TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.117.0 • Public • Published


It is a solution for collecting and handling payment sources in secure way.

With SDK you can create a payment form widget as an independent part or insert use inside your form.

The SDK supports methods for customization of widget by your needs (styling, form fields, etc)

Other information

To work with the widget you will need public_key or access_token (see Authentication)

Also you will need added gateway (see API Reference by gateway)

Get started

The Client SDK ships in JavaScript ES6 (EcmaScript 2015) in three different formats (CJS, ESM and UMD) along with respective TypeScript declarations. Below, we exemplify how to import each format.

With package manager

Our NPM package is compatible with all package managers (e.g., npm, yarn, pnpm, bun). Using npm the following command would add the Client SDK as a production dependency.

npm install @paydock/client-sdk

After installation is complete, if you are developing in NodeJS environments or using tools that expect your JavaScript code to be in CJS format (e.g., Jest, Karma, RequireJS, Webpack), you can import the Client SDK using CommonJS modules. For these environments the UMD format (@paydock/client-sdk/bundles/widget.umd.js) can also be used as a fallback. Alternatively, in case you are developing in projects that have access to modern bundlers such as Vite or others (e.g., SPA libs or SSR Metaframeworks), you can import the Client SDK features using ESM through named imports or namespaced imports.

// module import - CommonJS/Node projects ✅
const paydock = require('@paydock/client-sdk')
const api = new paydock.Api('publicKey');
// named import - ESM projects or TypeScript projects ✅
import { HtmlWidget } from '@paydock/client-sdk'
const widget = new HtmlWidget('#selector', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
// namespaced import - ESM projects or TypeScript projects ✅
import * as Paydock from '@paydock/client-sdk'
const widget = new Paydock.HtmlWidget('#selector', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
// default import - We do not provide default exports. They are handled differently by different tools!
import paydock from '@paydock/client-sdk'
>>> "Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module does not provide an export named 'default'"

Download from CDN

For browser environments, you can import the Client SDK directly from our CDN to your project's HTML. To accomplish this, include the Client SDK in your page using one and only of the two script tags below. After this step you will be able to access the Client SDK features via the global variable paydock.

For production we recommend using the compressed version (.min.js) since it will result in faster loading times for your end users.

  • Compressed version for production: https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js

  • Full version for development and debug: https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js

You may download the production version of the Client SDK scripts here, and, the development version here.

For more advanced use-cases, the library has UMD format that can be used in RequireJS, Webpack, etc.

<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js"></script>
    var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#tag', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');


You can find description of all methods and parameters here

A payment form where it is possible to enter card data/bank accounts and then receive a one-time token for charges, subscriptions etc. This form can be customized, you can customize the fields and set styles. It is possible in real-time to monitor the actions of user with widget and get information about payment-source using events.

Widget simple example


<div id="widget"></div>

You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized


var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey');
// ES2015 | TypeScript

import { HtmlWidget } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var widget = new HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey');

Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 100%;height: 300px;}</style>
    <form id="paymentForm">
        <div id="widget"></div>
        <input name="payment_source_token" id="payment_source_token" type="hidden">
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
        var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey');
        widget.onFinishInsert('input[name="payment_source_token"]', 'payment_source');

Widget advanced example


		background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
		border_color: 'yellow',
		text_color: '#FFFFAA',
		button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
		font_size: '20px'

This example shows how you can customize to your needs and design

Customization from html

<div id="widget"
	 widget-style="text-color: #FFFFAA; border-color: #yellow"
	 title="Payment form"
	 finish-text="Payment resource was successfully accepted"></div>

This example shows how you can set style and texts from html


widget.setRefId('id'); // your unique identifier to identify the data

widget.setFormFields(['phone', 'email']); // add additional fields for form of widget

widget.setSupportedCardIcons(['mastercard', 'visa']); // add icons of supported card types

This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 100%;height: 400px;}</style>
<form id="paymentForm">
    <div id="widget"
        widget-style="text-color: #FFFFAA; border-color: #yellow"
        title="Payment form"
        finish-text="Payment resource was successfully accepted"></div>

<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js" ></script>
	var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');

	widget.setSupportedCardIcons(['mastercard', 'visa']);
	widget.setFormFields(['phone', 'email']);
    widget.onFinishInsert('input[name="payment_source_token"]', 'payment_source');z




Class Widget include method for working on html and include extended by HtmlMultiWidget methods


Class HtmlMultiWidget include method for working with html


Class Configuration include methods for creating configuration token


Class MultiWidget include method for for creating iframe url


EVENT : object

List of available event's name


List of available event's name


List of available payment source types

PURPOSE : object


FORM_FIELD : object

Current constant include available type of fields which can be included to widget

STYLE : object

List of available style params for widget

TEXT : object

List of available text item params for widget

ELEMENT : object

List of available params for hide elements


The list of available parameters for showing card icons


Current constant include available type of element for styling


Current constant include available states of element for styling

CARD_VALIDATORS : Record.<string, string>

List of available form field validators dedicated to cards and their definition

GENERIC_VALIDATORS : Record.<string, string>

List of available generic form field validators and their definition

TRIGGER : object

List of available triggers



Interface of data from validation event.


Contains basic information associated with the event and additional meta data specific to the event. E.g., card info, gateway info, etc.


Interface of data from event.


Interface of data from event.


Interface for PayPal checkout meta information


Interface for classes that represent widget's styles.


Interface for classes that represent widget's text.


Interface for Bamboora meta information


Interface for styling input element.


Interface for styling submit_button element.


Interface for styling label element.


Interface for styling title element.


Interface for styling title_description element.


Interface for classes that represent a trigger data.



Interface of data from validation event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
event string The name of the event.
message_source string A system variable that identifies the event source.
purpose string A system variable that states the purpose of the event.
[ref_id] string Custom unique value that identifies result of processed operation.
[form_valid] boolean Indicates wether or not the form is valid.
[invalid_fields] Array.<string> Names of form fields with invalid data.
[invalid_showed_fields] Array.<string> Names of invalid form fields which are already displaying the error.
[validators] Partial.<Record.<(CardValidatorValue|GenericValidatorValue), Array.<string>>> Object containing validator identifiers as keys and the fields subject to that validator as an array of form field names. See list of available Generic Vallidators and Card Validators,



Contains basic information associated with the event and additional meta data specific to the event. E.g., card info, gateway info, etc.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
event string The name of the event.
purpose string A system variable that states the purpose of the event.
message_source string A system variable that identifies the event source.
[ref_id] string Custom unique value that identifies result of processed operation.
configuration_token string Token received from our API with widget data
type string Payment type 'card', 'bank_account'
gateway_type string Gateway type
[card_number_last4] string Last 4 digit of your card
[card_scheme] string Card scheme, e.g., (Visa, Mastercard and American Express (AmEx))
[card_number_length] number Card number length
[account_name] string Bank account account name
[account_number] string Bank account account number



Interface of data from event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
event string The name of the event.
purpose string A system variable that states the purpose of the event.
message_source string A system variable that identifies the event source.
[ref_id] string Custom unique value that identifies result of processed operation.



Interface of data from event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
event string The name of the event.
purpose string A system variable that states the purpose of the event.
message_source string A system variable that identifies the event source.
[ref_id] string Custom unique value that identifies result of processed operation.
payment_source string One time token. Result from this endpoint API docs



Interface for PayPal checkout meta information

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[brand_name] string A label that overrides the business name in the PayPal account on the PayPal hosted checkout pages
[cart_border_color] string The HTML hex code for your principal identifying color
[reference] string Merchant Customer Service number displayed on the PayPal pages
[email] string The consumer’s email
[hdr_img] string URL for the image you want to appear at the top left of the payment page
[logo_img] string A URL to your logo image
[pay_flow_color] string Sets the background color for the payment page. By default, the color is white.
[first_name] string The consumer’s given names
[last_name] string The consumer’s surname
[address_line] string Street address
[address_line2] string Second line of the address
[address_city] string City
[address_state] string State
[address_postcode] string Postcode
[address_country] string Country
[phone] string The consumer’s phone number in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901)
[hide_shipping_address] boolean Determines whether PayPal displays shipping address fields on the PayPal pages



Interface for classes that represent widget's styles.

