
1.0.1 • Public • Published


An NG cli alternative for making apps with ViteJS - containing the file structure influenced by Angular/NG-CLI, but improved for ViteJS and ReactJS as a whole by me (Psuedodoro)

license npm (scoped)


What are the ways I can use it?

  1. Install it using NPM or Yarn (something that uses the NPM package archive)
  2. Download the source code, open a terminal and run yarn build or npm build (either way, it will build into JS which you can use) -- This way is not reccommended and can be quite hard for beginners.

List of commands and what they do?

Before I tell you the commands, you have to know that this is not only in exprimental stage, but also the fact that I made this NPM-Package for myself, so if you want to use it - that is fine, but the features and command syntax in the CLI will be from what I want them to be - unless there are better commands suggested of course!

Command Prefix

Currently, the command prefix is vcli. Therefore, if you were running the test command - you would write vcli test.

Now the good part (the commands and what they do!):

  • init / i : this outlines the folder structure for your project. E.g, in the src directory - it will add a pages folder, a components folder, and styling folder to get you started.
  • comp / c : this makes a new component with all of the subfolders and files.
  • page / p : makes a new "page" component in the pages directory.
  • test / t: tests to see if the package is working. If it is, you will get a random, but nice text-art of the name of the project :)

Bro, when JS support?

Sorry mate, but I don't personally think that writing JS - especially in scaling ReactJS/Vite-React apps are not the future. TypeScript solves a lot of problems that JS has in my opinion - and it does so very very well. Therefore, I will not add support for Vite-ReactJS apps, only Vite-ReactTS apps (created first with the yarn create vite command)

How can I ask for more commands?

Easiest way to do so is to pop me a friend request on Discord, my username and handle is @Psuedodoro#2599. If that doesn't work, try @Psuedodoro#0001. Depends on whether I feel like paying for nitro ;)


Currently at the time of writing, credits go to:

  • Psuedodoro (Owner): *

(people that are credited with an asterisk sign means they have done too much to keep track of their commitments - or it is just me)

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  • psuedodoro