
1.6.51 • Public • Published

Pro-script Library Documentation




This library provides a comprehensive framework for type checking, utility functions, and macros for automated testing in JavaScript environments. It offers tools to validate types, manage enumerations, and enhance code quality through structured checks and assertions.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Summary of Features
  4. Type Checks
  5. Enum type
  6. Build-in validators
  7. Number Validators
  8. String Validators
  9. Utility
  10. Settings
  11. Aliases
  12. Micro-tests
  13. Advanced techniques
  14. Meta programing. Macros
  15. Possible Errors


npm install @pro-script/as-is @pro-script/as-is-plugins

For Browsers

Without module:

<script src="https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is"></script>
<script src="https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers"></script>
<script src="https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings"></script>

With module:

<script type="module">
    import { Checker } from "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is";
    import { NumbersValidator } from "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers";
    import { StringsValidator } from "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings";
    // usage code


Node.js (ESM)

import { Checker } from '@pro-script/as-is';
import { NumbersValidator } from '@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers';
import { StringsValidator } from '@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings';

const { as, is } = new Checker({ integrate: Object.assign(NumbersValidator, StringsValidator) });

Node.js (CommonJS)

const { Checker } = require('@pro-script/as-is');
const { NumbersValidator } = require('@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers');
const { StringsValidator } = require('@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings');

const { as, is } = new Checker({ integrate: Object.assign(NumbersValidator, StringsValidator) });


Without module:

    const { as, is } = new Checker({ integrate: Object.assign(NumbersValidator, StringsValidator) });

With module:

<script type="module">
    import { Checker } from "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is";
    import { NumbersValidator } from "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers";
    import { StringsValidator } from "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings";

    const { as, is } = new Checker({ integrate: Object.assign(NumbersValidator, StringsValidator) });

With import map:

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "@pro-script/as-is": "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is",
      "@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers": "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers",
      "@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings": "https://www.unpkg.com/@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings",
<script type="module">
    import { Checker } from '@pro-script/as-is';
    import { NumbersValidator } from '@pro-script/as-is-plugins/numbers';
    import { StringsValidator } from '@pro-script/as-is-plugins/strings';

    const { as, is } = new Checker({ integrate: Object.assign(NumbersValidator, StringsValidator) });

Everything in one code block

const checker = new Checker({ 
    'IF/ELSE/END': true, 
    strict: true, 
    Enum: true, 
    utility: true,
    integrate: Object.assign(NumbersValidator, StringsValidator) });
const { multi, Interface, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get, macro, strict, Enum }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, CHECK, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

in global scope

Object.assign(global, { multi, Interface, as, is, Enum });


Object.assign(window, { multi, Interface, as, is, Enum });

After that you can use an as or is etc in other files.

Summary of Features

Supported Types:

Types list with alias name:

  • Number | number
  • String | string
  • Boolean | boolean
  • Symbol | symbol
  • Function | function
  • BigInt | bigInt | bigint
  • Array | array
  • TypedArray | typedArray | Typedarray | typedarray
  • Buffer | buffer
  • SharedArrayBuffer | sharedArrayBuffer | SharedarrayBuffer | sharedsrrayBuffer | sharedsrraybuffer
  • Date | date
  • Object | date
  • Class | class
  • instance
  • Enum | enum
  • Set | set
  • Map | map
  • Iterator | iterator
  • Nullish | nullish
  • WeakSet | weakSet | weeakset
  • WeakMap | wearMap | weakmap
  • WeakRef | weakRef | weakref
  • RegExp | regExp | regexp
  • Promise | promise
  • Error | error
  • RangeError | rangeError
  • ReferenceError | referenceError
  • SyntaxError |syntaxError
  • TypeError | typeError
  • Any | any

IF/ELSE/END for type checking

    IF.number(string_)? (
        console.log('IF type checking')
    ):ELSE.string(string_)? (
        console.log('ELSE type checking'),

Strict type object:

 strict.name = 'string'
// or
strict.string`name`.name = 'string'

Class checking:

  • [className]
  • [classInstance]
is.date(new Date);
is.class(Date) or is.class(new Date)

Interface Interfaces works only in the set way where IName = { * interface data * }, not like IName({ * interface data * })

const { IUser } = Interface({
            IUser: {
                name: as.string,
                age: as.number,
                birthDate: as.date
as.IUser = { name: 'Jesus', age: 2022, birthDate: 'Sat Apr 7 0:0:0 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)'};

function example(name, age,  _ = as.IUser = { name, age }) {
            console.log(name, age);
            return 'returned string';

as.StringNumber(example({ name: 'text', age: 12, pages:['page'] }));

Types Types works only in the apply way where TName({ * types data * }), not like interfaces TName = { * types data * }

const { multi, Interface, Type, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get, macro, strict, Enum }  = checker;

const { TUser } = Type({
            IUser: {
                name: as.string,
                birthDate: as.date,
                age: (value)=> {
                    // any code here to check the value 
as.TUser({ name: 'Jesus', age: 2022, birthDate: 'Sat Apr 7 0:0:0 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)'});


You can integrate any feature you want.

import { Checker, BaseInterface, MicroTest, Utility } from '@pro-script/as-is';
import axios from "axios";

const integrate = {
    up: async function (url) {
        const result = await axios.get(url);
        if(result.status === 200) return 'Ok';
        else throw new TypeError('url is down');

const { multi, strict, as, is } = new Checker({ integrate });
const isUrl = as;

async function example(arg, arg2, arg3,
                       type = [as.string(arg), as.number(arg2), as.boolean(arg3)]) {
    await isUrl.up('https://google.com');

await example('text', 2, true)
// [ 'text', 2, true ]

await isUrl?.up('https://not-google.com');
// TypeError: url is down


Minimal set of methods.

const { as, is } = new Checker;

All methods without plugins.

const checker = new Checker({ 'IF/ELSE/END': true, strict: true, Enum: true, utility: true });
const { multi, Interface, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get, macro, strict, Enum }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, CHECK, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

All methods with plugins.

const checker = new Checker({ 
    'IF/ELSE/END': true, 
    strict: true, 
    Enum: true, 
    utility: true, 
    integrate: Object.assign(NumbersValidator, StringsValidator) 
const { multi, Interface, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get, macro, strict, Enum }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, CHECK, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

Type Checks


is.string(value) -> true | false
as.string(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) string


Checks if the provided argument is a string.

  • is.string(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.string(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a string.
    • Throws TypeError if

arg is not a string.


is.string('hello');   // Returns true
is.string(123);       // Returns false

as.string('hello');   // Returns 'hello'
as.string(123);       // Throws TypeError: Number is not a(an) string


is.number(value) -> true | false
as.number(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not is not a(an) number


Checks if the provided argument is a number.

  • is.number(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.number(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a number.


is.number(123);   // Returns true
is.number('123'); // Returns false

as.number(123);   // Returns 123
as.number('123'); // Throws TypeError: Number is not a(an) number


is.boolean(value) -> true | false
as.boolean(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) boolean


Checks if the provided argument is a boolean.

  • is.boolean(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a boolean.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.boolean(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a boolean.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a boolean.


is.boolean(true);  // Returns true
is.boolean(1);     // Returns false

as.boolean(true);  // Returns true
as.boolean(1);     // Throws TypeError: Number is not a(an) boolean


is.symbol(value) -> true | false
as.symbol(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) symbol


Checks if the provided argument is a symbol.

  • is.symbol(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a symbol.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.symbol(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a symbol.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a symbol.


const sym = Symbol('test');
is.symbol(sym);        // Returns true
is.symbol('symbol');   // Returns false

as.symbol(sym);        // Returns sym
as.symbol('symbol');   // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) symbol


is.function(value) -> true | false
as.function(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) function


Checks if the provided argument is a function.

  • is.function(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a function.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.function(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a function.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a function.


const func = () => {};
is.function(func);    // Returns true
is.function(123);     // Returns false

as.function(func);    // Returns func
as.function(123);     // Throws TypeError: Number is not a(an) function


is.bigInt(value) -> true | false
as.bigInt(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) bigInt


Checks if the provided argument is a BigInt.

  • is.bigInt(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a BigInt.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.bigInt(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a BigInt.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a BigInt.


const bigIntExample = BigInt('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890');
is.bigInt(bigIntExample);     // Returns true
is.bigInt(1234567890);        // Returns false

as.bigInt(bigIntExample);     // Returns bigIntExample
as.bigInt(1234567890);        // Throws TypeError: Number is not a(an) bigInt


is.array(value) -> true | false
as.array(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) bigInt


Checks if the provided argument is an array.

  • is.array(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is an array.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.array(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is an array.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an array.


const arrayExample = [];
is.array(arrayExample);    // Returns true
is.array('not an array');  // Returns false

as.array(arrayExample);    // Returns arrayExample
as.array('not an array');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) array


is.date(value) -> true | false
as.date(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) date


Checks if the provided argument is a date.

  • is.date(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a date.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.date(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a date.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a date.


const dateExample = new Date();
is.date(dateExample);    // Returns true
is.date('not a date');   // Returns false

as.date(dateExample);    // Returns dateExample
as.date('not a date');   // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) date


is.object(value) -> true | false
as.object(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) object


Checks if the provided argument is an object.

  • is.object(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is an object.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.object(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is an object.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an object.


const objectExample = {};
is.object(objectExample);    // Returns true
is.object('not an object');  // Returns false

as.object(objectExample);    // Returns objectExample
as.object('not an object');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) object


is.set(value) -> true | false
as.set(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) set


Checks if the provided argument is a set.