Kind: global interface

Param Type
[background_color] string
[text_color] string
[border_color] string
[button_color] string
[error_color] string
[success_color] string
[font_size] string
[font_family] string



Interface for classes that represent widget's text.

Kind: global interface

Param Type
[title] string
[title_h1] string
[title_h2] string
[title_h3] string
[title_h4] string
[title_h5] string
[title_h6] string
[finish_text] string
[title_description] string
[submit_button] string
[submit_button_processing] string



Interface for Bamboora meta information

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[customer_storage_number] string Customer storage number
[tokenise_algorithm] number Tokenise algorithm



Interface for styling input element.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[color] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[border] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[border_radius] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[background_color] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[height] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[text_decoration] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_size] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_family] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[transition] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[line_height] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_weight] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[padding] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[margin] string Look more mozilla.org/color



Interface for styling submit_button element.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[color] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[border] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[border_radius] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[background_color] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[text_decoration] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_size] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_family] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[padding] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[margin] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[transition] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[line_height] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_weight] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[opacity] string Look more mozilla.org/color



Interface for styling label element.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[color] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[text_decoration] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_size] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_family] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[line_height] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_weight] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[padding] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[margin] string Look more mozilla.org/color



Interface for styling title element.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[color] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[text_decoration] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_size] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_family] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[line_height] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_weight] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[padding] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[margin] string Look more mozilla.org/color
['text-align',] string Look more mozilla.org/color



Interface for styling title_description element.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[color] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[text_decoration] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_size] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_family] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[line_height] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[font_weight] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[padding] string Look more mozilla.org/color
[margin] string Look more mozilla.org/color
['text-align',] string Look more mozilla.org/color



Interface for classes that represent a trigger data.

Kind: global interface

Param Type
[configuration_token] string
[tab_number] string
[elements] string
[form_values] string


HtmlWidget ⇐ HtmlMultiWidget

Class Widget include method for working on html and include extended by HtmlMultiWidget methods

Kind: global class
Extends: HtmlMultiWidget, MultiWidget


new HtmlWidget(selector, publicKey, [gatewayID], [paymentType], [purpose])

Param Type Default Description
selector string Selector of html element. Container for widget
publicKey string PayDock users public key
[gatewayID] string "default" ID of a gateway connected to PayDock. By default or if put 'default', it will use the selected default gateway. If put 'not_configured', it won’t use gateway to create downstream token.
[paymentType] string "card" Type of payment source which shows in widget form. Available parameters : “card”, “bank_account”.
[purpose] string "payment_source" Purpose of widget form. Available parameters: ‘payment_source’, ‘card_payment_source_with_cvv’, ‘card_payment_source_without_cvv’


var widget = new HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', 'gatewayID'); // short

var widget = new HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', 'gatewayID', 'bank_account', 'payment_source'); // extend

var widget = new HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', 'not_configured'); // without gateway



Destination, where customer will receive all successful responses. Response will contain “data” object with “payment_source” or other parameters, in depending on 'purpose'

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget

Param Type Description
url string Your endpoint for post request.





URL to which the Customer will be redirected to after the success finish

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget

Param Type
url string





URL to which the Customer will be redirected to if an error is triggered in the process of operation

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget

Param Type
url string





Set list with widget form field, which will be shown in form. Also you can set the required validation for these fields

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget

Param Type Description
fields Array.<string> name of fields which can be shown in a widget. If after a name of a field, you put “*”, this field will be required on client-side. (For validation, you can specify any fields, even those that are shown by default: card_number, expiration, etc... ) FORM_FIELD


widget.setFormFields(['phone', 'email', 'first_name*']);



The method to set the full configuration for the all specific form elements (visibility, required, label, placeholder, value) You can also use the other method for the partial configuration like: setFormFields, setFormValues, setFormPlaceholder, setFormLabel

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setFormElements

Param Type Description
elements Array.<Object> List of elements
elements[].field string Field name of element. If after a name of a field, you put “*”, this field will be required on client-side. (For validation, you can specify any fields, even those that are shown by default: card_number, expiration, etc... ) FORM_FIELD
elements[].placeholder string Set custom placeholders in form fields
elements[].label string Set a custom labels near the form field
elements[].value string Set predefined values for the form field


          field:  'card_name*',
          placeholder: 'Input your card holder name...',
          label: 'Card Holder Name',
          value: 'Houston',
          field:  'email',
          placeholder: 'Input your email, like test@example.com',
          label: 'Email for the receipt',
          value: 'predefined@email.com',



The method to set meta information for the checkout page

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget

Param Type Description
object IPayPalMeta | IBamboraMeta data which can be shown on checkout page IPayPalMeta IBamboraMeta


            brand_name: 'paydock',
            reference: '15',
            email: 'wault@paydock.com'



Loads the widget.

Calling this method results in an iframe element being inserted and rendered in the DOM.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: load


Registers a form validation callback for validation events.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: afterLoad

htmlWidget.trigger(triggers, data)

Registers callback that will be invoked for every trigger.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: trigger

Param Type Description
triggers 'submit_form' | 'tab' The Widget element identifier that caused the trigger.
data ITriggerData Data that will be sent to the widget when the trigger occurs.


htmlWidget.getValidationState() ⇒ IFormValidation

Gets a reference to the form current validation state.

!Warning: do not directly modify the values of the returned object.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: getValidationState
Returns: IFormValidation - Form validation object

htmlWidget.isValidForm() ⇒ boolean

Checks if a given form is valid.

A form is valid if all form fields are valid.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: isValidForm
Returns: boolean - Indicates wether or not form is valid.

htmlWidget.isInvalidField(field) ⇒ boolean

Using this method you can check if a specific form field is invalid

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: isInvalidField
Returns: boolean - Field is invalid

Param Type Description
field string Field name


htmlWidget.isFieldErrorShowed(field) ⇒ boolean

Checks if a given form field is displaying an error.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: isFieldErrorShowed
Returns: boolean - Indicates wether or not the Error message is being displayed on the associated field.

Param Type Description
field string The form field name


htmlWidget.isInvalidFieldByValidator(field, validator) ⇒ boolean

Checks if a given form field is valid or invalid by name.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: isInvalidFieldByValidator
Returns: boolean - Indicates wether or not the field is invalid based on validator intepretation.

Param Type Description
field string The form field name
validator The name of the validator.



Hides the widget.

E.g., use this method to hide the widget after it loads.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: hide

Param Type Default Description
[saveSize] boolean false Wether the original iframe element size should be saved before being hidden.



Shows the widget.

E.g., use this method to show the widget after it was explicitly hidden.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: show


Reloads the widget.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: reload


Hides the specified Widget elements by their identifier.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: hideElements

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> List of element which can be hidden ELEMENT


widget.hideElements(['submit_button', 'email']);



Shows the specified Widget elements by their identifier.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: showElements

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> List of elements which can be showed ELEMENT


widget.showElements(['submit_button', 'email']);



Updates the form field values inside the widget.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: updateFormValues

Param Type Description
fieldValues IFormValues Fields with values


  email: 'predefined@email.com',
  card_name: 'Houston'


htmlWidget.updateFormValue(key, value)

Updates a single form field values inside the widget by the form field name.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: updateFormValue

Param Type Description
key string The form field name
value string The form field value


widget.updateFormValue("card_name", "John Doe");


htmlWidget.onFinishInsert(selector, dataType)

Inserts the event data (after finish event) onto the input field associated with the provided CSS selector.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: onFinishInsert

Param Type Description
selector string A CSS selector. E.g., ".my-class", "#my-id", or others
dataType string The data type of IEventData object.



Intercepts a form submission and delegates processing to the widget.

An simplified example of the process:

  • User clicks submit button in your form
  • This implicitly triggers a submission to the widget
  • The widget submits your form

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: interceptSubmitForm
Note: The widget's submit button will be hidden.

Param Type Description
selector string css selector of your form


 <form id="myForm">
     <input name="amount">
     <button type="submit">Submit</button>



This method hides a submit button and automatically execute form submit

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: useCheckoutAutoSubmit


Use this method for resize iFrame according content height

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: useAutoResize




Object contain styles for widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setStyles

Param Type Description
fields IStyles name of styles which can be shown in widget STYLE


      background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
      border_color: 'yellow',
      text_color: '#FFFFAA',
      button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
      font_size: '20px'
      fort_family: 'fantasy'



Method to set a country code mask for the phone input.

