provide functions for manipulating NodeJS Buffer
and JavaScript ArrayBuffer
Install using either yarn
or npm
# yarn
$ yarn add '@react-frontend-developer/buffers'
# npm
$ npm install '@react-frontend-developer/buffers'
Using Buffer
Semantics of the NodeJS buffers is not instantly obvious. A NodeJS Buffer
is similar to a JavaScript
, actually, they largely share the same API, but their semantics is different here and there.
A Buffer
, similar to Uint8Array
is a view casted on the underlying ArrayBuffer
. In JavaScript, the (byte) size of the view is the same as the (byte) size of the underlying ArrayBuffer
, but in NodeJS, a small Buffer
(small meaning < 4KB
bytes) will be casted on a bigger underlying ArrayBuffer
to prevent memory segmentation. This can be easily observed. Let's create a Buffer
with just a couple of elements:
const buffer = Buffer.from([1,2,3]) // Buffer <01, 02, 03>
buffer.length // 3
buffer.buffer.byteLength // 8192
buffer.byteOffset // 3432 - will be different for you
Buffer.poolSize // 8192
We see the buffer
property to access the underlying ArrayBuffer
. Buffer will use a shared ArrayBuffer
as long as the requested size is less than or equal 4096
const largeBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4096).fill('a')
largeBuffer.buffer.byteLength // 4096 (and not 8192)
Please notice, that there is a difference between calling: Buffer.allocUnsafe(20).fill('a')
and Buffer.alloc(20, 'a')
. The former will use shared memory pool, while the latter will allocate dedicated
buffer of 20
bytes. Also, when you use one Buffer.from
methods the semantics depends on the provided input. For example:
const largeBufferAlloc = Buffer.alloc(20, 'a')
largeBufferAlloc.buffer.byteLength // 20
const largeBufferAllocUnsafe = Buffer.allocUnsafe(20).fill('a')
largeBufferAllocUnsafe.buffer.byteLength // 8192
const bufferFromSmallString = Buffer.from('Short...')
bufferFromSmallString.buffer.byteLength // 8192
const bufferFromRegularArray = Buffer.from([1,2,3])
bufferFromSmallString.buffer.byteLength // 8192
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array({length: 5})
const bufferFromUint8Array = Buffer.from(uint8Array)
bufferFromUint8Array.buffer.byteLength // 8192
const bufferFromArrayBuffer = Buffer.from(uint8Array.buffer)
bufferFromArrayBuffer.buffer.byteLength // 5
The last case is the most interesting. Providing an array buffer as the input to Buffer.from
will create a Buffer
that uses the provided ArrayBuffer
as its underlying buffer (thus, no copy):
console.log(uint8Array.buffer === bufferFromArrayBuffer.buffer) // true
console.log(uint8Array.buffer === bufferFromUint8Array.buffer) // false
Yes, it is easy to get lost if you do not use Buffers
and TypedArrays
on a daily basis.
This is why we created this package. We got some options fixed for you and we made API a bit more descriptive so that it is easier to predict the result.
BTW: we have captured the above examples in RunKit: https://runkit.com/marcinczenko/5b44a0b41ff01e0012d13bbf so that you can play with it.
Using buffers
So our convenience package provides two abstractions: Buffers
and TypedArrays
. Buffers
provides a set of convenience methods to convert between Buffer
s and TypedArray
s using the copy and move semantics. TypedArrays
provide convenience methods for creating TypedArray
s from Strings - something we miss in the existing API.
Remember to import Buffers
and TypedArrays
in your code:
import { Buffers, TypedArrays } from '@react-frontend-developer/buffers'
// or using require
const { Buffers, TypedArrays } = require('@react-frontend-developer/buffers')
We also prepared for you a RunKit where you can try it immediately: https://runkit.com/marcinczenko/5b437ad7b034eb0012c56c85
You have a Buffer and want to convert it to TypedArray
So Buffer
is the older brother of Uint8Array
- thus, we provide two methods to conveniently move between the two: Buffers.copyToUint8Array
and Buffers.moveToUint8Array
. Buffers.copyToUint8Array
is super save. It takes a NodeJS Buffer
as the input and returns Uint8Array
with its own underlying ArrayBuffer
so that you do not have to worry if the Buffer is modified after conversion. You also do not have to care about buffer sizes, message pools, etc:
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(20, 'a')
const uint8Array = Buffers.copyToUint8Array(buffer)
In some case, you may not want to copy. Imagine you have a large (like, really large) Buffer
and you want to use it as Uint8Array
from now on, but you do not want to copy the bytes to a new ArrayBuffer
. This is where Buffers.moveToUint8Array
const largeBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4096).fill('a')
const uint8Array = Buffers.moveToUint8Array(buffer)
You will get an Uint8Array
view on the same underlying ArrayBuffer
- thus no copying.
There is one small trap though. You have to make sure that Buffer
provided as the input to moveToUint8Array
does not use a memory pool (i.e. buffer.length === buffer.buffer.byteLength) or you will get a copy instead of a move. So, pragmatically, if your buffer is 4096+
bytes in size, you do not have to worry as this is always the case. Otherwise, it depends how your buffer was created. If it uses a pre-allocated pool, you will get a copy, otherwise, we will move. In other words, a copy may only occur for small buffers - not a big deal thus.
Let's make it clear - using moveToUint8Array
is usually a pre-mature optimization, especially when you move outside of Buffer's native environment - NodeJS. So for most of the cases, sticking with copy semantics is recommended.
Other So, we have a convenience method that converts Buffer
to Uint8Array
. What about other types like Uint16Array
or Uint32Array
In order to convert from Buffer
to an arbitrary TypedArray
type, you have to perform two steps:
- Convert
- either by copying or moving - Create the desired view using the resulting
as the input
For instance:
const buffer = Buffer.from('Some string...', 'utf16le')
const arrayBuffer = Buffers.copyToArrayBuffer(buffer)
// now create the view of your liking
const uint16Array = new Uint16Array(arrayBuffer)
const uint32Array = new Uint32Array(arrayBuffer)
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
Of course, also here, we provide Buffers.moveToArrayBuffer
for move semantics.
to a string
Converting Buffer
has great support for string conversions:
Buffer.from('1234', 'utf8') // Buffer <31, 32, 33, 34>
Buffer.from('1234', 'utf16le') // Buffer <31, 00, 32, 00, 33, 00, 34, 00>
Buffer.from('1234', 'hex') // Buffer <12, 34>
Buffer.from('\u00124', 'binary') // Buffer <12, 34>
See more on RunKit: https://runkit.com/marcinczenko/5b3f3974226fb000128824a6.
For TypedArray
however, we do not have any equivalent API. Therefore, our TypedArrays
provides some convenience methods for converting from and to strings.
allows you to convert any ArrayBuffer
to a string and vice versa in any encoding supported by Buffer.from
and Buffer.toString()
is usingBuffer
underneath to perform the conversion.
And so we have TypedArrays.string2ab
to convert a string to ArrayBuffer
and TypedArrays.ab2string
to convert ArrayBuffer
to a string.
We found that conversions to an from Uint8Array
are the most frequent. For this reason in TypedArrays
we included two convenience methods: string2Uint8Array
and uint8Array2string