  • is.set(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a set.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.set(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a set.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a set.


const setExample = new Set();
is.set(setExample);      // Returns true
is.set('not a set');     // Returns false

as.set(setExample);      // Returns setExample
as.set('not a set');     // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) set


is.map(value) -> true | false
as.map(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) map


Checks if the provided argument is a map.

  • is.map(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a map.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.map(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a map.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a map.


const mapExample = new Map();
is.map(mapExample);      // Returns true
is.map('not a map');     // Returns false

as.map(mapExample);      // Returns mapExample
as.map('not a map');     // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) map


is.weakSet(value) -> true | false
as.weakSet(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) weakSet


Checks if the provided argument is a WeakSet.

  • is.weakSet(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a WeakSet.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.weakSet(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a WeakSet.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a WeakSet.


const weakSetExample = new WeakSet();

Example);      // Returns true
is.weakSet('not a weakSet');     // Returns false

as.weakSet(weakSetExample);      // Returns weakSetExample
as.weakSet('not a weakSet');     // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) weakSet


is.weakMap(value) -> true | false
as.weakMap(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) weakMap


Checks if the provided argument is a WeakMap.

  • is.weakMap(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a WeakMap.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.weakMap(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a WeakMap.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a WeakMap.


const weakMapExample = new WeakMap();
is.weakMap(weakMapExample);      // Returns true
is.weakMap('not a weakMap');     // Returns false

as.weakMap(weakMapExample);      // Returns weakMapExample
as.weakMap('not a weakMap');     // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) weakMap


is.regExp(value) -> true | false
as.regExp(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) regExp


Checks if the provided argument is a regular expression.

  • is.regExp(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a regular expression.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.regExp(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a regular expression.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a regular expression.


const regExpExample = /./g;
is.regExp(regExpExample);      // Returns true
is.regExp('not a regExp');     // Returns false

as.regExp(regExpExample);      // Returns regExpExample
as.regExp('not a regExp');     // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) regExp


is.promise(value) -> true | false
as.promise(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) promise


Checks if the provided argument is a Promise.

  • is.promise(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a Promise.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.promise(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a Promise.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a Promise.


const promiseExample = new Promise((resolve) => resolve());
is.promise(promiseExample);      // Returns true
is.promise('not a promise');     // Returns false

as.promise(promiseExample);      // Returns promiseExample
as.promise('not a promise');     // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) promise


is.generator(value) -> true | false
as.generator(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) generator


Checks if the provided argument is a Generator.

  • is.generator(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a Generator.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.generator(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a Generator.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a Generator.


function* generatorExample() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
is.generator(generatorExample());     // Returns true
is.generator('not a generator');      // Returns false

as.generator(generatorExample());     // Returns generatorExample
as.generator('not a generator');      // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) generator

Here is the documentation for the additional type checks:


is.typedArray(value) -> true | false
as.typedArray(value) -> value | TypeError: TypedArray is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a TypedArray.

  • is.typedArray(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a TypedArray.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.typedArray(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a TypedArray.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a TypedArray.


is.typedArray(new Int8Array());   // Returns true
is.typedArray([]);                // Returns false

as.typedArray(new Int8Array());   // Returns Int8Array
as.typedArray([]);                // Throws TypeError: Array is not a(an) typedArray


is.buffer(value) -> true | false
as.buffer(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) buffer


Checks if the provided argument is a Buffer.

  • is.buffer(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a Buffer.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.buffer(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a Buffer.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a Buffer.


is.buffer(Buffer.from('hello'));  // Returns true
is.buffer('hello');               // Returns false

as.buffer(Buffer.from('hello'));  // Returns Buffer
as.buffer('hello');               // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) buffer


is.sharedArrayBuffer(value) -> true | false
as.sharedArrayBuffer(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) sharedArrayBuffer


Checks if the provided argument is a SharedArrayBuffer.

  • is.sharedArrayBuffer(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a SharedArrayBuffer.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.sharedArrayBuffer(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a SharedArrayBuffer.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a SharedArrayBuffer.


is.sharedArrayBuffer(new SharedArrayBuffer());  // Returns true
is.sharedArrayBuffer([]);                       // Returns false

as.sharedArrayBuffer(new SharedArrayBuffer());  // Returns SharedArrayBuffer
as.sharedArrayBuffer([]);                       // Throws TypeError: Array is not a(an) sharedArrayBuffer


is.date(value) -> true | false
as.date(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) date


Checks if the provided argument is a Date object.

  • is.date(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a Date object.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.date(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a Date object.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a Date object.


is.date(new Date());      // Returns true
is.date('2021-01-01');    // Returns false

as.date(new Date());      // Returns Date
as.date('2021-01-01');    // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) date


is.object(value) -> true | false
as.object(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) object


Checks if the provided argument is an object.

  • is.object(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is an object.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.object(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is an object.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an object.


is.object({});            // Returns true
is.object('hello');       // Returns false

as.object({});            // Returns {}
as.object('hello');       // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) object


is.class(value) -> true | false
as.class(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) class


Checks if the provided argument is a class.

  • is.class(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a class.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.class(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a class.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a class.


class MyClass {}
is.class(MyClass);        // Returns true
is.class(() => {});       // Returns false

as.class(MyClass);        // Returns MyClass
as.class(() => {});       // Throws TypeError: Function is not a(an) class


is.instance(value, constructor) -> true | false
as.instance(value, constructor) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) instance


Checks if the provided argument is an instance of the specified class.

  • is.instance(arg, constructor):

    • Returns true if arg is an instance of constructor.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.instance(arg, constructor):

    • Returns arg if it is an instance of constructor.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an instance of constructor.


class MyClass {}
const instance = new MyClass();
is.instance(instance, MyClass);   // Returns true
is.instance({}, MyClass);         // Returns false

as.instance(instance, MyClass);   // Returns instance
as.instance({}, MyClass);         // Throws TypeError: Object is not a(an) instance


is.iterator(value) -> true | false
as.iterator(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) iterator


Checks if the provided argument is an iterator.

  • is.iterator(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is an iterator.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.iterator(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is an iterator.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an iterator.


const iterator = [][Symbol.iterator]();
is.iterator(iterator);    // Returns true
is.iterator([]);          // Returns false

as.iterator(iterator);    // Returns iterator
as.iterator([]);          // Throws TypeError: Array is not a(an) iterator


is.nullish(value) -> true | false
as.nullish(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) nullish


Checks if the provided argument is null or undefined.

  • is.nullish(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is null or undefined.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.nullish(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is null or undefined.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not null or undefined.


is.nullish(null);         // Returns true
is.nullish(undefined);    // Returns true
is.nullish('hello');      // Returns false

as.nullish(null);         // Returns null
as.nullish(undefined);    // Returns undefined
as.nullish('hello');      // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) nullish


is.error(value) -> true | false
as.error(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) error


Checks if the provided argument is an Error.

  • is.error(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is an Error.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.error(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is an Error.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an Error.


is.error(new Error());    // Returns true
is.error('error');        // Returns false

as.error(new Error());    // Returns Error
as.error('error');        // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) error


is.rangeError(value) -> true | false
as.rangeError(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) rangeError


Checks if the provided argument is a RangeError.

  • is.rangeError(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a RangeError.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.rangeError(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a RangeError.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a RangeError.


is.rangeError(new RangeError());    // Returns true
is.rangeError('error');             // Returns false

as.rangeError(new RangeError());    // Returns RangeError
as.rangeError('error');             // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) rangeError


is.referenceError(value) -> true | false
as.referenceError(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) referenceError


Checks if the provided argument is a ReferenceError.

  • is.referenceError(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a ReferenceError.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.referenceError(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a ReferenceError.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a ReferenceError.


is.referenceError(new ReferenceError());    // Returns true
is.referenceError('error');                 // Returns false

as.referenceError(new ReferenceError());    // Returns ReferenceError
as.referenceError('error');                 // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) referenceError


is.syntaxError(value) -> true | false
as.syntaxError(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) syntaxError


Checks if the provided argument is a SyntaxError.

  • is.syntaxError(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a SyntaxError.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.syntaxError(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a SyntaxError.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a SyntaxError.


is.syntaxError(new SyntaxError());    // Returns true
is.syntaxError('error');              // Returns false

as.syntaxError(new SyntaxError());    // Returns SyntaxError
as.syntaxError('error');              // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) syntaxError


is.typeError(value) -> true | false
as.typeError(value) -> value | TypeError: [get.type(value)] is not a(an) typeError


Checks if the provided argument is a TypeError.

  • is.typeError(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a TypeError.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.typeError(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a TypeError.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a TypeError.


is.typeError(new TypeError());    // Returns true
is.typeError('error');            // Returns false

as.typeError(new TypeError());    // Returns TypeError
as.typeError('error');            // Throws TypeError: String is not a(an) typeError


is.any(value) -> true
as.any(value) -> value


Checks if the provided argument is any value.

