
2.0.0 • Public • Published


A multi-select inline component with search for ReasonReact projects.




npm install @pupilfirst/multiselect-inline

Then add @pupilfirst/multiselect-inline to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json. A minimal example:

  "name": "your project",
  "sources": "src",
  "bs-dependencies": ["@pupilfirst/multiselect-inline"]


Here's an example interface, to select few sports.

   module Selectable = {
    type t =
      | Sport(name)
    and name = string;

    let value = t =>
      switch (t) {
      | Sport(name) => name

    let searchString = value;

    let makeSport = name => Sport(name);

  module MultiSelect = MultiselectInline.Make(Selectable);

  type state = {
    searchInput: string,
    selected: array(Selectable.t),

  let unselected = selected => {
    let searchCollection =
        "Formula 1",
      |> Array.map(sportName => Selectable.makeSport(sportName));
    |> Js.Array.filter(sport => !(selected |> Array.mem(sport)));

  let setSportSearch = (setState, value) => {
    setState(state => {...state, searchInput: value});

  let select = (setState, state, sport) => {
    let selected = state.selected |> Js.Array.concat([|sport|]);
    setState(_state => {searchInput: "", selected});

  let deSelect = (setState, state, sport) => {
    let selected =
      |> Js.Array.filter(selected =>
           Selectable.value(sport) != Selectable.value(selected)
    setState(_state => {searchInput: "", selected});

  let make = () => {
    let (state, setState) =
      React.useState(() => {searchInput: "", selected: [||]});
    <div className="mt-4">
      <h2 className="text-xl font-semibold"> {"Example" |> str} </h2>
      <div className="mt-4">
          className="block text-xs font-semibold"
          {"Select your sports:" |> str}
        placeholder="Search sport"
        emptySelectionMessage="No sport selected"
        onSelect={select(setState, state)}
        onDeselect={deSelect(setState, state)}

See this code in action here: https://multiselect-inline.pupilfirst.com

Other examples


MultiselectInline.Make is a functor that accepts a module with with type t that has functions value and searchString.

Function Type Description
value string The name, or title of a item.
searchString string The string you want to compare the user's input against. For example, if the searchString for an item is "Formula 1", it will show up if the user searches for "Form" or "1".

MultiselectInline component

MultiselectInline is a Reason-React component that accepts an array of unselected and selected items, both of which have to be of the type MultiselectInline.Selectable.t.

The MultiselectInline component accepts the following props:

Prop Type Description
id string (optional) id of the input element; you can use this set unique id to the input text field.
placeholder string (optional) Placeholder for the input search field.
value string Value of input element; this is a controlled component - you hold the state.
onChange string => unit onChange to set value of the input in state.
unselected array(MultiselectInline.Selectable.t) The array of unselected options.
selected array(MultiselectInline.Selectable.t) The array of selected options.
onSelect MultiselectInline.Selectable.t => unit Callback for when an item is selected.
onDeselect MultiselectInline.Selectable.t => unit Callback for when an item is removed.
emptySelectionMessage string (optional) Empty message shown when the there are no selected items. Defaults to No items selected.
allItemsSelectedMessage string (optional) This message is shown when all the items are selected from the dropdown. Defaults to 'You have selected all items!'
colorForSelected string (optional) This is the color used to indicate selected items. The default is orange.

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npm i @pupilfirst/multiselect-inline

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  • bodhish
  • vinutv
  • hari.gopal
  • mahesh.krishnakumar