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AWS CDK Route53 HealthCheck

Create Route53 HealthChecks to monitor TCP, HTTP, HTTPS endpoints, to monitor CloudWatch Alarms and to monitor other Route53 HealthChecks.

Currently supported types of Route53 HealthChecks:

Easily create a CloudWatch Alarm based on the Route53 HealthCheck:

const healthCheck = new EndpointHealthCheck(scope, "HealthCheck", {
  domainName: "pepperize.com",

const alarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(scope, "Alarm", {
  metric: healthCheck.metricHealthCheckStatus(),
  comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,
  threshold: 1,
  evaluationPeriods: 1,

See more options API Reference



npm install @pepperize/cdk-route53-health-check


yarn add @pepperize/cdk-route53-health-check


pip install pepperize.cdk-route53-health-check

C# / .Net

dotnet add package Pepperize.CDK.Route53HealthCheck




npm install @pepperize/cdk-route53-health-check

See API.md.

HealthCheck for an endpoint

HTTPS health check

new EndpointHealthCheck(scope, "HealthCheck", {
  domainName: "pepperize.com",


  Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck
      FullyQualifiedDomainName: "pepperize.com"
      Port: 443
      Type: "HTTPS"
      EnableSNI: true

Additional configuration options

new EndpointHealthCheck(scope, "HealthCheck", {
  domainName: "pepperize.com", // The domain name that Route53 performs health checks on. Route53 resolves the IP address and performs the lookup.
  enableSni: true, // Specify that Route53 sends the host name for TLS negotiation.
  failureThreshold: 3, // The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Route53 to change the current status of the endpoint between healthy and unhealthy.
  healthCheckName: "pepperize.com", //	The display name of this Route53 HealthCheck.
  inverted: false, // Whether to invert the status of the Route53 health check status.
  ipAddress: "", // The ip address that Route53 performs health checks on. Optionally a domain name may be given.
  latencyGraphs: true, // Whether Route53 measures the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and displays a CloudWatch latency graphs in the Route53 console.
  port: 443, // The port that Route53 performs health checks.
  protocol: Protocol.HTTPS, // The protocol that Route53 uses to communicate with the endpoint.
  regions: [HealthCheckerRegions.EU_WEST_1, HealthCheckerRegions.US_EAST_1, HealthCheckerRegions.US_WEST_1], // The list of regions from which Route53 health checkers check the endpoint.
  requestInterval: 30, // The number of seconds between the time that Route53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health check request.
  resourcePath: "/health-check", // The path for HTTP or HTTPS health checks.
  searchString: "OK", // The search string for HTTP or HTTPS health checks.

See for more options API Reference - EndpointHealthCheckProps

HealthCheck to monitor other HealthChecks

const healthCheck1 = new EndpointHealthCheck(stack, "HealthCheck1", {
  domainName: "pepperize.com",
const healthCheck2 = EndpointHealthCheck.fromHealthCheckId(
new CalculatedHealthCheck(scope, "CalculatedHealthCheck", {
  childHealthChecks: [healthCheck1, healthCheck2],

See for more options API Reference - CalculatedHealthCheckProps

HealthCheck to monitor CloudWatch Alarms

const alarm = cloudwatch.Alarm.fromAlarmArn(
new AlarmHealthCheck(scope, "HealthCheck", {
  alarm: alarm,

See for more options API Reference - AlarmHealthCheckProps

Configuring DNS Failover

An example active-passive DNS failover configuration

DNS failover


// An alias record set for a CloudFront distribution
const recordSetPrimary = new route53.ARecord(scope, "RecordSetPrimary", {
  recordName: "www.pepperize.com",
  zone: hostedZone,
  target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(new targets.CloudFrontTarget(distribution)),
// The health check for the CloudFront distribution
const healthCheckPrimary = new EndpointHealthCheck(scope, "HealthCheckPrimary", {
  domainName: "www.pepperize.com",
// Configure the HealthCheckId and Failover on the record set


// An alias record set for an Application Load Balancer
const recordSetSecondary = new route53.ARecord(scope, "RecordSetSecondary", {
  recordName: "www-1.pepperize.com",
  zone: hostedZone,
  target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(new targets.LoadBalancerTarget(alb)),
// The health check for the Application Load Balancer
const healthCheckSecondary = new EndpointHealthCheck(scope, "HealthCheckSecondary", {
  domainName: "www-1.pepperize.com",
// Configure the HealthCheckId and Failover on the record set
healthCheckSecondary.failoverSecondary(recordSetSecondary, true);

See for more options API Reference - IHealthCheck

How health checks work in complex Amazon Route 53 configurations

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