
1.1.1 • Public • Published



IdToken Guard

This Guard will use an id-token for the authentication token and will be verified and decoded for credentials

Include the module with the below example

import { AuthModule } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'

  imports: [
      useFactory: () => ({ env: 'dev' }),
export class AppModule {}

Not the above does not include api-key-invoke verify

Usage within controller below.

import { IdTokenGuard, Creds, CredsType } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { UseGuards, Controller, Get, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'

export class ExampleController {
  async getExample(
    @Creds() creds: CredType,
  ): Promise<LoginIdentity> {
    if (creds.type === 'jwt') return creds

Access Token Guard

The access token guard will use the userInfo platform endpoint to verify that the user is logged in and set the response (user info) as the credentials

import { AccessTokenGuard, Creds, CredsType } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { UseGuards, Controller, Get, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'

export class ExampleController {
  async getExample(
    @Creds() creds: CredType,
  ): Promise<LoginIdentity> {
    if (creds.type === 'jwt') return creds


There are 2 types of creds that can be returned. One is jwt which is a LoginIdentity type from @reapit/connect and api-key from @reapit/api-key-verify.

ApiKey LoginIdentity

ApiKey Invoke Arn method

The below example is how to use the api-key-verify method to use the invoke function to verify api-keys from the api-key-service. This will enable api-key verification from CredGuard.

AdminReadonlyGuard and AdminWriteGuard are unable to use api-key authentication method

import { AuthModule } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config'
import authModuleConfig from './config/auth-module-config'

  imports: [
      useFactory: (config: ConfigService) => ({
        apiKeyInvoke: {
          enabled: true,
          invokeArn: config.get('api-key-verify'),
      inject: [ConfigService],
      imports: [ConfigModule],
export class AppModule {}

Admin checks

There are 2 scopes for admins in Reapit. One is readonly and the other is write admin. We use 2 different guards to handle the differences between them shown below.

Readonly Guard

This guard makes sure the user has a ReapitEmployee scope. Notice that the guard decorator is on the function and not the class.

import { Controller, Get, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'
import { AdminReadonlyGuard, IdTokenGuard } from '@reapit/utils-nest'

export class PipelineController {

  @UseGaurds(IdTokenGuard, AdminReadonlyGuard)
  async paginate() {
    // Here the user is a readonly admin

When using AdminReadonlyGuard, make sure to use either IdTokenGuard or AccessTokenGuard beforehand @UseGuard(AccessTokenGuard, AdminReadonlyGuard)

Write Guard

This guard makes sure the user has a ReapitEmployeeFoundationsAdmin scope. Notice that the guard decorator is on the function and not the class.

import { Controller, Get, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'
import { AdminWriteGuard, IdTokenGuard } from '@nestjs/utils-nest'

export class PipelineController {

  @UseGaurds(IdTokenGuard, AdminWriteGuard)
  async create() {
    // Here the user is a write admin

When using AdminWriteGuard, make sure to use either IdTokenGuard or AccessTokenGuard beforehand @UseGuard(AccessTokenGuard, AdminWriteGuard)


the OwnershipProvider is for determining the ownership of entities with developerId. If the developerIds do not match between entity and credentials then a ForbiddenException will be throw (for 403 http status code response)

import { CredGuard, Creds, CredsType, OwnershipProvider } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { UseGuards, Controller, Get, UnauthorizedException, Param } from '@nestjs/common'

export class ExampleController {
  constructor (
    private readonly ownershipProvider: OwnershipProvider,
    private readonly catProvider: CatProvider,
  ) {}

  async getExample(
    @Creds() creds: CredsType,
    @Param('id') id: string,
  ): Promise<Catentity> {
    const cat = await this.catProvider.findOne(id) // entity with developerId?: string

    // automatically throws forbidden when developerIds do not match
    this.ownershipProvider.check<CatEntity>(cat, creds.developerId)

    return cat


When using lambdas in AWS we've needed to send default headers back in responses for cors. The CorsHeaderInterceptor is used to add these headers to all responses

import { CorsHeaderInterceptor } from '@reapit/utils-nest'
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/common'
import { AppModule } from './app-module'

const bootstrapApplication = () => {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule)

  app.useGlobalInterceptors(new CorsHeaderInterceptor())

  return app




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