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: usePhoneCountryMask

Param Type Description
[options] object Options for configure the phone mask.
[options.default_country] string Set a default country for the mask.
[options.preferred_countries] Array.<string> Set list of preferred countries for the top of the select box .
[options.only_countries] Array.<string> Set list of countries to show in the select box.




      default_country: 'au',
      preferred_countries: ['au', 'gb'],
      only_countries: ['au', 'gb', 'us', 'ua']



Method for set different texts inside the widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setTexts

Param Type Description
fields ITexts name of text items which can be shown in widget TEXT


      title: 'Your card',
      finish_text: 'Payment resource was successfully accepted',
      title_description: '* indicates required field',
      submit_button: 'Save',
      submit_button_processing: 'Load...',


htmlWidget.setElementStyle(element, [state], styles)

Method for set styles for different elements and states

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setElementStyle

Param Type Description
element string type of element for styling. These elements are available STYLABLE_ELEMENT
[state] string state of element for styling. These states are available STYLABLE_ELEMENT_STATE
styles IElementStyleInput | IElementStyleSubmitButton | IElementStyleLabel | IElementStyleTitle | IElementStyleTitleDescription styles list


widget.setElementStyle('input', {
  border: 'green solid 1px'

widget.setElementStyle('input', 'focus', {
  border: 'blue solid 1px'

widget.setElementStyle('input', 'error', {
 border: 'red solid 1px'



The method to set the predefined values for the form fields inside the widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setFormValues

Param Type Description
fieldValues Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, The object value is what we are expecting


      email: 'predefined@email.com',
      card_name: 'Houston'



The method to set custom form field labels

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setFormLabels

Param Type Description
fieldLabels Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, The object value is what we are expecting


      card_name: 'Card Holder Name',
      email: 'Email For Receipt'



The method to set custom form fields placeholders

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setFormPlaceholders

Param Type Description
fieldPlaceholders Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, Value of object is expected placeholder


      card_name: 'Input your card holder name...',
      email: 'Input your email, like test@example.com'




The method to change the widget icons

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setIcons


Using this method you can set hidden elements inside widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setHiddenElements

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> list of element which can be hidden ELEMENT


widget.setHiddenElements(['submit_button', 'email']);



Current method can set custom ID to identify the data in the future

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setRefId

Param Type Description
refId string custom id





Current method can add visual validation from gateway to widget's form fields

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: useGatewayFieldValidation



htmlWidget.setSupportedCardIcons(elements, validateCardNumberInput)

Current method can set icons of supported card types

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setSupportedCardIcons

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> SUPPORTED_CARD_TYPES
validateCardNumberInput boolean [validateCardNumberInput=false] - using this param you allow validation for card number input on supported card types


widget.setSupportedCardIcons(['mastercard', 'visa'], validateCardNumberInput);


htmlWidget.setEnv(env, [alias])

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox. Also we can change domain alias for this environment. By default domain_alias = paydock.com

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setEnv

Param Type Description
env string sandbox, production
[alias] string Own domain alias


widget.setEnv('production', 'paydock.com');



Method for creating iframe url

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: loadIFrameUrl

widget.loadIFrameUrl(function (url) {
}, function (errors) {



Method for setting a custom language code

Kind: instance method of HtmlWidget
Overrides: setLanguage

Param Type Description
code string ISO 639-1




HtmlMultiWidget ⇐ MultiWidget

Class HtmlMultiWidget include method for working with html

Kind: global class
Extends: MultiWidget


new HtmlMultiWidget(selector, publicKey, conf)

Param Type Description
selector string Selector of html element. Container for widget
publicKey string PayDock users public key
conf Configuration | string | Array.<Configuration> | Array.<string> exemplar[s] Configuration class OR configuration token


var widget = new MultiWidget('#widget', 'publicKey','configurationToken'); // With a pre-created configuration token

var widget = new MultiWidget('#widget', 'publicKey',['configurationToken', 'configurationToken2']); // With pre-created configuration tokens

var widget = new MultiWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', new Configuration('gatewayId')); With Configuration

var widget = new MultiWidget('#widget', 'publicKey',[ With Configurations
     Configuration(), // default gateway_id,
     Configuration('not_configured'), // without gateway,
     Configuration('gatewayId', 'bank_account')



Loads the widget.

Calling this method results in an iframe element being inserted and rendered in the DOM.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget


Registers a form validation callback for validation events.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

htmlMultiWidget.trigger(triggers, data)

Registers callback that will be invoked for every trigger.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

Param Type Description
triggers 'submit_form' | 'tab' The Widget element identifier that caused the trigger.
data ITriggerData Data that will be sent to the widget when the trigger occurs.


htmlMultiWidget.getValidationState() ⇒ IFormValidation

Gets a reference to the form current validation state.

!Warning: do not directly modify the values of the returned object.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Returns: IFormValidation - Form validation object

htmlMultiWidget.isValidForm() ⇒ boolean

Checks if a given form is valid.

A form is valid if all form fields are valid.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Returns: boolean - Indicates wether or not form is valid.

htmlMultiWidget.isInvalidField(field) ⇒ boolean

Using this method you can check if a specific form field is invalid

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Returns: boolean - Field is invalid

Param Type Description
field string Field name


htmlMultiWidget.isFieldErrorShowed(field) ⇒ boolean

Checks if a given form field is displaying an error.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Returns: boolean - Indicates wether or not the Error message is being displayed on the associated field.

Param Type Description
field string The form field name


htmlMultiWidget.isInvalidFieldByValidator(field, validator) ⇒ boolean

Checks if a given form field is valid or invalid by name.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Returns: boolean - Indicates wether or not the field is invalid based on validator intepretation.

Param Type Description
field string The form field name
validator The name of the validator.



Hides the widget.

E.g., use this method to hide the widget after it loads.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

Param Type Default Description
[saveSize] boolean false Wether the original iframe element size should be saved before being hidden.



Shows the widget.

E.g., use this method to show the widget after it was explicitly hidden.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget


Reloads the widget.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget


Hides the specified Widget elements by their identifier.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> List of element which can be hidden ELEMENT


widget.hideElements(['submit_button', 'email']);



Shows the specified Widget elements by their identifier.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> List of elements which can be showed ELEMENT


widget.showElements(['submit_button', 'email']);



Updates the form field values inside the widget.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

Param Type Description
fieldValues IFormValues Fields with values


  email: 'predefined@email.com',
  card_name: 'Houston'


htmlMultiWidget.updateFormValue(key, value)

Updates a single form field values inside the widget by the form field name.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

Param Type Description
key string The form field name
value string The form field value


widget.updateFormValue("card_name", "John Doe");


htmlMultiWidget.onFinishInsert(selector, dataType)

Inserts the event data (after finish event) onto the input field associated with the provided CSS selector.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget

Param Type Description
selector string A CSS selector. E.g., ".my-class", "#my-id", or others
dataType string The data type of IEventData object.



Intercepts a form submission and delegates processing to the widget.

An simplified example of the process:

  • User clicks submit button in your form
  • This implicitly triggers a submission to the widget
  • The widget submits your form

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Note: The widget's submit button will be hidden.

Param Type Description
selector string css selector of your form


 <form id="myForm">
     <input name="amount">
     <button type="submit">Submit</button>



This method hides a submit button and automatically execute form submit

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget


Use this method for resize iFrame according content height

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget




Object contain styles for widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setStyles

Param Type Description
fields IStyles name of styles which can be shown in widget STYLE


      background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
      border_color: 'yellow',
      text_color: '#FFFFAA',
      button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
      font_size: '20px'
      fort_family: 'fantasy'



Method to set a country code mask for the phone input.