  • is.any(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is any value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.any(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is any value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not any value.


is.any('hello');    // Returns true
is.any(123);        // Returns true

as.any('hello');    // Returns 'hello'
as.any(123);        // Returns 123

Enum type

Enum type Basic

Enum['name of stored enum']('enum object here')

Enum type Basic usage

Use increment

    RED: 0,
    GREEN: Enum.inc,
    BLUE: Enum.inc,

// Enum {
//   '0': 'RED',
//   '1': 'GREEN',
//   '2': 'BLUE',
//   RED: 0,
//   GREEN: 1,
//   BLUE: 2
// }
as.color('RED');// -> 'RED'
as.color('RED2');// -> TypeError String is not a member of color enum

Use decrement

    ROOF: 2,
    FLOOR: Enum.dec,
    BASEMENT: Enum.dec,
// Enum {
//   '0': 'BASEMENT',
//   '1': 'FLOOR',
//   '2': 'ROOF',
//   ROOF: 2,
//   FLOOR: 1,
//   BASEMENT: 0
// }

Use both

    RED: 0,
    GREEN: Enum.inc,
    BLUE: Enum.inc,
    ROOF: 6,
    FLOOR: Enum.dec,
    BASEMENT: Enum.dec,
// Enum {
//   '0': 'RED',
//   '1': 'GREEN',
//   '2': 'BLUE',
//   '4': 'BASEMENT',
//   '5': 'FLOOR',
//   '6': 'ROOF',
//   RED: 0,
//   GREEN: 1,
//   BLUE: 2,
//   ROOF: 6,
//   FLOOR: 5,
//   BASEMENT: 4
// }

Use with step

    [Enum.step]: 10, // ['Enum.step'] the same but with a quotes
    RED: Enum.inc,
    GREEN: Enum.inc,
    BLUE: Enum.inc,

// Enum {
//   '10': 'RED',
//   '20': 'GREEN',
//   '30': 'BLUE',
//   RED: 10,
//   GREEN: 20,
//   BLUE: 30
// }
const enumExample = Enum.house({
    [Enum.step]: 10,
    ROOF: Enum.dec,
    FLOOR: 30,
    BASEMENT: Enum.dec,
// Enum {
//   '10': 'ROOF',
//   '20': 'BASEMENT',
//   '30': 'FLOOR',
//   ROOF: 10,
//   FLOOR: 30,
//   BASEMENT: 20
// }

Check the Enum type like this

as.Enum(enumExample) && as.enum(enumExample);

Build-in validators

This list of validators works with a minimum set of methods.


is.empty(value) -> true | false
as.empty(value) -> value | TypeError: Value is not empty


Checks if the provided argument is empty.

  • is.empty(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is empty.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.empty(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is empty.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not empty.


const emptyArray = [];
is.empty(emptyArray);    // Returns true
is.empty([1, 2, 3]);     // Returns false

as.empty(emptyArray);    // Returns emptyArray
as.empty([1, 2, 3]);     // Throws TypeError: Value is not empty


is.notEmpty(value) -> true | false
as.notEmpty(value) -> value | TypeError: Value is empty


Checks if the provided argument is not empty.

  • is.notEmpty(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is not empty.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.notEmpty(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is not empty.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is empty.


const notEmptyArray = [1, 2, 3];
is.notEmpty(notEmptyArray);    // Returns true
is.notEmpty([]);               // Returns false

as.notEmpty(notEmptyArray);    // Returns notEmptyArray
as.notEmpty([]);               // Throws TypeError: Value is empty


is.json(value) -> true | false
as.json(value) -> value | TypeError: Value is not JSON


Checks if the provided argument is a valid JSON string.

  • is.json(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid JSON string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • **


  • Returns arg if it is a valid JSON string.
  • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid JSON string.


const jsonExample = JSON.stringify({ test: 'test' });
is.json(jsonExample);    // Returns true
is.json('not json');     // Returns false

as.json(jsonExample);    // Returns jsonExample
as.json('not json');     // Throws TypeError: Value is not JSON


is.json5(value) -> true | false
as.json5(value) -> value | TypeError: Value is not JSON5


Checks if the provided argument is a valid JSON5 string.

  • is.json5(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid JSON5 string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.json5(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid JSON5 string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid JSON5 string.


const json5Example = '{property: "value"}';
is.json5(json5Example);    // Returns true
is.json5('not json5');     // Returns false

as.json5(json5Example);    // Returns json5Example
as.json5('not json5');     // Throws TypeError: Value is not JSON5


is.null(value) -> true | false
as.null(value) -> value | TypeError: Value is not null


Checks if the provided argument is null.

  • is.null(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is null.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.null(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is null.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not null.


const nullExample = null;
is.null(nullExample);    // Returns true
is.null('not null');     // Returns false

as.null(nullExample);    // Returns nullExample
as.null('not null');     // Throws TypeError: Value is not null

Number Validators

Sure, I'll restructure the documentation as requested. Here is the first part of the updated documentation:


is.zero(value) -> true | false
as.zero(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is exactly zero.

  • is.zero(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is 0.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.zero(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is 0.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not 0.


is.zero(0);      // Returns true
is.zero(5);      // Returns false

as.zero(0);      // Returns 0
as.zero(5);      // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.even(value) -> true | false
as.even(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is an even number.

  • is.even(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is even.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.even(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is even.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not even.


is.even(2);      // Returns true
is.even(3);      // Returns false

as.even(2);      // Returns 2
as.even(3);      // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.odd(value) -> true | false
as.odd(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is an odd number.

  • is.odd(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is odd.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.odd(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is odd.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not odd.


is.odd(1);      // Returns true
is.odd(4);      // Returns false

as.odd(1);      // Returns 1
as.odd(4);      // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.positive(value) -> true | false
as.positive(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a positive number.

  • is.positive(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is positive.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.positive(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is positive.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not positive.


is.positive(1.1);      // Returns true
is.positive(-1.1);     // Returns false

as.positive(1.1);      // Returns 1.1
as.positive(-1.1);     // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.negative(value) -> true | false
as.negative(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a negative number.

  • is.negative(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is negative.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.negative(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is negative.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not negative.


is.negative(-1.1);      // Returns true
is.negative(1.1);       // Returns false

as.negative(-1.1);      // Returns -1.1
as.negative(1.1);       // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation

Positive Integer

is.positiveInteger(value) -> true | false
as.positiveInteger(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a positive integer.

  • is.positiveInteger(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a positive integer.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.positiveInteger(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a positive integer.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a positive integer.


is.positiveInteger(1);      // Returns true
is.positiveInteger(-1);     // Returns false

as.positiveInteger(1);      // Returns 1
as.positiveInteger(-1);     // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation

Negative Integer

is.negativeInteger(value) -> true | false
as.negativeInteger(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a negative integer.

  • is.negativeInteger(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a negative integer.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.negativeInteger(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a negative integer.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a negative integer.


is.negativeInteger(-1);      // Returns true
is.negativeInteger(1);       // Returns false

as.negativeInteger(-1);      // Returns -1
as.negativeInteger(1);       // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.isFinite(value) -> true | false
as.isFinite(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a finite number.

  • is.isFinite(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is finite.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.isFinite(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is finite.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not finite.


is.isFinite(0);      // Returns true
is.isFinite(Infinity); // Returns false

as.isFinite(0);      // Returns 0
as.isFinite(Infinity); // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.NaN(value) -> true | false
as.NaN(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is NaN (Not-a-Number).

  • is.NaN(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is NaN.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.NaN(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is NaN.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not NaN.


is.NaN(NaN);      // Returns true
is.NaN(0);        // Returns false

as.NaN(NaN);      // Returns NaN
as.NaN(0);        // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.between({ arg, min, max }) -> true | false
as.between({ arg, min, max }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is between min and max values.

  • is.between({ arg, min, max }):

    • Returns true if arg is between min and max.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.between({ arg, min, max }):

    • Returns arg if it is between min and max.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not between min and max.


is.between({ arg: 5, min: 0, max: 10 });  // Returns true
is.between({ arg: 15, min: 0, max: 10 }); // Returns false

as.between({ arg: 5, min: 0, max: 10 });  // Returns 5
as.between({ arg: 15, min: 0, max: 10 }); // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.greater({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.greater({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is greater than the specified value.

  • is.greater({ arg, value }):
    • Returns true if arg is greater than value.
    • Returns `

false` otherwise.

  • as.greater({ arg, value }):
    • Returns arg if it is greater than value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not greater than value.


is.greater({ arg: 15, value: 5 });  // Returns true
is.greater({ arg: 5, value: 15 });  // Returns false

as.greater({ arg: 15, value: 5 });  // Returns 15
as.greater({ arg: 5, value: 15 });  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.less({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.less({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is less than the specified value.

  • is.less({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is less than value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.less({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is less than value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not less than value.


is.less({ arg: 5, value: 15 });  // Returns true
is.less({ arg: 15, value: 5 });  // Returns false

as.less({ arg: 5, value: 15 });  // Returns 5
as.less({ arg: 15, value: 5 });  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation

Equal or Greater

is.equalGreater({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.equalGreater({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is equal to or greater than the specified value.

  • is.equalGreater({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is equal to or greater than value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.equalGreater({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is equal to or greater than value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not equal to or greater than value.


is.equalGreater({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns true
is.equalGreater({ arg: 4, value: 5 });  // Returns false

as.equalGreater({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns 5
as.equalGreater({ arg: 4, value: 5 });  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation

Equal or Less

is.equalLess({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.equalLess({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is equal to or less than the specified value.

  • is.equalLess({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is equal to or less than value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.equalLess({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is equal to or less than value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not equal to or less than value.


is.equalLess({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns true
is.equalLess({ arg: 6, value: 5 });  // Returns false

as.equalLess({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns 5
as.equalLess({ arg: 6, value: 5 });  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.max({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.max({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is equal to the specified maximum value.

  • is.max({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is equal to the maximum value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.max({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is equal to the maximum value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not equal to the maximum value.


is.max({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns true
is.max({ arg: 4, value: 5 });  // Returns false

as.max({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns 5
as.max({ arg: 4, value: 5 });  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.min({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.min({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is equal to the specified minimum value.

  • is.min({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is equal to the minimum value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.min({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is equal to the minimum value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not equal to the minimum value.


is.min({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns true
is.min({ arg: 6, value: 5 });  // Returns false

as.min({ arg: 5, value: 5 });  // Returns 5
as.min({ arg: 6, value: 5 });  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.multiple({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.multiple({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a multiple of the specified value.

