feedcore librairies
This module include multiple libraries that are likely to be required in any Feed implementation.
api : the basic functions which, in combination with sapi, makes routes handling trivial, notably:
- handeReq
- applyHandlerForCommand
- handleApiSuccess
- handleApiError
- defaultApiErrorHandling
- handleNotFound
- handleApiUnreachable
- handleMalformed
- handleAuth
- handleUnknownCommand
- handleGetOk
- handleGetError
- logRequest
- reply
config.feed : the base definitions of
- Feed and
- Feeds classes,
- EFeedState and
- EFeedKind enums, and
- FeedByFeedKind mapOb.
config : the nodecore/lib/config NodeConfig class extension, common to all Feeds.
my-dao : uses nodecore lib/my-dao to provide :
- FeedRecord and
- FeedRecordItem classes, used to extend Record classes using :
- Field and
- RecordJoined classes, with the help of :
- OnlyInserted and
- InsertAndUpdated function for Field class extension, and :
- Referenced,
- UniOwned and
- MultiOwned functions for RecordJoined class extension.
my-dao.patient : provides :
- BirthPlaceRecord class
- CivicAddressRecord class
- MultiAddressRecord class
- ContactRecord class
- FullContactRecord class
- MultiContactRecord class
- PatientLegitIdRecord class
- PatientRecord class
- PatientReachabilityRecord class
- EGender enum
- ELanguage enum
my-dao.practitioner : provides :
- PractitionerLegitIdRecord class and
- PractionerRecord class
my-dao.rdv : provides :
- RdvRecord class
- RdvPractitionerRecord class
- AppointmentRecord class
- RdvDispositionRecord class, and
- ERdvDisposition enum
- ERdvLocation enum
- ERdvConfirmationStatus enum
my-dao.privateMessage : provides :
- PrivateMessageAttachmentRecord class
- PrivateMessageRecord class
- PrivateMessageContentRecord class
- PrivateMessageStatusRecord class, and
- PrivateMessageStatusRecord enum
dao shared : provides EIssuerKind enum
feed.core : provides :
- Eflow enum and its eFlowsToBackend and eFlowsToFeed EItems.
- FeedOp class
- logFeedOpCall and
- expectedErrorLogMessage, unexpectedErrorShortMessage, expectedErrorShortMessage, expectedErrorStatus functions
- enhanced by DeclareFeedOpError() versions of IpSocketError, StatusError, Unpacking, FeedHubError constructors.
feed.core.ops : provides :
- FeedPullSingle class
- FeedPullBundle class
- FeedBundleResponse class
- FeedPushSingle class
feedhub.ops : provides :
- BackendPatientBundleResponse and PullBackendPatientBundle classes
- BackendIdIssuersBundleResponse and PullBackendIdIssuersBundle classes
- PullSingledBackendPatientReachability class
- PushSinglePrivateMessageNotification class
nao.feedhub : provides :
- PostToFeedHub class
- performFeedHubPost function
- performFeedHubGet function
- pingFeedHubServer function
- pingBackendServer function
- reportWtf function
sapi : provides the Provider class that serves as template for the Feed own sapi implementation to extend with working methods. It includes :
static _PullBundles(), _PullSingles(), _PushSingles(), _AddSingles(), _UpdateSingles(), _RetireSingles() and _Search() methods,
pingFeedHub() and pingBackend() methods,
practitionerFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullPractitionerBundle()
- pullSinglePractitioner()
- addSinglePractitioner()
- updateSinglePractitioner()
- retireSinglePractitioner()
- searchPractitioner()
patientFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullPatientBundle()
- pullSinglePatient()
- addSinglePatient()
- updateSinglePatient()
- retireSinglePatient()
- searchPatient()
patientReachabilityFeedOps() method filled with :
- pushSinglePatientReachability()
privateMessageStatusFeedOps() method filled with :
- pushSinglePrivateMessageStatus()
privateMessageFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullSinglePrivateMessageContent()
appointmentFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullAppointmentBundle()
- pullSingleAppointment()
rdvDispositionFeedOps() method filled with :
- pushSingleRdvDisposition()
backendIdIssuersFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullBackendIdIssuersBundle()
backendPatientFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullBackendPatientBundle()
backendPatientReachabilityFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullSingleBackendPatientReachability()
backendPrivateMessageNotificationFeedOps() method filled with :
- pushSinglePrivateMessageNotification()