Create self-signed TLS certificate files
NOT for production use !
To enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) for http servers we need to create proper certificates and keys. In order to make Browsers work correct with selfsigned certificates it is required to register the corresponding root certificate (which has been used to sign the server certificate).
This yeoman generator creates this files with minimal input (domainname or IP address).
- openssl command line client is installed
- nodejs and npm in lates versions are installed
If the working directory is empty, a root certificate will be generated. If root cert. (rootCA.pem and rootCA.key) already exists, it will be reused for other domains. Fore each domain a subfolder will be created containing domain specific config, key and cert files.
If called again for a given domain, only the server certificate will be created (==updated).
On shell, create a directory, change into and execute and define some domain:
npx -p yo -p @pubcore/generator-selfsigned-tls yo @pubcore/selfsigned-tls
On success, beside some other files, following is created:
- rootCA.pem
- [domain]
+- server.crt
+- server.key
server.crt and server.key
This two files needs to be plugged into your server(s). Please find corresponding server documentation how to enable https
This root certificate can be attached to browser's/operating systems certificate store. There are options to add/trust on the fly, via options visible on warning page browser will show on first request.
- On MacOS: Use keychain tool, Category "Certificates" (once added, it will be used by all browsers, not only Safari)