
2.3.1 • Public • Published


Notice (@peter.naydenov/notice)

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Notice is an simple event emitter. Define a behaviour related to event and then trigger the event.
Register multiple callbacks to the same event. Order of execution is the same as the order of registration. Use method 'stop' to mute the event for a while. Use method 'start' to unmute the event. Method 'off' will remove the event and all related callbacks. Method 'reset' will remove all events and functions from the event emitter.

Last Updates

  • After version 2.1.0 Method 'reset' was added. It removes all events and functions from the event emitter;
  • After version 2.3.0 If callback that returns a string 'stop', the execution of followed callbacks will be stopped. Use this functionality to create a condition checking functions before your main callback if needed;
  • In version 2.3.1 and above: Callback stop will stop the wildcard callbacks as well;


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npm install @peter.naydenov/notice

How to use it

Here is simple example for using this trivial event emitter:

// with ES6 modules:
import notice from '@peter.naydenov/notice'
// with CommonJS:
// const notice = require('@peter.naydenov/notice')
const eBus   = notice ();

eBus.on ( 'note' , () => console.log ( 'hey!')   )
eBus.emit ( 'note' )
// ---> 'hey!'

// example 2
eBus.on ( 'note' , () => console.log ( 'hey!')   )
eBus.on ( 'note' , () => console.log ( 'ho!')   )
eBus.emit ( 'note' )   // will execute all functions related to the event
// ---> 'hey!ho!'

// example 3
eBus.on ( 'note' , () => console.log ( 'hey!')   )
eBus.on ( 'note' , () => console.log ( 'ho!')   )
eBus.off ( 'note' )   // will remove all functions related to the event
eBus.emit ( 'note' )   // nothing will happen

// example 4
let x = 0;
eBus.on ( 'note' , () => { 
                        console.log ( 'hey!')
                        if ( x === 0 ) {
                                return 'stop'
eBus.on ( 'note' , () => {
                        console.log ( 'ho!')
eBus.emit ( 'note' )   // Will execute only the first function. If callback returns 'stop', the execution of callbacks will be stopped.
// ---> 'hey!'
// x == 1

// example 5
eBus.on ( 'note' , () => console.log ( 'hey!')   )
eBus.stop ( 'note' )   // will mute the event
eBus.emit ( 'note' )   // nothing will happen
eBus.start ( 'note' )  // will unmute the event
eBus.emit ( 'note' )   // ---> 'hey!'


      on    : 'Register a event'
    , once  : 'Register a single event'
    , off   : 'Unregister regular and single events'
    , reset : 'Remove all events and functions from the event emitter' // After version 2.1.0
    , emit  : 'Trigger a event'
    , stop  : 'Ignore event for a while'
    , start : 'Remove event from ignore list'
    , debug : 'Returns a console message on each triggered event'

Notice.on ( eventName, fn )

Register a regular event.

  • eventName: string. Name of the event;
  • fn: function. Behaviour that will be assigned to this eventName;
  const eBus = notice ();

  eBus.on ( 'start', name => console.log ( `Hey, ${name}!` )   )   
  eBus.emit ( 'start', 'Johny' )
// ---> Hey, Johny!
  eBus.emit ( 'start', 'Vessy' )
// ---> Hey, Vessy!

Notice.once ( eventName, fn )

Register a single event.

  • eventName: string. Name of the event;
  • fn: function. Behaviour that will be assigned to this eventName;
const eBus = notice ();

eBus.once ( 'start', name => console.log ( `Hey, ${name}!` )   )
eBus.emit ( 'start', 'Johny' )
// ---> Hey, Johny!
eBus.emit ( 'start', 'Vessy' )
// ---> null. It's a single event and can be triggered only once.

Notice.off ( eventName, fn )

Remove a behaviour(function) related to the event. If 'fn' is not provided, all behaviours related to this event will be removed. Function works with all types of event ( regular and single )

  • eventName: string. Name of the event;
  • fn(optional): function. Behaviour that will be assigned to this eventName;
let result = 0;
      eBus = notice ()
    , fn1 = () => result += 1
    , fn2 = () => result += 3
    , fn3 = () => result += 20

 eBus.on ( 'go', fn1 )
 eBus.on ( 'go', fn2 )
 eBus.emit ( 'go' )
// ---> result == 4
 eBus.off ( 'go', fn2 )   // fn2 is unsubscribed
 eBus.emit ( 'go' )       // Only fn1 is subscibed.
// ---> result == 5

 eBus.on ( 'go', fn2 )
 eBus.on ( 'go', fn3 )
 // All functions are subscribed now
 eBus.off ( 'go' )       // Unsubscribe the event
 eBus.emit ( 'go' )
 // ---> result == 5. Nothing changed

Notice.reset ( )

Will remove all events and functions from the event emitter.

let result = 0;
      eBus = notice ()
    , fn1 = () => result += 1
    , fn2 = () => result += 3
    , fn3 = () => result += 20

 eBus.on ( 'go', fn1 )
 eBus.on ( 'go', fn2 )
 eBus.on ( 'load', fn3 )
 eBus.reset () // Remove all events and functions
 eBus.emit ( 'go' )
 eBus.emit ( 'load' )
// ---> result == 0

Notice.emit ( eventName, data )

Trigger the event and execute all subscribed functions.

  • eventName: string. Name of the event;
  • data(optional): any.
let result = 0;
      eBus = notice ()
    , fn1 = x => result += 1 + x
    , fn2 = x => result += 3 + x
 eBus.on ( 'go', fn1 )
 eBus.on ( 'go', fn2 )
 eBus.emit ( 'go', 2 )
// ---> result == 8

Notice.stop ( eventName )

Disable specified event.

  • eventName: string. Name of the event;
let result = 0;
      eBus = notice ()
    , fn1 = x => result += 1 + x
    , fn2 = x => result += 3 + x
 eBus.on ( 'go', fn1 )
 eBus.on ( 'go', fn2 )
 eBus.stop ( 'go' )     // Functions are still subscribed but event is muted
 eBus.emit ( 'go', 2 )
// ---> result == 0

Notice.start ( eventName )

Enable again specified event.

  • eventName: string. Name of the event;
let result = 0;
          eBus = notice ()
        , fn1 = x => result += 1 + x
        , fn2 = x => result += 3 + x
     eBus.on ( 'go', fn1 )
     eBus.on ( 'go', fn2 )
     eBus.stop ( 'go' )
     eBus.emit ( 'go', 2 )
    // ---> result == 0
     eBus.start ( 'go' )
     eBus.emit ( 'go', 1 )
     console.log ( result )
     // ---> result == 6 

Notice.debug ( state, label )

Provide debug message on each event. By default is debug is 'off'.

// Turn debug "on"
eBus.debug ( true )

// Turn debug "off"
eBus.debug ( false )

// Activate debugger and set a debug message prefix
eBus.debug ( true, '[eBus]:' )
eBus.emit ( 'dummy' )
// --> [eBus]: Event "dummy" was triggered.

External Links


'notice' was created and supported by Peter Naydenov.


'notice' is released under the MIT License.

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