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: usePhoneCountryMask

Param Type Description
[options] object Options for configure the phone mask.
[options.default_country] string Set a default country for the mask.
[options.preferred_countries] Array.<string> Set list of preferred countries for the top of the select box .
[options.only_countries] Array.<string> Set list of countries to show in the select box.




      default_country: 'au',
      preferred_countries: ['au', 'gb'],
      only_countries: ['au', 'gb', 'us', 'ua']



Method for set different texts inside the widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setTexts

Param Type Description
fields ITexts name of text items which can be shown in widget TEXT


      title: 'Your card',
      finish_text: 'Payment resource was successfully accepted',
      title_description: '* indicates required field',
      submit_button: 'Save',
      submit_button_processing: 'Load...',


htmlMultiWidget.setElementStyle(element, [state], styles)

Method for set styles for different elements and states

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setElementStyle

Param Type Description
element string type of element for styling. These elements are available STYLABLE_ELEMENT
[state] string state of element for styling. These states are available STYLABLE_ELEMENT_STATE
styles IElementStyleInput | IElementStyleSubmitButton | IElementStyleLabel | IElementStyleTitle | IElementStyleTitleDescription styles list


widget.setElementStyle('input', {
  border: 'green solid 1px'

widget.setElementStyle('input', 'focus', {
  border: 'blue solid 1px'

widget.setElementStyle('input', 'error', {
 border: 'red solid 1px'



The method to set the predefined values for the form fields inside the widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setFormValues

Param Type Description
fieldValues Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, The object value is what we are expecting


      email: 'predefined@email.com',
      card_name: 'Houston'



The method to set custom form field labels

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setFormLabels

Param Type Description
fieldLabels Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, The object value is what we are expecting


      card_name: 'Card Holder Name',
      email: 'Email For Receipt'



The method to set custom form fields placeholders

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setFormPlaceholders

Param Type Description
fieldPlaceholders Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, Value of object is expected placeholder


      card_name: 'Input your card holder name...',
      email: 'Input your email, like test@example.com'



The method to set the full configuration for the all specific form elements (label, placeholder, value) You can also use the other method for the partial configuration like: setFormValues, setFormPlaceholder, setFormLabel

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setFormElements

Param Type Description
elements string The list of elements
elements[].field string Field name of the element FORM_FIELD
elements[].placeholder string Set custom form field placeholder
elements[].label string Set custom labels near form field
elements[].value string Set predefined values for the form field


          field:  'card_name',
          placeholder: 'Input your card holder name...',
          label: 'Card Holder Name',
          value: 'Houston',
          field:  'email',
          placeholder: 'Input your email, like test@example.com',
          label: 'Email For Receipt',
          value: 'predefined@email.com',




The method to change the widget icons

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setIcons


Using this method you can set hidden elements inside widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setHiddenElements

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> list of element which can be hidden ELEMENT


widget.setHiddenElements(['submit_button', 'email']);



Current method can set custom ID to identify the data in the future

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setRefId

Param Type Description
refId string custom id





Current method can add visual validation from gateway to widget's form fields

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: useGatewayFieldValidation



htmlMultiWidget.setSupportedCardIcons(elements, validateCardNumberInput)

Current method can set icons of supported card types

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setSupportedCardIcons

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> SUPPORTED_CARD_TYPES
validateCardNumberInput boolean [validateCardNumberInput=false] - using this param you allow validation for card number input on supported card types


widget.setSupportedCardIcons(['mastercard', 'visa'], validateCardNumberInput);


htmlMultiWidget.setEnv(env, [alias])

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox. Also we can change domain alias for this environment. By default domain_alias = paydock.com

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setEnv

Param Type Description
env string sandbox, production
[alias] string Own domain alias


widget.setEnv('production', 'paydock.com');



Method for creating iframe url

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: loadIFrameUrl

widget.loadIFrameUrl(function (url) {
}, function (errors) {



Method for setting a custom language code

Kind: instance method of HtmlMultiWidget
Overrides: setLanguage

Param Type Description
code string ISO 639-1





Class Configuration include methods for creating configuration token

Kind: global class


new Configuration([gatewayID], paymentType, purpose)

Param Type Default Description
[gatewayID] string "default" gateway ID. By default or if put 'default', it will use the selected default gateway. If put 'not_configured', it won’t use gateway to create downstream token.
paymentType string Type of payment source which shows in widget form. Available parameters PAYMENT_TYPE
purpose string Param which describes payment purpose. By default uses Available parameters PURPOSE


var config = new Configuration('gatewayId'); // short

var config = new Configuration('gatewayId', 'bank_account', 'paymentSource'); // extend

var config = new Configuration('not_configured'); // without gateway



Destination, where customer will receive all successful responses. Response will contain “data” object with “payment_source” or other parameters, in depending on 'purpose'

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type Description
url string Your endpoint for post request.





URL to which the Customer will be redirected to after the success finish

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type
url string





URL to which the Customer will be redirected to if an error is triggered in the process of operation

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type
url string





Set list with widget form field, which will be shown in form. Also you can set the required validation for these fields

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type Description
fields Array.<string> name of fields which can be shown in a widget. If after a name of a field, you put “*”, this field will be required on client-side. (For validation, you can specify any fields, even those that are shown by default: card_number, expiration, etc... ) FORM_FIELD


config.setFormFields(['phone', 'email', 'first_name*']);



Method for setting meta information for checkout page

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type Description
object IPayPalMeta | IZipmoneyMeta | IAfterpayMeta | IBamboraMeta data which can be shown on checkout page IPayPalMeta IZipmoneyMeta IAfterpayMeta IBamboraMeta


            brand_name: 'paydock',
            reference: '15',
            email: 'wault@paydock.com'


configuration.setEnv(env, [alias])

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox. Also we can change domain alias for this environment. By default domain_alias = paydock.com

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type Description
env string sandbox, production
[alias] string Own domain alias





Title for tab which can be set instead of default

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type Description
label string Text label for tab


config.setLabel('custom label');


configuration.createToken(accessToken, cb, errorCb)

createToken - method which exactly create payment one time token

Kind: instance method of Configuration

Param Type Description
accessToken string Customer access token or public key which provided for each client
cb createToken~requestCallback The callback that handles the success response.
errorCb createToken~requestCallback The callback that handles the failed response.


 function (data) {
 }, function (error) {



Class MultiWidget include method for for creating iframe url

Kind: global class


new MultiWidget(accessToken, conf)

Param Type Description
accessToken string PayDock users access token or public key
conf Configuration | string | Array.<Configuration> | Array.<string> exemplar[s] Configuration class OR configuration token


var widget = new MultiWidget('accessToken','configurationToken'); // With a pre-created configuration token

var widget = new MultiWidget('accessToken',['configurationToken', 'configurationToken2']); // With pre-created configuration tokens

var widget = new MultiWidget('accessToken', new Configuration('gatewayId')); With Configuration

var widget = new MultiWidget('accessToken',[ With Configurations
     Configuration('gatewayId', 'bank_account')



Object contain styles for widget

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
fields IStyles name of styles which can be shown in widget STYLE


      background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
      border_color: 'yellow',
      text_color: '#FFFFAA',
      button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
      font_size: '20px'
      fort_family: 'fantasy'



Method to set a country code mask for the phone input.

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
[options] object Options for configure the phone mask.
[options.default_country] string Set a default country for the mask.
[options.preferred_countries] Array.<string> Set list of preferred countries for the top of the select box .
[options.only_countries] Array.<string> Set list of countries to show in the select box.




      default_country: 'au',
      preferred_countries: ['au', 'gb'],
      only_countries: ['au', 'gb', 'us', 'ua']



Method for set different texts inside the widget

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
fields ITexts name of text items which can be shown in widget TEXT


      title: 'Your card',
      finish_text: 'Payment resource was successfully accepted',
      title_description: '* indicates required field',
      submit_button: 'Save',
      submit_button_processing: 'Load...',


multiWidget.setElementStyle(element, [state], styles)

Method for set styles for different elements and states

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
element string type of element for styling. These elements are available STYLABLE_ELEMENT
[state] string state of element for styling. These states are available STYLABLE_ELEMENT_STATE
styles IElementStyleInput | IElementStyleSubmitButton | IElementStyleLabel | IElementStyleTitle | IElementStyleTitleDescription styles list


widget.setElementStyle('input', {
  border: 'green solid 1px'

widget.setElementStyle('input', 'focus', {
  border: 'blue solid 1px'

widget.setElementStyle('input', 'error', {
 border: 'red solid 1px'



