dagre-layout - Graph layout for JavaScript
This project is an out-of-box replacement for dagre.
Based on the original dagre and Tyler's dagre-layout.
Dagre is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to lay out directed graphs on the client-side.
For more details, including examples and configuration options, please see the wiki.
Changes compared to dagrejs/dagre
- Upgrade all the dependencies (loadash 3 => 4)
- PNPM instead of NPM
- Get rid of PhantomJS
- Written in Typescript
- Use rollup instead of browserify
- Use Jest for testing
- Add test coverage report
- Remove Bower support
- Use 0 instead of
- Git ignore auto-generated code
- Others mentioned in the CHANGELOG.md
pnpm install
pnpm build
pnpm test
dagre-layout is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.