  • is.multiple({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is a multiple of value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.multiple({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is a multiple of value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a multiple of value.


is.multiple({ arg: 15, value: 5 });  // Returns true
is.multiple({ arg: 14, value: 5 });  // Returns false

as.multiple({ arg: 15, value: 5 });  // Returns 15
as.multiple({ arg: 14, value: 5 });  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.port(value) -> true | false
as.port(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid port number (between 0 and 65535).

  • is.port(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid port number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.port(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid port number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid port number.


is.port(80);      // Returns true
is.port(70000);   // Returns false

as.port(80);      // Returns 80
as.port(70000);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation

Safe Integer

is.safe(value) -> true | false
as.safe(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a safe integer (within the range of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).

  • is.safe(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a safe integer.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.safe(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a safe integer.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a safe integer.


is.safe(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);      // Returns true
is.safe(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1);  // Returns false

as.safe(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);      // Returns Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
as.safe(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1);  // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.precision({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.precision({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument has the specified precision value.

  • is.precision({ arg, value }):
    • Returns `true

ifarghas the specified precisionvalue`.

  • Returns false otherwise.

  • as.precision({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it has the specified precision value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg does not have the specified precision value.


is.precision({ arg: 5.22, value: 2 });  // Returns true
is.precision({ arg: 5.2, value: 2 });   // Returns false

as.precision({ arg: 5.22, value: 2 });  // Returns 5.22
as.precision({ arg: 5.2, value: 2 });   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.digits({ arg, value }) -> true | false
as.digits({ arg, value }) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument has the specified number of digits value.

  • is.digits({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg has the specified number of digits value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.digits({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it has the specified number of digits value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg does not have the specified number of digits value.


is.digits({ arg: 12345, value: 5 });  // Returns true
is.digits({ arg: 1234, value: 5 });   // Returns false

as.digits({ arg: 12345, value: 5 });  // Returns 12345
as.digits({ arg: 1234, value: 5 });   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.ISBN10(value) -> true | false
as.ISBN10(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid ISBN-10 number.

  • is.ISBN10(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid ISBN-10 number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.ISBN10(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid ISBN-10 number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid ISBN-10 number.


is.ISBN10(1234567890);  // Returns true
is.ISBN10(123456789);   // Returns false

as.ISBN10(1234567890);  // Returns 1234567890
as.ISBN10(123456789);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.ISBN13(value) -> true | false
as.ISBN13(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid ISBN-13 number.

  • is.ISBN13(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid ISBN-13 number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.ISBN13(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid ISBN-13 number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid ISBN-13 number.


is.ISBN13(1234567890123);  // Returns true
is.ISBN13(123456789012);   // Returns false

as.ISBN13(1234567890123);  // Returns 1234567890123
as.ISBN13(123456789012);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.EAN(value) -> true | false
as.EAN(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid EAN (European Article Number).

  • is.EAN(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid EAN.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.EAN(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid EAN.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid EAN.


is.EAN(1234567890123);  // Returns true
is.EAN(123456789012);   // Returns false

as.EAN(1234567890123);  // Returns 1234567890123
as.EAN(123456789012);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.SSN(value) -> true | false
as.SSN(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid SSN (Social Security Number).

  • is.SSN(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid SSN.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.SSN(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid SSN.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid SSN.


is.SSN(123456789);  // Returns true
is.SSN(12345678);   // Returns false

as.SSN(123456789);  // Returns 123456789
as.SSN(12345678);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.VIN(value) -> true | false
as.VIN(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).

  • is.VIN(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid VIN.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.VIN(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid VIN.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid VIN.


is.VIN(12345678901234567);  // Returns true
is.VIN(1234567890123456);   // Returns false

as.VIN(12345678901234567);  // Returns 12345678901234567
as.VIN(1234567890123456);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.INN10(value) -> true | false
as.INN10(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid INN (Individual Taxpayer Number) with 10 digits.

  • is.INN10(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid INN with 10 digits.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.INN10(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid INN with 10 digits.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid INN with 10 digits.


is.INN10(1234567890);  // Returns true
is.INN10(123456789);   // Returns false

as.INN10(1234567890);  // Returns 1234567890
as.INN10(123456789);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.INN12(value) -> true | false
as.INN12(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid INN (Individual Taxpayer Number) with 12 digits.

  • is.INN12(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid INN with 12 digits.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.INN12(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid INN with 12 digits.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid INN with 12 digits.


is.INN12(123456789012);  // Returns true
is.INN12(12345678901);   // Returns false

as.INN12(123456789012);  // Returns 123456789012
as.INN12(12345678901);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.GLN(value) -> true | false
as.GLN(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid GLN (Global Location Number).

  • is.GLN(arg):
    • Returns true if arg is

a valid GLN.

  • Returns false otherwise.

  • as.GLN(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid GLN.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid GLN.


is.GLN(1234567890123);  // Returns true
is.GLN(123456789012);   // Returns false

as.GLN(1234567890123);  // Returns 1234567890123
as.GLN(123456789012);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.IMEI(value) -> true | false
as.IMEI(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).

  • is.IMEI(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid IMEI.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.IMEI(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid IMEI.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid IMEI.


is.IMEI(123456789012345);  // Returns true
is.IMEI(12345678901234);   // Returns false

as.IMEI(123456789012345);  // Returns 123456789012345
as.IMEI(12345678901234);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


is.NPI(value) -> true | false
as.NPI(value) -> value | TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation


Checks if the provided argument is a valid NPI (National Provider Identifier).

  • is.NPI(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid NPI.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.NPI(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid NPI.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid NPI.


is.NPI(1234567890);  // Returns true
is.NPI(123456789);   // Returns false

as.NPI(1234567890);  // Returns 1234567890
as.NPI(123456789);   // Throws TypeError: Number is not a value that passed validation

String Validators

Here is the restructured documentation for the string validation methods:


is.alphabetic(value) -> true | false
as.alphabetic(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not alphabetic


Checks if the provided argument is an alphabetic string.

  • is.alphabetic(arg):

    • Returns true if arg contains only alphabetic characters.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.alphabetic(arg):

    • Returns arg if it contains only alphabetic characters.
    • Throws TypeError if arg does not contain only alphabetic characters.


is.alphabetic('hello');  // Returns true
is.alphabetic('hello123');  // Returns false

as.alphabetic('hello');  // Returns 'hello'
as.alphabetic('hello123');  // Throws TypeError: String is not alphabetic


is.digit(value) -> true | false
as.digit(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not digit


Checks if the provided argument is an digit string.

  • is.digit(arg):

    • Returns true if arg contains only digit characters.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.digit(arg):

    • Returns arg if it contains only digit characters.
    • Throws TypeError if arg does not contain only digit characters.


is.digit('123');  // Returns true
is.digit('hello123');  // Returns false

as.digit('123');  // Returns '123'
as.digit('hello123');  // Throws TypeError: String is not digit


is.lowercase(value) -> true | false
as.lowercase(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not lowercase


Checks if the provided argument is a lowercase string.

  • is.lowercase(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a lowercase string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.lowercase(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a lowercase string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a lowercase string.


is.lowercase('hello');  // Returns true
is.lowercase('Hello');  // Returns false

as.lowercase('hello');  // Returns 'hello'
as.lowercase('Hello');  // Throws TypeError: String is not lowercase


is.uppercase(value) -> true | false
as.uppercase(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not uppercase


Checks if the provided argument is an uppercase string.

  • is.uppercase(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is an uppercase string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.uppercase(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is an uppercase string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an uppercase string.


is.uppercase('HELLO');  // Returns true
is.uppercase('Hello');  // Returns false

as.uppercase('HELLO');  // Returns 'HELLO'
as.uppercase('Hello');  // Throws TypeError: String is not uppercase


is.camelCase(value) -> true | false
as.camelCase(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not camelCase


Checks if the provided argument is a camelCase string.

  • is.camelCase(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a camelCase string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.camelCase(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a camelCase string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a camelCase string.


is.camelCase('camelCase');  // Returns true
is.camelCase('CamelCase');  // Returns false

as.camelCase('camelCase');  // Returns 'camelCase'
as.camelCase('CamelCase');  // Throws TypeError: String is not camelCase


is.snakeCase(value) -> true | false
as.snakeCase(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not snakeCase


Checks if the provided argument is a snakeCase string.

  • is.snakeCase(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a snakeCase string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.snakeCase(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a snakeCase string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a snakeCase string.


is.snakeCase('snake_Case');  // Returns true
is.snakeCase('SnakeCase');   // Returns false

as.snakeCase('snake_Case');  // Returns 'snakeCase'
as.snakeCase('SnakeCase');   // Throws TypeError: String is not snakeCase


is.kebabCase(value) -> true | false
as.kebabCase(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not kebab-case


Checks if the provided argument is a kebab-case string.

  • is.kebabCase(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a kebab-case string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.kebabCase(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a kebab-case string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a kebab-case string.


is.kebabCase('kebab-case');  // Returns true
is.kebabCase('KebabCase');   // Returns false

as.kebabCase('kebab-case');  // Returns 'kebab-case'
as.kebabCase('KebabCase');   // Throws TypeError: String is not kebab-case


is.trainCase(value) -> true | false
as.trainCase(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not train-case


Checks if the provided argument is a train-Case string.

  • is.trainCase(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a train-Case string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.trainCase(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a train-Case string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a train-Case string.


is.trainCase('Train-Case');  // Returns true
is.trainCase('train-case');  // Returns false

as.trainCase('Train-Case');  // Returns 'Train-Case'
as.trainCase('train-case');  // Throws TypeError: String is not train-case


is.path(value) -> true | false
as.path(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid path


Checks if the provided argument is a valid path.

