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0.3.3 • Public • Published


Welcome to the Planship Fetch SDK - a Fetch-powered, promise-based client for the Planship API. Planship enables developers to build subscription logic for product pricing based on any combination of features, seats, and usage.

Installation and basic usage

Install @planship/fetch with npm, yarn or pnpm:

npm install @planship/fetch
# or
yarn add  @planship/fetch
# or
pnpm add  @planship/fetch

Import and instantiate the Planship class, and begin making calls to the Planship API:

import { Planship } from '@planship/fetch'

// Instantiate Planship API client using client ID and secret auth
const planship = new Planship(
  'clicker-demo',                                     // Your Planship product slug
    clientId: '273N1SQ3GQFZ8JSFKIOK',                 // Planship API client ID
    clientSecret: 'GDSfzPD2NEM5PEzIl1JoXFRJNZm3uAhX'  // Planship API client secret

// List product plans
const plans = await planship.listPlans()

// Create a customer with a given email, and subscribe them to a plan
customer = await planship.createCustomer(
    'email': 'vader@empire.gov'
).then((customer) => {
    customer.id,    // Customer ID
    'imperial'      // Plan slug
  return customer

// Retrieve customer entitlements
const customerEntitlements = await planship.getEntitlement(
  customer.id     // Customer ID

// Report usage for the customer
await planship.reportUsage(
  customer.id,    // Customer ID
  'force-choke',  // Metering ID
  1               // Reported usage

A complete reference for the Planship class and all related response models can be found here.

Client vs. server

This SDK can be used both on the client and the server side, but certain security considerations have to be made.

On the server side, or any other environment where you can securely access your application secrets, the Planship class can be initialized with your Planship API client ID and secret pair:

const planship = new Planship(
  'clicker-demo',                                     // Your Planship product slug
    clientId: '273N1SQ3GQFZ8JSFKIOK',                 // Planship API client ID
    clientSecret: 'GDSfzPD2NEM5PEzIl1JoXFRJNZm3uAhX'  // Planship API client secret

The Planship client instance will then obtain (and automatically refresh) an access token from Planship using an OAuth2 client credentials flow.

In client code, the use of application secrets like your Planship API client secret should be avoided at all times. Instead, you should retrieve a Planship access token from the server using your existing application API, and pass the token to the Planship client class constructor via an asynchronous getter function (getAccessTokenFn in the example below)

const planship = new Planship(
  'clicker-demo',     // Your Planship product slug
  getAccessTokenFn    // Function that returns a Planship token retrieved on the server

To obtain the token on the server side, call the getAccessToken method on the server-side Planship client instance:

const accessToken = await planship.getAccessToken()

Using a custom fetch API implementation

By default, the library uses the native fetch implementation. To use a non-default implementation of fetch, e.g. node fetch or SvelteKit fetch, simply pass it to the Planship constructor options parameter.

// Client id/secret initialization
const planship = new Planship(
  'clicker-demo',                                       // Your Planship product slug
    clientId: '273N1SQ3GQFZ8JSFKIOK',                   // Planship API client ID
    clientSecret: 'GDSfzPD2NEM5PEzIl1JoXFRJNZm3uAhX'    // Planship API client secret
    extras: {
      fetchApi: myFetchApi                              // Custom Fetch API

Planship Customer API client class

In addition to the Planship API client class, this library also implements the PlanshipCustomer client class, which provides indentical functionality, but it's initialized with a specific customer ID so it doesn't need to be passed to every customer-specific call.

import { PlanshipCustomer } from '@planship/fetch'

const planshipCustomer = new Planship(
  'clicker-demo',                                       // Your Planship product slug
  'vader@empire.gov',                                   // Customer ID
    clientId: '273N1SQ3GQFZ8JSFKIOK',                   // Planship API client ID
    clientSecret: 'GDSfzPD2NEM5PEzIl1JoXFRJNZm3uAhX'    // Planship API client secret

// Fetch a list of subscriptions
const subscriptions = await planshipCustomer.listSubscriptions()

// Change the plan of the first subscription (if one exists) to a plan with the slug 'imperial'
await planshipCustomer.changePlan(
  subscriptions?.[0].id,    // ID of the first subscription
  'imperial'                // New plan slug

// Retrieve customer entitlements
const customerEntitlements = await planshipCustomer.getEntitlement()

// Report usage for the customer
await planshipCustomer.reportUsage(
  'force-choke',          // Metering ID
  1,                      // Reported usage

A complete reference for the PlanshipCustomer class and all related response models can be found here.




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