The method to set the predefined values for the form fields inside the widget

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
fieldValues Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, The object value is what we are expecting


      email: 'predefined@email.com',
      card_name: 'Houston'



The method to set custom form field labels

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
fieldLabels Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, The object value is what we are expecting


      card_name: 'Card Holder Name',
      email: 'Email For Receipt'



The method to set custom form fields placeholders

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
fieldPlaceholders Object Key of object is one of FORM_FIELD, Value of object is expected placeholder


      card_name: 'Input your card holder name...',
      email: 'Input your email, like test@example.com'



The method to set the full configuration for the all specific form elements (label, placeholder, value) You can also use the other method for the partial configuration like: setFormValues, setFormPlaceholder, setFormLabel

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
elements string The list of elements
elements[].field string Field name of the element FORM_FIELD
elements[].placeholder string Set custom form field placeholder
elements[].label string Set custom labels near form field
elements[].value string Set predefined values for the form field


          field:  'card_name',
          placeholder: 'Input your card holder name...',
          label: 'Card Holder Name',
          value: 'Houston',
          field:  'email',
          placeholder: 'Input your email, like test@example.com',
          label: 'Email For Receipt',
          value: 'predefined@email.com',




The method to change the widget icons

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget


Using this method you can set hidden elements inside widget

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> list of element which can be hidden ELEMENT


widget.setHiddenElements(['submit_button', 'email']);



Current method can set custom ID to identify the data in the future

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
refId string custom id





Current method can add visual validation from gateway to widget's form fields

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget



multiWidget.setSupportedCardIcons(elements, validateCardNumberInput)

Current method can set icons of supported card types

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
elements Array.<string> SUPPORTED_CARD_TYPES
validateCardNumberInput boolean [validateCardNumberInput=false] - using this param you allow validation for card number input on supported card types


widget.setSupportedCardIcons(['mastercard', 'visa'], validateCardNumberInput);


multiWidget.setEnv(env, [alias])

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox. Also we can change domain alias for this environment. By default domain_alias = paydock.com

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
env string sandbox, production
[alias] string Own domain alias


widget.setEnv('production', 'paydock.com');



Method for creating iframe url

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

widget.loadIFrameUrl(function (url) {
}, function (errors) {



Method for setting a custom language code

Kind: instance method of MultiWidget

Param Type Description
code string ISO 639-1




EVENT : object

List of available event's name

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
AFTER_LOAD string "afterLoad"
SUBMIT string "submit"
FINISH string "finish"
VALIDATION string "validation"
VALIDATION_ERROR string "validationError"
SYSTEM_ERROR string "systemError"
META_CHANGE string "metaChange"
RESIZE string "resize"



List of available event's name

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
AFTER_LOAD string "afterLoad"
SYSTEM_ERROR string "system_error"
CVV_SECURE_CODE_REQUESTED string "cvv_secure_code_requested"
CARD_NUMBER_SECURE_CODE_REQUESTED string "card_number_secure_code_requested"
ACCESS_FORBIDDEN string "access_forbidden"
SESSION_EXPIRED string "systemError"
SYSTEM_ERROR string "session_expired"
OPERATION_FORBIDDEN string "operation_forbidden"



List of available payment source types

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
CARD string "card"
BANK_ACCOUNT string "bank_account"
CHECKOUT string "checkout"


PURPOSE : object


Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
PAYMENT_SOURCE string "payment_source"
CARD_PAYMENT_SOURCE_WITH_CVV string "card_payment_source_with_cvv"
CARD_PAYMENT_SOURCE_WITHOUT_CVV string "card_payment_source_without_cvv"


FORM_FIELD : object

Current constant include available type of fields which can be included to widget

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
CARD_NAME string "card_name"
CARD_NUMBER string "card_number"
EXPIRE_MONTH string "expire_month"
EXPIRE_YEAR string "expire_year"
CARD_CCV string "card_ccv"
CARD_PIN string "card_pin"
ACCOUNT_NAME string "account_name"
ACCOUNT_BSB string "account_bsb"
ACCOUNT_NUMBER string "account_number"
ACCOUNT_ROUTING string "account_routing"
ACCOUNT_HOLDER_TYPE string "account_holder_type"
ACCOUNT_BANK_NAME string "account_bank_name"
ACCOUNT_TYPE string "account_type"
FIRST_NAME string "first_name"
LAST_NAME string "last_name"
EMAIL string "email"
PHONE string "phone"
PHONE2 string "phone2"
ADDRESS_LINE1 string "address_line1"
ADDRESS_LINE2 string "address_line2"
ADDRESS_STATE string "address_state"
ADDRESS_COUNTRY string "address_country"
ADDRESS_CITY string "address_city"
ADDRESS_POSTCODE string "address_postcode"
ADDRESS_COMPANY string "address_company"


STYLE : object

List of available style params for widget

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
BACKGROUND_COLOR string "background_color"
TEXT_COLOR string "text_color"
BORDER_COLOR string "border_color"
BUTTON_COLOR string "button_color"
ERROR_COLOR string "error_color"
SUCCESS_COLOR string "success_color"
FONT_SIZE string "font_size"
FONT_FAMILY string "font_family"


TEXT : object

List of available text item params for widget

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
TITLE string "title"
FINISH string "finish_text"


ELEMENT : object

List of available params for hide elements

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
SUBMIT_BUTTON string "submit_button"
TABS string "tabs"



The list of available parameters for showing card icons

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
AMEX string "amex"
AUSBC string "ausbc"
DINERS string "diners"
DISCOVER string "discover"
JAPCB string "japcb"
LASER string "laser"
MASTERCARD string "mastercard"
SOLO string "solo"
VISA string "visa"
VISA_WHITE string "visa_white"



Current constant include available type of element for styling

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default Description
INPUT string "input." These states are available: STYLABLE_ELEMENT_STATE.ERROR, STYLABLE_ELEMENT_STATE.FOCUS. These styles are available IElementStyleInput
SUBMIT_BUTTON string "submit_button" These states are available: STYLABLE_ELEMENT_STATE.HOVER. These styles are available IElementStyleSubmitButton
LABEL string "label." These styles are available IElementStyleLabel
TITLE string "title." These styles are available IElementStyleTitle
TITLE_DESCRIPTION string "title_description." These styles are available IElementStyleTitleDescription



Current constant include available states of element for styling

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default Description
ERROR string "error" client
FOCUS string "focus" focus. This state applies to: input
HOVER string "hover" focus. This state applies to: submit_button


CARD_VALIDATORS : Record.<string, string>

List of available form field validators dedicated to cards and their definition

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default Description
CVV string "cardCvvValidation" Asserts that CVV contains zero or more digits and is a number
EXPIRY_DATE string "expireDateValidation" Asserts value is a date in the future with format MM/YY
HOLDER_NAME string "cardHoldernameValidation" Asserts value is a name that respects the ITU-T T.50 standard (@see https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.50/en)
NUMBER string "cardNumberValidation" Asserts the value matches a known card scheme and as a the correct length. E.g., matches a 13, 16 or 19 digit bank card, or, a 13 to 25 digit Vii Gift card
PIN string "cardPinValidation" Asserts the value is a number with exactly 4 digits


GENERIC_VALIDATORS : Record.<string, string>

List of available generic form field validators and their definition

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default Description
REQUIRED string "required" Asserts the input or form field has a value defined truthy value


TRIGGER : object

List of available triggers

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
SUBMIT_FORM string "submit_form"
CHANGE_TAB string "tab"
HIDE_ELEMENTS string "hide_elements"
SHOW_ELEMENTS string "show_elements"
REFRESH_CHECKOUT string "refresh_checkout"
UPDATE_FORM_VALUES string "update_form_values"
INIT_CHECKOUT string "init_checkout"

Payment sources widget

You can find description of all methods and parameters here

This widget provides a list of previously added (saved) payment-sources by customer_id or reference. The widget provides an opportunity to use events to track the process of selecting payment-sources and provide meta information about the payment-sources.

Payment-source requires a query_token that represents a pre-generated and secure token for limiting the list payment-sources, for a specific user or reference.

In order to generate this token, you need to send a GET request to getCustomerList where required query parameter must be id or reference. In response you get response.query_token which you can use in the widget.