  • is.path(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid path.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.path(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid path.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid path.


is.path('/user/home');  // Returns true
is.path('invalid//path');  // Returns false

as.path('/user/home');  // Returns '/user/home'
as.path('invalid//path');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid path


is.uuid(value) -> true | false
as.uuid(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid UUID


Checks if the provided argument is a valid UUID.

  • is.uuid(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid UUID.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.uuid(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid UUID.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid UUID.


is.uuid('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000');  // Returns true
is.uuid('invalid-uuid');  // Returns false

as.uuid('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000');  // Returns '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'
as.uuid('invalid-uuid');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid UUID


is.http(value) -> true | false
as.http(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid HTTP URL


Checks if the provided argument is a valid HTTP URL.

  • is.http(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid HTTP URL.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.http(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid HTTP URL.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid HTTP URL.


is.http('http://example.com');  // Returns true
is.http('https://example.com');  // Returns false

as.http('http://example.com');  // Returns 'http://example.com'
as.http('https://example.com');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid HTTP URL


is.https(value) -> true | false
as.https(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid HTTPS URL


Checks if the provided argument is a valid HTTPS URL.

  • is.https(arg):
    • Returns true if arg is a valid HTTPS URL.
    • Returns false otherwise


  • as.https(arg):
    • Returns arg if it is a valid HTTPS URL.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid HTTPS URL.


is.https('https://example.com');  // Returns true
is.https('http://example.com');  // Returns false

as.https('https://example.com');  // Returns 'https://example.com'
as.https('http://example.com');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid HTTPS URL


is.url(value) -> true | false
as.url(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid URL


Checks if the provided argument is a valid URL.

  • is.url(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid URL.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.url(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid URL.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid URL.


is.url('https://example.com');  // Returns true
is.url('invalid-url');  // Returns false

as.url('https://example.com');  // Returns 'https://example.com'
as.url('invalid-url');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid URL


is.email(value) -> true | false
as.email(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid email address


Checks if the provided argument is a valid email address.

  • is.email(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid email address.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.email(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid email address.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid email address.


is.email('user@example.com');  // Returns true
is.email('user@invalid');  // Returns false

as.email('user@example.com');  // Returns 'user@example.com'
as.email('user@invalid');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid email address


is.ipv4(value) -> true | false
as.ipv4(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid IPv4 address


Checks if the provided argument is a valid IPv4 address.

  • is.ipv4(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid IPv4 address.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.ipv4(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid IPv4 address.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid IPv4 address.


is.ipv4('');  // Returns true
is.ipv4('999.999.999.999');  // Returns false

as.ipv4('');  // Returns ''
as.ipv4('999.999.999.999');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid IPv4 address


is.ipv6(value) -> true | false
as.ipv6(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid IPv6 address


Checks if the provided argument is a valid IPv6 address.

  • is.ipv6(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid IPv6 address.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.ipv6(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid IPv6 address.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid IPv6 address.


is.ipv6('2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334');  // Returns true
is.ipv6('invalid-ipv6');  // Returns false

as.ipv6('2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334');  // Returns '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334'
as.ipv6('invalid-ipv6');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid IPv6 address


is.ip(value) -> true | false
as.ip(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid IP address


Checks if the provided argument is a valid IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6).

  • is.ip(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid IP address.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.ip(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid IP address.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid IP address.


is.ip('');  // Returns true
is.ip('2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334');  // Returns true
is.ip('invalid-ip');  // Returns false

as.ip('');  // Returns ''
as.ip('2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334');  // Returns '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334'
as.ip('invalid-ip');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid IP address

File Extension

is.fileExtension(value) -> true | false
as.fileExtension(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid file extension


Checks if the provided argument is a valid file extension.

  • is.fileExtension(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid file extension.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.fileExtension(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid file extension.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid file extension.


is.fileExtension('.txt');  // Returns true
is.fileExtension('txt');  // Returns false

as.fileExtension('.txt');  // Returns '.txt'
as.fileExtension('txt');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid file extension

Hex Color

is.hexColor(value) -> true | false
as.hexColor(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid hex color


Checks if the provided argument is a valid hex color code.

  • is.hexColor(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid hex color code.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hexColor(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid hex color code.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid hex color code.


is.hexColor('#ff00ff');  // Returns true
is.hexColor('ff00ff');  // Returns false

as.hexColor('#ff00ff');  // Returns '#ff00ff'
as.hexColor('ff00ff');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid hex color

Hex String

is.hex(value) -> true | false
as.hex(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid hexadecimal value

Description: Checks if the provided argument is a valid hexadecimal string.

is.hex(arg): - Returns true if arg is a valid hexadecimal string (contains only characters 0-9 and a-f/A-F). - Returns false otherwise. as.hex(arg): - Returns arg if it is a valid hexadecimal string. - Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid hexadecimal string.


is.hex('a1b2c3');  // Returns true
is.hex('123XYZ');  // Returns false
is.hex('ABCDEF123456');  // Returns true

as.hex('a1b2c3');  // Returns 'a1b2c3'
as.hex('123XYZ');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid hexadecimal value


is.base64(value) -> true | false
as.base64(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid base64 string


Checks if the provided argument is a valid base64 encoded string.

  • is.base64(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid base64 encoded string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.base64(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid base64 encoded string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid base64 encoded string.


is.base64('dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=');  // Returns true
is.base64('invalid-base64');  // Returns false

as.base64('dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=');  // Returns 'dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q='
as.base64('invalid-base64');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid base64 string

Data URL

is.dataURL(value) -> true | false
as.dataURL(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid data URL


Checks if the provided argument is a valid data URL.

  • is.dataURL(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid data URL.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.dataURL(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid data


  • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid data URL.


is.dataURL('');  // Returns true
is.dataURL('invalid-data-url');  // Returns false

as.dataURL('');  // Returns ''
as.dataURL('invalid-data-url');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid data URL

Credit Card

is.creditCard(value) -> true | false
as.creditCard(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid credit card number


Checks if the provided argument is a valid credit card number.

  • is.creditCard(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid credit card number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.creditCard(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid credit card number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid credit card number.


is.creditCard('4111111111111111');  // Returns true
is.creditCard('1234567890123456');  // Returns false

as.creditCard('4111111111111111');  // Returns '4111111111111111'
as.creditCard('1234567890123456');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid credit card number


is.masterCard(value) -> true | false
as.masterCard(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid MasterCard number


Checks if the provided argument is a valid MasterCard number.

  • is.masterCard(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid MasterCard number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.masterCard(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid MasterCard number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid MasterCard number.


is.masterCard('5555555555554444');  // Returns true
is.masterCard('1234567890123456');  // Returns false

as.masterCard('5555555555554444');  // Returns '5555555555554444'
as.masterCard('1234567890123456');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid MasterCard number


is.visa(value) -> true | false
as.visa(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid Visa number


Checks if the provided argument is a valid Visa number.

  • is.visa(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid Visa number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.visa(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid Visa number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid Visa number.


is.visa('4111111111111111');  // Returns true
is.visa('1234567890123456');  // Returns false

as.visa('4111111111111111');  // Returns '4111111111111111'
as.visa('1234567890123456');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid Visa number

American Express

is.americanExpress(value) -> true | false
as.americanExpress(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid American Express number


Checks if the provided argument is a valid American Express number.

  • is.americanExpress(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid American Express number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.americanExpress(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid American Express number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid American Express number.


is.americanExpress('378282246310005');  // Returns true
is.americanExpress('123456789012345');  // Returns false

as.americanExpress('378282246310005');  // Returns '378282246310005'
as.americanExpress('123456789012345');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid American Express number

Diners Club

is.dinersClub(value) -> true | false
as.dinersClub(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid Diners Club number


Checks if the provided argument is a valid Diners Club number.

  • is.dinersClub(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid Diners Club number.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.dinersClub(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid Diners Club number.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid Diners Club number.


is.dinersClub('30569309025904');  // Returns true
is.dinersClub('12345678901234');  // Returns false

as.dinersClub('30569309025904');  // Returns '30569309025904'
as.dinersClub('12345678901234');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid Diners Club number


is.domain(value) -> true | false
as.domain(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid domain


Checks if the provided argument is a valid domain.

  • is.domain(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid domain.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.domain(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid domain.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid domain.


is.domain('example.com');  // Returns true
is.domain('invalid_domain');  // Returns false

as.domain('example.com');  // Returns 'example.com'
as.domain('invalid_domain');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid domain


is.guid(value) -> true | false
as.guid(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid GUID


Checks if the provided argument is a valid GUID.

  • is.guid(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid GUID.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.guid(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid GUID.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid GUID.


is.guid('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000');  // Returns true
is.guid('invalid_guid');  // Returns false

as.guid('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000');  // Returns '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000'
as.guid('invalid_guid');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid GUID


is.hostname(value) -> true | false
as.hostname(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid hostname


Checks if the provided argument is a valid hostname.

  • is.hostname(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid hostname.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hostname(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid hostname.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid hostname.


is.hostname('example.com');  // Returns true
is.hostname('invalid_hostname');  // Returns false

as.hostname('example.com');  // Returns 'example.com'
as.hostname('invalid_hostname');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid hostname

ISO Date

is.isoDate(value) -> true | false
as.isoDate(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid ISO date


Checks if the provided argument is a valid ISO date.

