Simple projectile package based off of @rbxts/projectile.
Create a projectile using the following options:
Acceleration?: Vector3;
( Defaults to 0, 0, 0 )
The constant force applied to the projectile.
Bounce?: boolean;
( Defaults to false )
Whether the projectile should bounce
Penetration?: boolean;
( Defaults to false )
Whether the projectile can penetrate through objects in the world
Resistance?: number;
( Defaults to 1 )
The amount of resistance applied during a penetration
MinExitVelocity?: number;
( Defaults to 100 )
The minimum exit velocity of the projectile. If the calculated exit velocity in a penetration is less than this value, the projectile will be destroyed.
CanCollide?: boolean;
( Defaults to true )
Whether the projectile can collide with other objects (whether it should check for collisions)
PhysicsIgnore?: Array<Instance>;
( Defaults to an empty array )
The list of Instances (and their descendants) to ignore during all physics calculations
Duration?: number;
( Defaults to 2 )
The maximum lifespan, in seconds, of the projectile
MaxRange?: number;
( Defaults to 5000 )
The maximum distance, in studs, that the projectile can travel
Renderer?: IRenderer;
( Defaults to a white CylinderRenderer )
The renderer for the projectile
Simple demo:
// main.client.ts
import { Projectile, CylinderRenderer } from "@rbxts/projectile-cast";
import { Players } from "@rbxts/services";
const SHOT_COUNT = 3;
const MIN_SPREAD_ANGLE = math.rad(0);
const MAX_SPREAD_ANGLE = math.rad(10);
const random = new Random();
const mouse = Players.LocalPlayer.GetMouse();
let tag: object | undefined;
mouse.Button1Down.Connect(() => {
const myTag = {};
tag = myTag;
while (tag === myTag) {
const character = Players.LocalPlayer.Character;
if (!character) break;
const head = character.FindFirstChild("Head");
if (!head || !head.IsA("BasePart")) break;
const position = head.CFrame.Position;
const endPos = mouse.Hit.Position;
for (let i = 0; i < SHOT_COUNT; i++) {
const velocity = new CFrame(position, endPos)
.mul(CFrame.Angles(0, 0, random.NextNumber(0, 2 * math.pi))) // roll to a random angle
.mul(CFrame.Angles(0, random.NextNumber(MIN_SPREAD_ANGLE, MAX_SPREAD_ANGLE), 0))
const Bullet = new Projectile(position, velocity, {
Acceleration: new Vector3(0, -50, 0),
Bounce: true,
Penetration: true,
MinExitVelocity: 50,
PhysicsIgnore: [character],
Duration: 4,
Renderer: new CylinderRenderer(Color3.fromHSV(math.random(), 1, 1)),
Bullet.Touched.Connect((rayResult: RayResult) => {
task.wait(1 / 30);
mouse.Button1Up.Connect(() => (tag = undefined));