Payment sources simple example


<div id="list"></div>

You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized


var list = new paydock.HtmlPaymentSourceWidget('#list', 'publicKey', 'queryToken');
// ES2015 | TypeScript

import { HtmlPaymentSourceWidget } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var list = new HtmlPaymentSourceWidget('#list', 'publicKey', 'queryToken');

Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 300px;}</style>
    <div id="list"></div>
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
        var list = new paydock.HtmlPaymentSourceWidget('#list', 'publicKey', 'queryToken');

Payment sources advanced example


    icon_size: 'small'

This example shows how you can customize to your needs and design


list.filterByTypes(['card', 'checkout']); // filter by any payment source types
list.filterByGatewayIds(['gateway1']); // also other filters

list.setRefId('id'); // your unique identifier to identify the data

list.setLimit(4); // Pagination elements will show if count of elements more then argument passed

list.onSelectInsert('input[name="ps_id"]', 'payment_source_id'); // insert one-time-token to your input after finish checkout

list.on('select', function(data) {

This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 300px;}</style>
    <div id="list"></div>
    <input type="text" name="ps_id" />
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
        var list = new paydock.HtmlPaymentSourceWidget('#list', 'publicKey', 'queryToken');
        list.filterByTypes(['card', 'checkout']);
            icon_size: 'small'


        list.onSelectInsert('input[name="ps_id"]', 'payment_source_id');
        list.on('select', function(data) {



Class HtmlPaymentSourceWidget include method for working on html


Class PaymentSourceWidget include method for for creating iframe url


EVENT : object

List of available event's name

STYLE : object

List of available style params for widget


List of available payment source types


listener--PaymentSourceWidget : function

This callback will be called for each event in payment source widget



Interface of data from event.


Interface of data from event.


Interface of data from event.


Interface of data from event.


Interface of data from event.


Interface for classes that represent widget's styles.



Interface of data from event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type
event string
purpose string
message_source string
[ref_id] string
customer_id string
payment_source_id string
gateway_id string
primary boolean
[widget_id] string
[card_number_last4] string
[card_scheme] string
gateway_type string
[checkout_email] string
payment_source_type string
[account_name] string
[account_number] string



Interface of data from event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type
event string
purpose string
message_source string
[ref_id] string
total_item number
skip number
limit number



Interface of data from event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
event string The name of the event.
purpose string A system variable that states the purpose of the event.
message_source string A system variable that identifies the event source.
[ref_id] string Custom unique value that identifies result of processed operation.
total_item number Pagination param. Total item count
skip number Pagination param. Skip items from first item
limit number Pagination param. Query limit



Interface of data from event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
event string The name of the event.
purpose string A system variable that states the purpose of the event.
message_source string A system variable that identifies the event source.
[ref_id] string Custom unique value that identifies result of processed operation.



Interface of data from event.

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
event number The name of the event.
purpose number A system variable that states the purpose of the event.
message_source string A system variable that identifies the event source.
[ref_id] string Custom unique value that identifies result of processed operation.
height number Height of iFrame
width number Width of iFrame



Interface for classes that represent widget's styles.

Kind: global interface

Param Type
[background_color] string
[background_active_color] string
[text_color] string
[border_color] string
[font_size] string
[icon_size] string


HtmlPaymentSourceWidget ⇐ PaymentSourceWidget

Class HtmlPaymentSourceWidget include method for working on html

Kind: global class
Extends: PaymentSourceWidget


new HtmlPaymentSourceWidget(selector, publicKey, queryToken)

Param Type Description
selector string Selector of html element. Container for widget
publicKey string PayDock users public key
queryToken string PayDock's query token that represents params to search customer by id or reference


* var widget = new HtmlPaymentSourceWidget('#widget', 'publicKey','queryToken');



The final method to beginning, the load process of widget to html

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget

htmlPaymentSourceWidget.on(eventName, cb)

Listen to events of widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
eventName string Available event names EVENT
cb listener--PaymentSourceWidget


widget.on('select', function (data) {



Using this method you can hide widget after load

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Default Description
[saveSize] boolean false using this param you can save iframe's size



Using this method you can show widget after using hide method

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget


Using this method you can reload widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget

htmlPaymentSourceWidget.onSelectInsert(selector, dataType)

After select event of widget, data (dataType) will be insert to input (selector)

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
selector string css selector . [] #
dataType string data type of IEventSelectData.



Object contain styles for widget

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: setStyles

Param Type Description
fields IStyles name of styles which can be shown in widget STYLE


      background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
      border_color: 'yellow',
      text_color: '#FFFFAA',
      icon_size: 'small',
      font_size: '20px'



Current method can set custom ID to identify the data in the future

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: setRefId

Param Type Description
refId string custom id





Current method can set limit for payment sources count. In case when limit sets less then general count will be shown pagination buttons prev and next.

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: setLimit

Param Type Description
count string payment source count


htmlPaymentSourceWidget.setEnv(env, [alias])

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox Also we can change domain alias for this environment. By default domain_alias = paydock.com

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: setEnv

Param Type Description
env string sandbox, production
[alias] string Own domain alias





Method for getting iframe's url

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: getIFrameUrl


Show payment source inside widget only with requested gateway ids

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: filterByGatewayIds

Param Type Description
ids Array.<string> List of gateway_id



Show payment source inside widget only with requested payment source types

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: filterByTypes

Param Description
types List of payment source types. Available parameters PAYMENT_TYPE



Method for setting a custom language code

Kind: instance method of HtmlPaymentSourceWidget
Overrides: setLanguage

Param Type Description
code string ISO 639-1





Class PaymentSourceWidget include method for for creating iframe url

Kind: global class


new PaymentSourceWidget(publicKey, customer, [useReference])

Param Type Default Description
publicKey string PayDock users public key
customer string PayDock's customer_id or customer_reference (In order to use the customer_reference, you must explicitly specify useReference as true)
[useReference] boolean false


var widget = new PaymentSourceWidget('publicKey','customerId');
// or
var widget = new PaymentSourceWidget('publicKey', customerReference, true);



Object contain styles for widget

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
fields IStyles name of styles which can be shown in widget STYLE


      background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
      border_color: 'yellow',
      text_color: '#FFFFAA',
      icon_size: 'small',
      font_size: '20px'



Current method can set custom ID to identify the data in the future

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
refId string custom id





Current method can set limit for payment sources count. In case when limit sets less then general count will be shown pagination buttons prev and next.

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
count string payment source count


paymentSourceWidget.setEnv(env, [alias])

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox Also we can change domain alias for this environment. By default domain_alias = paydock.com

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
env string sandbox, production
[alias] string Own domain alias





Method for getting iframe's url

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget


Show payment source inside widget only with requested gateway ids

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
ids Array.<string> List of gateway_id



Show payment source inside widget only with requested payment source types

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget

Param Description
types List of payment source types. Available parameters PAYMENT_TYPE



Method for setting a custom language code

Kind: instance method of PaymentSourceWidget

Param Type Description
code string ISO 639-1




EVENT : object

List of available event's name

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
AFTER_LOAD string "afterLoad"
SYSTEM_ERROR string "systemError"
SELECT string "select"
UNSELECT string "unselect"
NEXT string "next"
PREV string "prev"
META_CHANGE string "metaChange"
RESIZE string "resize"


STYLE : object

List of available style params for widget

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
BACKGROUND_COLOR string "background_color"
BACKGROUND_ACTIVE_COLOR string "background_active_color"
TEXT_COLOR string "text_color"
BORDER_COLOR string "border_color"
ICON_SIZE string "icon_size"
FONT_SIZE string "font_size"



List of available payment source types

Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
CARD string "card"
BANK_ACCOUNT string "bank_account"
CHECKOUT string "checkout"


listener--PaymentSourceWidget : function

This callback will be called for each event in payment source widget

Kind: global typedef

Param Type
response IEventData | IEventSelectData | IEventPaginationData | IEventAfterLoadData

Checkout button

You can find description of all methods and parameters here PayPal meta parameters description here Zipmoney meta parameters description here

This widget allows you to turn your button into a full Checkout Button. As a result, you will be able to receive a one-time token for charges, subscriptions etc. And other data given to the user by the payment gateway.