  • is.isoDate(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid ISO date.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.isoDate(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid ISO date.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid ISO date.


is.isoDate('2021-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns true
is.isoDate('invalid_date');  // Returns false

as.isoDate('2021-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns '2021-12-03T10:15:30Z'
as.isoDate('invalid_date');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid ISO date

ISO Duration

is.isoDuration(value) -> true | false
as.isoDuration(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid ISO duration


Checks if the provided argument is a valid ISO duration.

  • is.isoDuration(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid ISO duration.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.isoDuration(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid ISO duration.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid ISO duration.


is.isoDuration('P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S');  // Returns true
is.isoDuration('invalid_duration');  // Returns false

as.isoDuration('P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S');  // Returns 'P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S'
as.isoDuration('invalid_duration');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid ISO duration


is.jwt(value) -> true | false
as.jwt(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid JWT


Checks if the provided argument is a valid JWT.

  • is.jwt(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid JWT.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.jwt(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid JWT.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid JWT.


is.jwt('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c');  // Returns true
is.jwt('invalid_jwt');  // Returns false

as.jwt('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c');  // Returns the JWT
as.jwt('invalid_jwt');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid JWT


is.emoji(value) -> true | false
as.emoji(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid emoji


Checks if the provided argument is a valid emoji.

  • is.emoji(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid emoji.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.emoji(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid emoji.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid emoji.


is.emoji('😊');  // Returns true
is.emoji('not_emoji');  // Returns false

as.emoji('😊');  // Returns '😊'
as.emoji('not_emoji');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid emoji


is.nanoid(value) -> true | false
as.nanoid(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid nanoid


Checks if the provided argument is a valid nanoid.

  • is.nanoid(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid nanoid.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.nanoid(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid nanoid.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid nanoid.


is.nanoid('V1StGXR8_Z5jdHi6B-myT');  // Returns true
is.nanoid('invalid_nanoid');  // Returns false

as.nanoid('V1StGXR8_Z5jdHi6B-myT');  // Returns 'V1StGXR8_Z5jdHi6B-myT'
as.nanoid('invalid_nanoid');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid nanoid


is.cuid(value) -> true | false
as.cuid(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid CUID


Checks if the provided argument is a valid CUID.

  • is.cuid(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid CUID.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.cuid(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid CUID.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid CUID.


is.cuid('cjld2cjxh0000qzrmn831i7rn');  // Returns true
is.cuid('invalid_cuid');  // Returns false

as.cuid('cjld2cjxh0000qzrmn831i7rn');  // Returns 'cjld2cjxh0000qzrmn831i7rn'
as.cuid('invalid_cuid');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid CUID


is.cuid2(value) -> true | false
as.cuid2(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid CUID2


Checks if the provided argument is a valid CUID2.

  • is.cuid2(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid CUID2.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.cuid2(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid CUID2.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid CUID2.


is.cuid2('c9g2h0a8');  // Returns true
is.cuid2('invalid_cuid2');  // Returns false

as.cuid2('c9g2h0a8');  // Returns 'c9g2h0a8'
as.cuid2('invalid_cuid2');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid CUID2


is.excludes({ arg: string, value: string }) -> true | false
as.excludes({ arg: string, value: string }) -> value | TypeError: String includes the excluded value


Checks if the provided argument excludes a given substring.

  • is.excludes({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg excludes value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.excludes({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it excludes value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg includes value.


is.excludes({ arg: 'hello world', value: 'test' });  // Returns true
is.excludes({ arg: 'hello world', value: 'world' });  // Returns false

as.excludes({ arg: 'hello world', value: 'test' });  // Returns 'hello world'
as.excludes({ arg: 'hello world', value: 'world' });  // Throws TypeError: String includes the excluded value

Time (HH:MM:SS)

is.time(value) -> true | false
as.time(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid time


Checks if the provided argument is a valid time in the format HH:MM:SS.

  • is.time(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid time.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.time(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid time.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid time.


is.time('12:34:56');  // Returns true
is.time('25:00:00');  // Returns false

as.time('12:34:56');  // Returns '12:34:56'
as.time('25:00:00');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid time


is.datetime(value) -> true | false
as.datetime(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid datetime


Checks if the provided argument is a valid datetime in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

  • is.datetime(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid datetime.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.datetime(arg):

    • Returns `

arg` if it is a valid datetime.

  • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid datetime.


is.datetime('2018-01-04T05:52:20');  // Returns true
is.datetime('invalid_datetime');  // Returns false

as.datetime('2018-01-04T05:52:20');  // Returns '2018-01-04T05:52:20'
as.datetime('invalid_datetime');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid datetime


is.date(value) -> true | false
as.date(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid date


Checks if the provided argument is a valid date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

  • is.date(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid date.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.date(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid date.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid date.


is.date('2021-12-03');  // Returns true
is.date('invalid_date');  // Returns false

as.date('2021-12-03');  // Returns '2021-12-03'
as.date('invalid_date');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid date

SHA-256 Hash

is.hash(value) -> true | false
as.hash(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid SHA-256 hash


Checks if the provided argument is a valid SHA-256 hash.

  • is.hash(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid SHA-256 hash.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hash(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid SHA-256 hash.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid SHA-256 hash.


is.hash('e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855');  // Returns true
is.hash('invalid_hash');  // Returns false

as.hash('e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855');  // Returns 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855'
as.hash('invalid_hash');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid SHA-256 hash

Bcrypt Hash

is.BcryptHash(value) -> true | false
as.BcryptHash(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid BcryptHash hash


Checks if the provided argument is a valid SHA-256 hash.

  • is.hash(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid SHA-256 hash.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hash(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid SHA-256 hash.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid SHA-256 hash.


is.BcryptHash('$2b$10$tn8kyfnS.GCNYt6OFQDzIOv2BTQrigHnccmn0bPEyg8I16BJGMm06');  // Returns true
is.BcryptHash('invalid_hash');  // Returns false

as.BcryptHash('$2b$10$tn8kyfnS.GCNYt6OFQDzIOv2BTQrigHnccmn0bPEyg8I16BJGMm06');  // Returns '$2b$10$tn8kyfnS.GCNYt6OFQDzIOv2BTQrigHnccmn0bPEyg8I16BJGMm06'
as.BcryptHash('invalid_hash');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid SHA-256 hash

ISO Time with Seconds

is.isoTimeSecond(value) -> true | false
as.isoTimeSecond(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid ISO time with seconds


Checks if the provided argument is a valid ISO time with seconds.

  • is.isoTimeSecond(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid ISO time with seconds.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.isoTimeSecond(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid ISO time with seconds.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid ISO time with seconds.


is.isoTimeSecond('T12:34:56');  // Returns true
is.isoTimeSecond('invalid_time');  // Returns false

as.isoTimeSecond('T12:34:56');  // Returns 'T12:34:56'
as.isoTimeSecond('invalid_time');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid ISO time with seconds

ISO Timestamp

is.isoTimestamp(value) -> true | false
as.isoTimestamp(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid ISO timestamp


Checks if the provided argument is a valid ISO timestamp.

  • is.isoTimestamp(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid ISO timestamp.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.isoTimestamp(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid ISO timestamp.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid ISO timestamp.


is.isoTimestamp('2021-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns true
is.isoTimestamp('invalid_timestamp');  // Returns false

as.isoTimestamp('2021-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns '2021-12-03T10:15:30Z'
as.isoTimestamp('invalid_timestamp');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid ISO timestamp

ISO Week

is.isoWeek(value) -> true | false
as.isoWeek(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid ISO week


Checks if the provided argument is a valid ISO week.

  • is.isoWeek(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid ISO week.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.isoWeek(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid ISO week.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid ISO week.


is.isoWeek('2021-W48');  // Returns true
is.isoWeek('invalid_week');  // Returns false

as.isoWeek('2021-W48');  // Returns '2021-W48'
as.isoWeek('invalid_week');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid ISO week

MAC Address

is.mac(value) -> true | false
as.mac(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid MAC address


Checks if the provided argument is a valid MAC address.

  • is.mac(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid MAC address.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.mac(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid MAC address.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid MAC address.


is.mac('00:1B:44:11:3A:B7');  // Returns true
is.mac('invalid_mac');  // Returns false

as.mac('00:1B:44:11:3A:B7');  // Returns '00:1B:44:11:3A:B7'
as.mac('invalid_mac');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid MAC address

MAC-48 Address

is.mac48(value) -> true | false
as.mac48(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid MAC-48 address


Checks if the provided argument is a valid MAC-48 address.

  • is.mac48(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid MAC-48 address.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.mac48(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid MAC-48 address.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid MAC-48 address.


is.mac48('00-1B-44-11-3A-B7');  // Returns true
is.mac48('invalid_mac');  // Returns false

as.mac48('00-1B-44-11-3A-B7');  // Returns '00-1B-44-11-3A-B7'
as.mac48('invalid_mac');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid MAC-48 address

MAC-64 Address

is.mac64(value) -> true | false
as.mac64(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid MAC-64 address


Checks if the provided argument is a valid MAC-64 address.

  • is.mac64(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid MAC-64 address.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.mac64(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid MAC-64 address.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid MAC-64 address.


is.mac64('00-1B-44-11-3A-B7-44-11');  // Returns true
is.mac64('invalid_mac');  // Returns false

as.mac64('00-1B-44-11-3A-B7-44-11');  // Returns '00-1B-44-11-3A-B7-44-11'
as.mac64('invalid_mac');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid MAC-64 address

Past Date

is.past(value) -> true | false
as.past(value) -> value | TypeError: Date is not in the past


Checks if the provided argument is a date in the past.

  • is.past(arg):
    • Returns true if `

arg` is a date in the past.

  • Returns false otherwise.

