user has a ReapitEmployee
scope. Notice that the guard decorator is on the function and not the class.
import { Controller, Get, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'
import { AdminReadonlyGuard, IdTokenGuard } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
export class PipelineController {
@UseGaurds(IdTokenGuard, AdminReadonlyGuard)
async paginate() {
// Here the user is a readonly admin
When using AdminReadonlyGuard, make sure to use either IdTokenGuard or AccessTokenGuard beforehand @UseGuard(AccessTokenGuard, AdminReadonlyGuard)
This guard makes sure the user has a ReapitEmployeeFoundationsAdmin
scope. Notice that the guard decorator is on the function and not the class.
import { Controller, Get, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'
import { AdminWriteGuard, IdTokenGuard } from '@nestjs/utils-nest'
export class PipelineController {
@UseGaurds(IdTokenGuard, AdminWriteGuard)
async create() {
// Here the user is a write admin
When using AdminWriteGuard, make sure to use either IdTokenGuard or AccessTokenGuard beforehand @UseGuard(AccessTokenGuard, AdminWriteGuard)
the OwnershipProvider is for determining the ownership of entities with developerId. If the developerIds do not match between entity and credentials then a ForbiddenException will be throw (for 403 http status code response)
import { CredGuard, Creds, CredsType, OwnershipProvider } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { UseGuards, Controller, Get, UnauthorizedException, Param } from '@nestjs/common'
export class ExampleController {
constructor (
private readonly ownershipProvider: OwnershipProvider,
private readonly catProvider: CatProvider,
) {}
async getExample(
@Creds() creds: CredsType,
@Param('id') id: string,
): Promise<Catentity> {
const cat = await this.catProvider.findOne(id) // entity with developerId?: string
// automatically throws forbidden when developerIds do not match
this.ownershipProvider.check<CatEntity>(cat, creds.developerId)
return cat
When using lambdas in AWS we've needed to send default headers back in responses for cors. The CorsHeaderInterceptor is used to add these headers to all responses
import { CorsHeaderInterceptor } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/common'
import { AppModule } from './app-module'
const bootstrapApplication = () => {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule)
app.useGlobalInterceptors(new CorsHeaderInterceptor())
return app