The Portal component is a simple wrapper with React's createPortal
API that
will automatically generate portal nodes behind the scenes as needed. Unlike the
majority of react-md
packages, this package does not export any styles.
npm install --save @react-md/portal
You should check out the full documentation for live examples and more customization information, but an example usage is shown below.
The main purpose of the Portal
is to be able to fix overflow issues for fixed
elements within the page. If you have overflow
set to anything other than the
default value, fixed elements might not appear correctly. To work around this,
you can portal that fixed element to a different part of the page and it'll fix
the problem. If none of this makes sense to you at a first glance, you probably
don't need this package.
The example below will just show the API for the portal and not a real world example.
import { useState } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { Portal } from "@react-md/portal";
const App = () => {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
return (
onClick={() => setVisible((prevVisible) => !prevVisible)}
Show Portal
{visible && (
This is some portalled text that will only appear when{" "}
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));