  • as.past(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a date in the past.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a date in the past.


is.past('2020-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns true
is.past('2099-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns false

as.past('2020-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns '2020-12-03T10:15:30Z'
as.past('2099-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Throws TypeError: Date is not in the past

Future Date

is.future(value) -> true | false
as.future(value) -> value | TypeError: Date is not in the future


Checks if the provided argument is a date in the future.

  • is.future(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a date in the future.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.future(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a date in the future.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a date in the future.


is.future('2099-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns true
is.future('2020-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns false

as.future('2099-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Returns '2099-12-03T10:15:30Z'
as.future('2020-12-03T10:15:30Z');  // Throws TypeError: Date is not in the future

ASCII String

is.ascii(value) -> true | false
as.ascii(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not an ASCII string


Checks if the provided argument is an ASCII string.

  • is.ascii(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is an ASCII string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.ascii(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is an ASCII string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not an ASCII string.


is.ascii('hello');  // Returns true
is.ascii('こんにちは');  // Returns false

as.ascii('hello');  // Returns 'hello'
as.ascii('こんにちは');  // Throws TypeError: String is not an ASCII string


is.base32(value) -> true | false
as.base32(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid Base32 string


Checks if the provided argument is a valid Base32 encoded string.

  • is.base32(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid Base32 encoded string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.base32(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid Base32 encoded string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid Base32 encoded string.


is.base32('MZXW6YTBOI======');  // Returns true
is.base32('invalid_base32');  // Returns false

as.base32('MZXW6YTBOI======');  // Returns 'MZXW6YTBOI======'
as.base32('invalid_base32');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid Base32 string


is.base58(value) -> true | false
as.base58(value) -> value | TypeError: String is not a valid Base58 string


Checks if the provided argument is a valid Base58 encoded string.

  • is.base58(arg):

    • Returns true if arg is a valid Base58 encoded string.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.base58(arg):

    • Returns arg if it is a valid Base58 encoded string.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not a valid Base58 encoded string.


is.base58('3mJr7AoUXx2Wqd');  // Returns true
is.base58('invalid_base58');  // Returns false

as.base58('3mJr7AoUXx2Wqd');  // Returns '3mJr7AoUXx2Wqd'
as.base58('invalid_base58');  // Throws TypeError: String is not a valid Base58 string

Date Before Specific Date

is.before({ arg: string, value: string }) -> true | false
as.before({ arg: string, value: string }) -> value | TypeError: Date is not before the specific date


Checks if the provided argument is a date before a specific date.

  • is.before({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is before value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.before({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is before value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not before value.


is.before({ arg: '2021-12-03T10:15:30Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Returns true
is.before({ arg: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Returns false

as.before({ arg: '2021-12-03T10:15:30Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Returns '2021-12-03T10:15:30Z'
as.before({ arg: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Throws TypeError: Date is not before the specific date

Date After Specific Date

is.after({ arg: string, value: string }) -> true | false
as.after({ arg: string, value: string }) -> value | TypeError: Date is not after the specific date


Checks if the provided argument is a date after a specific date.

  • is.after({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg is after value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.after({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if it is after value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg is not after value.


is.after({ arg: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Returns true
is.after({ arg: '2021-12-03T10:15:30Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Returns false

as.after({ arg: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Returns '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'
as.after({ arg: '2021-12-03T10:15:30Z', value: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' });  // Throws TypeError: Date is not after the specific date

Maximum String Length

is.maxStr({ arg: string, value: number }) -> true | false
as.maxStr({ arg: string, value: number }) -> value | TypeError: String length is not within the limit


Checks if the provided argument's length is less than or equal to a specific value.

  • is.maxStr({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg length is less than or equal to value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.maxStr({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if its length is less than or equal to value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg length is greater than value.


is.maxStr({ arg: '1234567890', value: 10 });  // Returns true
is.maxStr({ arg: '12345678901', value: 10 });  // Returns false

as.maxStr({ arg: '1234567890', value: 10 });  // Returns '1234567890'
as.maxStr({ arg: '12345678901', value: 10 });  // Throws TypeError: String length is not within the limit

Minimum String Length

is.minStr({ arg: string, value: number }) -> true | false

({ arg: string, value: number }) -> value | TypeError: String length is not sufficient


Checks if the provided argument's length is greater than or equal to a specific value.

  • is.minStr({ arg, value }):

    • Returns true if arg length is greater than or equal to value.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.minStr({ arg, value }):

    • Returns arg if its length is greater than or equal to value.
    • Throws TypeError if arg length is less than value.


is.minStr({ arg: '123', value: 3 });  // Returns true
is.minStr({ arg: '12', value: 3 });  // Returns false

as.minStr({ arg: '123', value: 3 });  // Returns '123'
as.minStr({ arg: '12', value: 3 });  // Throws TypeError: String length is not sufficient

Has Uppercase

is.hasUppercase(string) -> true | false
as.hasUppercase(string) -> string | TypeError: String must contain at least one uppercase letter


Checks if the provided string contains at least one uppercase letter (A-Z).

  • is.hasUppercase({ arg }):

    • Returns true if the string contains uppercase letters.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hasUppercase({ arg }):

    • Returns the original string arg if it contains at least one uppercase letter.
    • Throws TypeError (e.g., "String must contain at least one uppercase letter") otherwise.


is.hasUppercase({ arg: 'Hello' });  // Returns true
is.hasUppercase({ arg: 'hello' });  // Returns false

as.hasUppercase({ arg: 'Hello' });  // Returns 'Hello'
as.hasUppercase('Hello');  // Throws TypeError: String must contain at least one uppercase letter

Has Lowercase

is.hasLowercase(string) -> true | false
as.hasLowercase(string) -> string | TypeError: String must contain at least one lowercase letter


Checks if the provided string contains at least one lowercase letter (a-z).

  • is.hasLowercase({ arg }):

    • Returns true if the string contains lowercase letters.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hasLowercase({ arg }):

    • Returns the original string arg if contains at least one lowercase letter.
    • Throws TypeError (e.g., "String must contain at least one lowercase letter") otherwise.


is.hasLowercase('Hello');  // Returns true
is.hasLowercase('HELLO');  // Returns false

as.hasLowercase('Hello');  // Returns 'Hello'
as.hasLowercase('Hello');  // Throws TypeError: String must contain at least one lowercase letter

Has Digit

is.hasDigit(string) -> true | false
as.hasDigit(string) -> string | TypeError: String must contain at least one digit


Checks if the provided string contains at least one digit (0-9).

  • is.hasDigit({ arg }):

    • Returns true if the string has a digit.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hasDigit({ arg }):

    • Returns the original string arg if string contains at least one digit.
    • Throws TypeError (e.g., "String must contain at least one digit") otherwise.


is.hasDigit('Hello123');  // Returns true
is.hasDigit('Hello');     // Returns false

as.hasDigit('Hello123');  // Returns 'Hello123'
as.hasDigit('Hello');     // Throws TypeError: String must contain at least one digit

Has Special Character

is.hasSpecialCharacter(string) -> true | false
as.hasSpecialCharacter(string) -> string | TypeError: String must contain at least one special character


Checks if the provided string contains at least one special character (example, !@#$%^&*(),.?":{}|<>).

  • is.hasSpecialCharacter({ arg }):

    • Returns true contains at least one special character.
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.hasSpecialCharacter({ arg }):

    • Returns the original string arg, if it contains at least one special character.
    • Throws TypeError (e.g., "String must contain at least one special character") otherwise.


is.hasSpecialCharacter('Hello!');  // Returns true
is.hasSpecialCharacter('Hello');   // Returns false

as.hasSpecialCharacter('Hello!');  // Returns 'Hello!'
as.hasSpecialCharacter('Hello');   // Throws TypeError: String must contain at least one special character


is.password(string) -> true | false
as.password(string) -> string | TypeError: String must meet password requirements


Checks if the provided string meets all of the following requirements:

  • Contains at least one uppercase letter.

  • Contains at least one lowercase letter.

  • Contains at least one digit.

  • Contains at least one special character.

  • Has a minimum 8 characters.

  • is.password({ arg }):

    • Returns true string meets all of the following requirements
    • Returns false otherwise.
  • as.password({ arg }):

    • Returns arg, if string meets all of the following requirements.
    • Throws TypeError (example, "String must meet password requirements") otherwise.


is.password('Hello1!');      // Returns true
is.password('Hello');        // Returns false

as.password('Hello1!');      // Returns 'Hello1!'
as.password('Hello');        // Throws TypeError: String must meet password requirements


To customize error messages, you can override Checker.errorMsg. To disable throwing errors, set checker.disabled = true.


const checker = new Checker();
checker.errorMsg = (params) => `${params[2] || (params[0]?.constructor ? params[0].constructor.name : params[0])} , really? I'm not sure that is a(an) ${params[1]}`;

const { multi, as, is } = checker;
checker.disabled = true;
// Example error message: TypeError: Number, really? I'm not sure that is a(an) string


A simple method to get the type of argument

get.type('any argument here'); // type of argument

get.type(43); // Number
get.type(Checker); // Checker


You can check the following types by "is", "as" or javascript, but this looks more readable

is.arguments(1); // true | false
as.arguments(1) // 1 | TypeError
// the same of
is.arrayObject(1); // true

is.generator(function*() { yield 0 }) // true | false
as.generator(function*() { yield 0 }) // function*() { yield 0 } | TypeError
// the same of
is.iterator(function*() { yield 0 })  // true | false
as.iterator(function*() { yield 0 })  // function*() { yield 0 } | TypeError

is.NodeJs() // true | false
as.NodeJs() //  process | TypeError
// the same of
process !== undefined // true

is.browser() // true
as.browser() // navigator | TypeError
// the same of
navigator !== undefined  // true
is.Chrome() // true
as.Chrome() // navigator | TypeError
// the same of
navigator.userAgent.includes('Chrome') // true    

Micro-tests Basic usage

There are only five main methods: METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, passed and failed.