Checkout button simple example


<button type="button" id="button">

You must create a button to turn it into checkout-button


var button = new paydock.PaypalCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
// ES2015 | TypeScript

var button = new PaypalCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey');

Then write only need 1 line of code in js to initialize widget

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <button type="button" id="button">checkout</button>
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js" ></script>
        var button = new paydock.PaypalCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey');

Checkout button advanced example

Optional methods

button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token'); // insert one-time-token to your input after finish checkout

       brand_name: 'Paydock',
       reference: '15',
       first_name: 'receiver-name',
       last_name: 'receiver-last-name',
       phone: '9379992'}); // settings for checkout pages

button.on('finish', function (data) { // Add handler of event
       console.log('on:finish', data);

This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your button

Full Paypal example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
<form id="paymentForm">
    <button type="button" id="button">
        <img src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;">

<input type="text" name="pst" />

<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js" ></script>
	var button = new paydock.PaypalCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
	button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token');
           brand_name: 'Paydock',
           reference: '15',
           first_name: 'Joshua',
           last_name: 'Wood',
           phone: '0231049872'});

    button.on('finish', function (data) {
           console.log('on:finish', data);

Full ZipMoney example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
<form id="paymentForm">
    <button type="button" id="button">
        <img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVrrEYxDmq4WXv7hfHygKD9ltnOqv0K6soSAhmbKNllPNYWiLiJA" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;">

<input type="text" name="pst" />

<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js" ></script>
	var button = new paydock.ZipmoneyCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
	button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token');
    button.setMeta("first_name": "Joshua",
       "tokenize": true,
       "last_name": "Wood",
       "gender": "male",
       "charge": {
           "amount": "4",
           "shipping_type": "delivery",
           "shipping_address": {
               "first_name": "Joshua",
               "last_name": "Wood",
               "line1": "Suite 660",
               "line2": "822 Ruiz Square",
               "country": "AU",
               "postcode": "3223",
               "city": "Sydney",
               "state": "LA"
           "billing_address": {
               "first_name": "Joshua",
               "last_name": "Wood",
               "line1": "Suite 660",
               "line2": "test",
               "country": "AU",
               "postcode": "3223",
               "city": "Sydney",
               "state": "LA"
           "items": [
                   "name":"ACME Toolbox",
                   "quantity": 1,
                   "reference":"Fuga consequuntur sint ab magnam"
                   "name":"Device 42",
                   "quantity": 1,
                   "reference":"Fuga consequuntur sint ab magnam"

       "statistics": {
           "account_created": "2017-05-05",
           "sales_total_number": "5",
           "sales_total_amount": "4",
           "sales_avg_value": "45",
           "sales_max_value": "400",
           "refunds_total_amount": "21",
           "previous_chargeback": "true",
           "currency": "AUD",
           "last_login": "2017-06-01"

    button.on('finish', function (data) {
           console.log('on:finish', data);

Full Aftepay example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
<button type="button" id="button">
    <img src="https://daepxvbfwwgd0.cloudfront.net/assets/logo_scroll-0c43312c5845a0dcd7a3373325da6402bc1d635d3415af28ed40d6c1b48e3d5c.png" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;">

<input type="text" name="pst" />

<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js" ></script>
	var button = new paydock.AfterpayCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');

	button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token');
        amount: "100",
        currency: "AUD",
        reference: 'Vitae commodi provident assumenda',
        email: 'wanda.mertz@example.com',
        first_name: 'Wanda',
        last_name: 'Mertz',
        address_line: '61426 Osvaldo Plains',
        address_line2: 'Apt. 276',
        address_city: 'Lake Robyn',
        address_state: 'WY',
        address_postcode: '07396',
        address_country: 'Australia',
        phone: '0412345678',

    button.on('finish', function (data) {
           console.log('on:finish', data);



Class CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout


Class ZipmoneyCheckoutButton is wrapper of CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout


Class PaypalCheckoutButton is wrapper of CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout


Class AfterpayCheckoutButton is wrapper of CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout






listener : function

This callback will be called for each event in payment source widget



Interface for PayPal checkout meta information


Interface for ZipMoney checkout meta information


Interface for Afterpay checkout meta information



Kind: global interface

Param Type
[payment_source_token] string



Interface for PayPal checkout meta information

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
[brand_name] string A label that overrides the business name in the PayPal account on the PayPal hosted checkout pages
[cart_border_color] string The HTML hex code for your principal identifying color
[reference] string Merchant Customer Service number displayed on the PayPal pages
[email] string The consumer’s email
[hdr_img] string URL for the image you want to appear at the top left of the payment page
[logo_img] string A URL to your logo image
[pay_flow_color] string Sets the background color for the payment page. By default, the color is white.
[first_name] string The consumer’s given names
[last_name] string The consumer’s surname
[address_line] string Street address
[address_line2] string Second line of the address
[address_city] string City
[address_state] string State
[address_postcode] string Postcode
[address_country] string Country
[phone] string The consumer’s phone number in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901)
[hide_shipping_address] boolean Determines whether PayPal displays shipping address fields on the PayPal pages



Interface for ZipMoney checkout meta information

Kind: global interface

Param Type Description
first_name string First name for the customer
last_name string Last name for the customer
[phone] string The consumer’s phone number in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901)
[tokenize] boolean Controls whether to tokenize the zip pay / zip money account, defaults to ‘false’
email string The consumer’s email
[gender] string Gender name for the customer
[date_of_birth] string Date of birth name for the customer
charge.amount number Amount to be paid
[charge.currency] string Currency code
[charge.reference] string Reference
charge.items array Collections of orders
charge.items[].name string Name of the item
charge.items[].amount number Amount of the item
charge.items[].quantity integer Quantity of the item
[charge.items[].type] string type of the item, values can be: ‘sku’, ‘tax’, ‘shipping’, ‘discount’
[charge.items[].reference] string reference of the item
[charge.items[].item_uri] string url of the item in your store
[charge.items[].image_url] string url of the image in your store
[charge.shipping_type] string Shipping type, values can be: ‘pickup’, ‘delivery’, defaults to ‘delivery’
[charge.shipping_address] string Object with shipping address details
[charge.shipping_address.first_name] string Shipping first name
[charge.shipping_address.last_name] string Shipping last name
charge.shipping_address.line1 string Shipping address line 1
charge.shipping_address.line2 string Shipping address line 2
charge.shipping_address.city string Shipping city
charge.shipping_address.state string Shipping state
charge.shipping_address.postcode string Shipping postcode
charge.shipping_address.country string Shipping country
charge.billing_address string Object with billing address details
[charge.billing_address.first_name] string Billing first name
[charge.billing_address.last_name] string Billing last name
charge.billing_address.line1 string Billing address line 1
[charge.billing_address.line2] string Billing address line 1
charge.billing_address.city string Billing city
charge.billing_address.state string Billing state
charge.billing_address.postcode string Billing postcode
charge.billing_address.country string Billing country



Interface for Afterpay checkout meta information

Kind: global interface

Param Type
[amount] number
[currency] number
[first_name] string
[last_name] string
[email] string
[address_line] string
[address_line2] string
[address_city] string
[address_state] string
[address_postcode] string
[address_country] string
[phone] string



Class CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout

Kind: global class


new CheckoutButton(selector, aceessToken, [gatewayId], [type])

Param Type Default Description
selector string Selector of html element.
aceessToken string PayDock access token or users public key
[gatewayId] string "default" PayDock's gatewayId. By default or if put 'default', it will use the selected default gateway
[type] string "PaypalClassic" Type of gateway (PaypalClassic, Zipmoney)


var widget = new CheckoutButton('#button', 'accessToken','gatewayId');


checkoutButton.on(eventName, cb)

Listen to events of widget

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

Param Type Description
eventName string Available event names CHECKOUT_BUTTON_EVENT
cb listener


widget.on('click', function () {




Close popup window forcibly. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

checkoutButton.onFinishInsert(selector, dataType)

After finish event of checkout button, data (dataType) will be insert to input (selector)

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

Param Type Description
selector string css selector . [] #
dataType string data type of IEventCheckoutFinishData IEventCheckoutFinishData.



