A simple bullet runtime that handles network replication, network syncing, and adjusts the rendered bullets by client framerate.
Getting Started
Download the EasyBullet.rbxmx file and drag it into studio
Or grab the Marketplace model and insert it via the Toolbox window
Use NPM to install EasyBullet into your Roblox-TS project:
npm install @rbxts/easybullet
To build EasyBullet into a model, use:
rojo build -o "EasyBullet.rbxmx" build.project.json
To serve EasyBullet into your game, use:
rojo serve
To install using wally, add to your wally.toml dependencies:
EasyBullet = "zachcurtis/easybullet@0.4.0"
Then run:
wally install
local EasyBullet = require(path.To.EasyBullet)
local defaultSettings = {
Gravity = true,
RenderBullet = true,
BulletColor = Color3.new(0.945098, 0.490196, 0.062745),
BulletThickness = .1,
FilterList = {},
FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude,
BulletPartProps = {},
BulletData = {}
local easyBullet = easyBullet.new(defaultSettings)
easeBullet:FireBullet(barrelPosition, bulletVelocity)
easyBullet.BulletHitHumanoid:Connect(function(shootingPlayer, rayResult, hitHumanoid)
export type EasyBulletSettings = {
Gravity: boolean?, -- Should the bullet curve according to workspace.Gravity
RenderBullet: boolean?, -- Should EasyBullet display a rendered bullet on the client
BulletColor: Color3?, -- Sets the color of the bullets rendered
BulletThickness: number?, -- Sets the thickness of the bullets in studs
FilterList: {[number]: Instance}?, -- An array of instances assigned to RayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances
FilterType: Enum.RaycastFilterType?, -- The RaycastFilterType, either Include or Exclude
BulletPartProps: {[string]: unknown}?, -- A dictionary of properties matching the properties of BasePart to override the bullet part rendering. Cannot include keys "CFrame", "Size", or "Color"
BulletData: {[string]: unknown}? -- A dictionary of any data you wish to associate with this bullet. HitVelocity and BulletId are reserved keys for this table, and are set by EasyBullet before passing the BulletData table to the BulletHit, BulletHitHumanoid, and BulletUpdated events. Useful for variations such as displaying a different hit effect for a sniper, or altering the damage dependent on the gun type.
Default EasyBulletSettings
Field | Type | Default |
Gravity | boolean | true |
RenderBullet | boolean | true |
BulletColor | Color3 | Color3.new(0.945098, 0.490196, 0.062745) |
BulletThickness | number | .1 |
FilterList | { [number]: Instance } | {} |
FilterType | RaycastFilterType | Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude |
BulletPartProps | { [string]: unknown } | {} |
BulletData | { [string]: unknown } | {} |
Constructor - EasyBullet is a singleton so it will only be constructed once per server or client, but any subsequent calls to EasyBullet.new will return the constructed singleton. Only the settings overrides passed to the first constructor will be used.
local EasyBulletSettingsOverrides = {
BulletColor = Color3.new(1, 0, 0),
Gravity = false
local easyBullet = EasyBullet.new(EasyBulletSettingsOverrides)
FireBullet - call on client to fire a bullet for a player, or on the server to fire a bullet for a NPC
local direction = mouse.Hit.Position - gun.BarrelPosition
local velocity = direction.Unit * 400
local optionalEasyBulletSettings = {
BulletThickness = .4
easyBullet:FireBullet(gun.BarrelPosition, velocity, optionalEasyBulletSettings)
BindCustomCast - pass a callback that returns a RaycastResult or nil to implement custom raycast behavior, such as lag compensation for network delayed character positions
easyBullet:BindCustomCast(function(shooter: Player?, lastFramePosition: Vector3, thisFramePosition: Vector3, elapsedTime: number, bulletData: {[string]: Unknown})
local direction = lastFramePosition - thisFramePosition
local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
-- npc shots have no shooting player
if shooter then
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {shooter.Character}
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
return workspace:Raycast(lastFramePosition, direction, raycastParams)
BindShouldFire - pass a callback that returns a boolean to provide a means of filtering bullets before they're fired. The bullet will initially be networked before the ShouldFire callback is called, but the bullet will automatically clean it's self up across the network if the ShouldFire callback returns false.
easyBullet:BindShouldFire(function(shooter: Player?, barrelPosition: Vector3, velocity: Vector3, ping: number, easyBulletSettings: Bullet.EasyBulletSettings?)
if not shooter or not shooter.Character or not shooter.Character.HumanoidRootPart then
return false
local humanoid = shooter.Character.Humanoid
local rootPart = shooter.Character.HumanoidRootPart
local discrepancy = (barrelPosition - rootPart.Position).Magnitude
local desyncTolerance = (shooter:GetNetworkPing() * humanoid.WalkSpeed) * 1.2
-- return true if barrelPosition is within how far the player could have walked in that time
return discrepancy <= desyncTolerance
BulletHit - fired whenever a bullet hits something
easyBullet.BulletHit:Connect(function(shootingPlayer: Player?, raycastResult: RaycastResult, bulletData: {[string]: Unknown} | {HitVelocity: Vector3})
BulletHitHumanoid - fired whenever a bullet hits a part belonging to a model with a child humanoid
easyBullet.BulletHitHumanoid:Connect(function(shootingPlayer: Player?, raycastResult: RaycastResult, hitHumanoid: Humanoid, bulletData: {[string]: Unknown} | {HitVelocity: Vector3})
BulletUpdated - fired every time the bullet updates. Useful for rendering custom bullets.
easyBullet.BulletUpdated:Connect(function(lastFramePosition: Vector3, thisFramePosition: Vector3, bulletData: {[string]: unknown})
local direction = lastFramePosition - thisFramePosition
bulletPart.Size = Vector3.new(.2, .2, direction.Magnitude)
bulletPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(lastFramePosition, thisFramePosition) * CFrame.new(0,0, -direction.Magnitude * .5)