METHOD usage

METHOD strictly checks methods.

import { Checker, BaseInterface, MicroTest, Utility, MicroTest } from '@pro-script/as-is';
const checker = new Checker({ 'IF/ELSE/END': true, strict: true, Enum: true, utility: true});
const { multi, Interface, strict, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

METHOD.toString(''); // ✗ METHOD.toString failed
const object = {
    foo: ()=> {}
METHOD.foo(object) // ✓ METHOD.foo passed


PROPERTY strictly checks properties.

import { Checker, BaseInterface, MicroTest, Utility, MicroTest } from '@pro-script/as-is';
const checker = new Checker({ 'IF/ELSE/END': true, strict: true, Enum: true, utility: true});
const { multi, Interface, strict, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

const object = {
    foo: ()=> 'Hello world',
    property1: 1
PROPERTY.foo(object) // ✗ PROPERTY.foo failed
PROPERTY.property1(object) // ✓ PROPERTY.property1 passed

IS usage

The IS function is a wrapper of "is" method, but with four additional methods like: true, false, ok, notOk. You can check any type with IS, what can do "is".

import { Checker, BaseInterface, MicroTest, Utility, MicroTest } from '@pro-script/as-is';
const checker = new Checker({ 'IF/ELSE/END': true, strict: true, Enum: true, utility: true});
const { multi, Interface, strict, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

IS.string(''); // ✓ IS.string passed
IS.objectUndeinedStringNumber(2); // ✓ IS.objectUndeinedStringNumber passed

Any testing framework has many methods and you should learn them before testing. Such as ().to.be.equal or assert.isOk() and more and that means a test development takes more time. Using the one percent improvement principle, you can reduce this time to a minimum by using only IS.true or IS.false and IS.ok or IS.notOk. Nothing else is needed for microtesting. When you need to test anything, you will use a different testing framework.

import { Checker, BaseInterface, MicroTest, Utility, MicroTest } from '@pro-script/as-is';
const checker = new Checker({ 'IF/ELSE/END': true, strict: true, Enum: true, utility: true});
const { multi, Interface, strict, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

const object = {
   foo: ()=> 'Hello world',
   property1: 1
IS.true(object.property1 >=1);
IS.false(object.property1 < 1);

passed and failed usage

This small functionality will be useful when you need to build your own testing scenario, but don't want to use IS for checking.

import { Checker, BaseInterface, MicroTest, Utility, MicroTest } from '@pro-script/as-is';
const checker = new Checker({ 'IF/ELSE/END': true, strict: true, Enum: true, utility: true});
const { multi, Interface, strict, as, is, IF, ELSE, END, optional, get }  = checker;
const { START, STOP, FINISH, METHOD, PROPERTY, IS, passed, failed } = new MicroTest({ is, as });

(1 < 2) ? passed.one('Is a won'): failed.two('is a loss');


These commands are an alias for the "is" command and are added to make the code easier to read.

IF/ELSE/END Basic usage

When you need to use a couple of variants of function or method calls, you can do the following

// Case 1
function someFunction(name, age, friends) {
    console.log(name, age, friends);
// Case 2
function someFunction(name, friends) {
    console.log(name, friends);
// Case 3
function someFunction(age, friends) {
    console.log(age, friends);
// Case 4
function someFunction(friends) {

function someFunction(name, age, friends,
                      _= [as.stringNumberArray(name),
                      ]) {
    IF.string(name) && is.number(age) && is.array(friends)? (
        as.array(_) && as.notEmpty(_)
    ):ELSE.string(name) && is.array(age)? (
        friends = age, 
        age = undefined
    ):ELSE.number(name) && is.array(age)? (
        friends = age,
        age = name,
        name = undefined
    ):ELSE.array(name)? (
        friends = name,
        name = undefined
    console.log(`name: ${name}, age: ${age}, friends: ${friends}`);
someFunction('Rick', 25, ['Mike', 'Liza']);
// name: Rick, age: 25, friends: Mike,Liza
someFunction('Rick', ['Mike', 'Liza']);
// name: Rick, age: undefined, friends: Mike,Liza
someFunction(25, ['Mike', 'Liza']);
// name: undefined, age: 25, friends: Mike,Liza
someFunction(['Mike', 'Liza']);
// name: undefined, age: undefined, friends: Mike,Liza

Advanced techniques

Checking one repeated type

In object, array, set and map. All types ending in 's' will be checked.

        is.strings(exampleObject) && as.strings(exampleObject);
        is.Numbers(exampleArray) && as.Numbers(exampleArray);
        is.Errors(exampleSet) && as.Errors(exampleSet);
        is.BigInts(exampleMap) && as.BigInts(exampleMap); 

Strict typing


new Strict(type['js type here']`variable name`);// <-- meta programing magic
// after that
type['js type here']`variable name`;
const strict = new Strict(type.string`name`);
strict.name = 'Stephen Hawking';

Basic usage

import Checker from 'as-is';
const { multi, Strict, type, as, is } = new Checker();
//-- Do it once!
const strict = new Strict(
strict.name = 'Mike';
strict.age = 12;
strict.pages = ['pageOne', 'pageTwo'];
strict.bla = 1; // will not be assigned
console.log(strict.name, strict.age, strict.pages);

// Mike 12 [ 'pageOne', 'pageTwo' ]

strict.name = 2022;
// TypeError: Number is not a(an) string

Use strictObject.values() to get all values.

const values = strict.values();
// { name: 'Mike', age: 12, pages: [ 'pageOne', 'pageTwo' ] }

Once the strict instance has been created, you can do the following:

strict.example = '2';

Strict has reserved variable names: get, set, values, types, variable, lastType. This means that you can do the following;

const strict = new Strict(type.null`get`);
const strict = new Strict(type.undefined`set`);
const strict = new Strict(type.array`values`);
const strict = new Strict(type.object`variables`);

strict.example = '2';

// when you call strict.values()
// you only get { example: '2' }. Any of the reserved variable names will be hidden.

Only one strict object in one file is possible, if you want to instantiate any other object, you will get a reference to the first one. This is because Strict must have access to the checker engine.

const strict = new Strict(type.null`set`);

const secondStrict = new Strict(type.null`get`);
secondStrict.example = '2';

// { example: '2' }

Any tricks will not help you get the second strict object. Maybe I'll find a solution for this because I think it's a bug, not a feature :)

import Checker from '@pro-script/as-is';
const { multi, Strict, type, as, is } = new Checker();

strict.example = 'first';

// even second import
import { default as CEngine }   from '@pro-script/as-is';
const { Strict: secondStrict } = new CEngine();

const secondStrict = new SecondStrict(type.null`get`);
secondStrict.example2 = 'second';

//{ example: 'first', example2: 'second' }

Checking multiple types.

It looks like generics in typescript, but more simple implementation. When a variable is part of more than one type, you can also check for that.


is['couple js type here']('argument here'); // argument | false
as['couple js type here']('argument here'); // argument | TypeError

// as alias syntax
multi`couple js type here`('argument here'); // argument | TypeError
multi(['couple js type here'])('argument here'); // argument | TypeError

Basic usage

as['Number or String or Boolean'](777);
as['it can be any text with type definition like String or Number'](111);


const multiType = 'Number|String|Boolean';
// TypeError: Object is not a(an) Number|String|Boolean
## Macros
To manage syntax and write human-readable code, you might need metaprogramming tools such as macros. When using the 
architectural pattern of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), you may need to perform a series of validations or type checks for 
a domain entity. These checks are often required repeatedly, resulting in code that is difficult to read. You could, of 
course, create your own type or interface, but what do you do when you need to perform some action in addition to type 
checking and validation that is part of the business logic? In such cases, you can use macros to hide the technical 
checks under the hood, and the name of the macro will explain what is happening in the domain language.
### Basic
**[callback1, callback2, ... callbackN].macro** is starting array of callbacks. That's it. When **[].macro** found an object it 
start his method by name.
### Basic usage 
***callbacks example***
    ()=> console.log('callback1'), 
    ()=> console.log('callback2'), 
    ()=> console.log('callbackN')
].macro; // callback1\n callback2\n callbackN\n

Object example

    first:()=> console.log('first'),
    second:()=> console.log('second')
['first', 'second'].macro; // first\n second
['first', 'second'].macro; // first\n second
['first', 'second'].macro; // first\n second

Objects method returns a callback

    'domain description':()=> function () { console.log('action') }
const domainAction = ['domain description'].macro;
domainAction.macro; // action
domainAction.macro; // action
domainAction.macro; // action

Only when the array is contain an object or a callback you can repeat the macro.

const empty1 = [()=> console.log('callback1')].macro;
const empty2 = ['first', 'second'].macro;
const notEmpty = [function (){ return ()=> console.log('This function is returning a callback')}].macro;
empty1.macro; // error
empty2.macro; // error
notEmpty.macro; // This function is returning a callback

Weird syntax

If you need to make something weird or unusual you can try this working syntax.

const macroObject = {
    'this.is.a.first.macro': ()=> 'macro value',
    '/this.is.a.second macro/': ()=> 2,
    'this is a third macro': ()=> console.log('console from third macro'),
    0xDad:()=> console.log('any number can be macro')
    _ => this.is.a.first.macro,
    /this.is.a.second macro/,
    'this is a third macro',
].macro; // console from third macro\n any number can be macro

Possible Errors

If you encounter the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '#<Object>')

Ensure you have a semicolon ; at the end of the previous line.

No Dependencies

This library has no external dependencies.

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