Method for setting meta information for checkout page

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

Param Type Description
meta IPayPalMeta | IAfterpayMeta | IZipmoneyMeta Data which can be shown on checkout page IPayPalMeta IZipmoneyMeta IAfterpayMeta


            brand_name: 'paydock',
            reference: '15',
            email: 'wault@paydock.com'



Method for setting backdrop description. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

Param Type Description
text string description which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropDescription('Custom description');



Method for setting backdrop title. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

Param Type Description
string text title which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropTitle('Custom title');



Method for setting suspended redirect uri. Redirect after referred checkout. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

Param Type Description
string uri uri for redirect (by default)



Method for setting the merchant redirect URL. Merchant's customers redirect after successfull checkout. Only for 'redirect' mode.

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton

Param Type Description
string url redirect url



Method for disable backdrop on the page. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of CheckoutButton



ZipmoneyCheckoutButton ⇐ CheckoutButton

Class ZipmoneyCheckoutButton is wrapper of CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout

Kind: global class
Extends: CheckoutButton


new ZipmoneyCheckoutButton(selector, publicKey, [gatewayId], [gatewayId])

Param Type Default Description
selector string Selector of html element.
publicKey string PayDock users public key
[gatewayId] string "default" PayDock's gatewayId. By default or if put 'default', it will use the selected default gateway
[gatewayId] string "default" Checkout mode, it could be set to 'contextual' or 'redirect'. By default it 'contextual'


var widget = new ZipmoneyCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey','gatewayId');



Method for setting suspended redirect uri. Redirect after referred checkout

The URI is used for a redirect after the checkout is complete. This can be provided, even if using in-context checkout (sdk). By default, the standard styled page will be used. If using in-context (sdk) we will not automatically redirect to this URI.

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: setSuspendedRedirectUri

Param Type Description
string uri uri for suspended redirect (by default)



Method for setting the merchant redirect URL. The merchant's customers would be redirected to the specified URL at the end of ZipMoney checkout flow.

Once the redirect URL would be set, the checkout flow would be immediately switched from 'contextual' mode to the 'redirect' mode. The merchant's customer would be automatically redirected to this URL after the checkout is complete.

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: setRedirectUrl

Param Type Description
string url URL for redirect


zipmoneyCheckoutButton.on(eventName, cb)

Listen to events of widget

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: on

Param Type Description
eventName string Available event names CHECKOUT_BUTTON_EVENT
cb listener


widget.on('click', function () {




Close popup window forcibly. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: close

zipmoneyCheckoutButton.onFinishInsert(selector, dataType)

After finish event of checkout button, data (dataType) will be insert to input (selector)

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: onFinishInsert

Param Type Description
selector string css selector . [] #
dataType string data type of IEventCheckoutFinishData IEventCheckoutFinishData.



Method for setting meta information for checkout page

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: setMeta

Param Type Description
meta IPayPalMeta | IAfterpayMeta | IZipmoneyMeta Data which can be shown on checkout page IPayPalMeta IZipmoneyMeta IAfterpayMeta


            brand_name: 'paydock',
            reference: '15',
            email: 'wault@paydock.com'



Method for setting backdrop description. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: setBackdropDescription

Param Type Description
text string description which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropDescription('Custom description');



Method for setting backdrop title. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: setBackdropTitle

Param Type Description
string text title which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropTitle('Custom title');



Method for disable backdrop on the page. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of ZipmoneyCheckoutButton
Overrides: turnOffBackdrop



PaypalCheckoutButton ⇐ CheckoutButton

Class PaypalCheckoutButton is wrapper of CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout

Kind: global class
Extends: CheckoutButton


new PaypalCheckoutButton(selector, publicKey, [gatewayId])

Param Type Default Description
selector string Selector of html element.
publicKey string PayDock users public key
[gatewayId] string "default" PayDock's gatewayId. By default or if put 'default', it will use the selected default gateway


var widget = new PaypalCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey','gatewayId');


paypalCheckoutButton.on(eventName, cb)

Listen to events of widget

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: on

Param Type Description
eventName string Available event names CHECKOUT_BUTTON_EVENT
cb listener


widget.on('click', function () {




Close popup window forcibly. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: close

paypalCheckoutButton.onFinishInsert(selector, dataType)

After finish event of checkout button, data (dataType) will be insert to input (selector)

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: onFinishInsert

Param Type Description
selector string css selector . [] #
dataType string data type of IEventCheckoutFinishData IEventCheckoutFinishData.



Method for setting meta information for checkout page

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: setMeta

Param Type Description
meta IPayPalMeta | IAfterpayMeta | IZipmoneyMeta Data which can be shown on checkout page IPayPalMeta IZipmoneyMeta IAfterpayMeta


            brand_name: 'paydock',
            reference: '15',
            email: 'wault@paydock.com'



Method for setting backdrop description. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: setBackdropDescription

Param Type Description
text string description which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropDescription('Custom description');



Method for setting backdrop title. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: setBackdropTitle

Param Type Description
string text title which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropTitle('Custom title');



Method for setting suspended redirect uri. Redirect after referred checkout. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: setSuspendedRedirectUri

Param Type Description
string uri uri for redirect (by default)



Method for setting the merchant redirect URL. Merchant's customers redirect after successfull checkout. Only for 'redirect' mode.

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: setRedirectUrl

Param Type Description
string url redirect url



Method for disable backdrop on the page. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of PaypalCheckoutButton
Overrides: turnOffBackdrop



AfterpayCheckoutButton ⇐ CheckoutButton

Class AfterpayCheckoutButton is wrapper of CheckoutButton transform usual button into checkout

Kind: global class
Extends: CheckoutButton


new AfterpayCheckoutButton(selector, accessToken, [gatewayId])

Param Type Default Description
selector string Selector of html element.
accessToken string PayDock access-token or users public key
[gatewayId] string "default" PayDock's gatewayId. By default or if put 'default', it will use the selected default gateway


var widget = new AfterpayCheckoutButton('#button', 'access-token','gatewayId');



Method which toggles the "Enhanced Tracking Protection" warning popup to 'on' mode.

This popup with a warning about "Enhanced Tracking Protection" limitations would be shown in the Mozilla Firefox browser version 100+

By default, the popup would not be shown, until the flag would be set to true

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton

Param Type Description
boolean doShow flag which toggle the popup visibility


afterpayCheckoutButton.on(eventName, cb)

Listen to events of widget

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: on

Param Type Description
eventName string Available event names CHECKOUT_BUTTON_EVENT
cb listener


widget.on('click', function () {




Close popup window forcibly. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: close

afterpayCheckoutButton.onFinishInsert(selector, dataType)

After finish event of checkout button, data (dataType) will be insert to input (selector)

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: onFinishInsert

Param Type Description
selector string css selector . [] #
dataType string data type of IEventCheckoutFinishData IEventCheckoutFinishData.



Method for setting meta information for checkout page

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: setMeta

Param Type Description
meta IPayPalMeta | IAfterpayMeta | IZipmoneyMeta Data which can be shown on checkout page IPayPalMeta IZipmoneyMeta IAfterpayMeta


            brand_name: 'paydock',
            reference: '15',
            email: 'wault@paydock.com'



Method for setting backdrop description. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: setBackdropDescription

Param Type Description
text string description which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropDescription('Custom description');



Method for setting backdrop title. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: setBackdropTitle

Param Type Description
string text title which can be shown in overlay of back side checkout page


button.setBackdropTitle('Custom title');



Method for setting suspended redirect uri. Redirect after referred checkout. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: setSuspendedRedirectUri

Param Type Description
string uri uri for redirect (by default)



Method for setting the merchant redirect URL. Merchant's customers redirect after successfull checkout. Only for 'redirect' mode.

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: setRedirectUrl

Param Type Description
string url redirect url



Method for disable backdrop on the page. Only for 'contextual' mode.

Kind: instance method of AfterpayCheckoutButton
Overrides: turnOffBackdrop




Kind: global variable

Param Type Default
CONTEXTUAL string "contextual"
REDIRECT string "redirect"



Kind: global variable

Param Type Default
ZIPMONEY string "Zipmoney"
PAYPAL string "PaypalClassic"
AFTERPAY string "Afterpay"



Kind: global constant

Param Type Default
CLICK string "click"
POPUP_REDIRECT string "popup_redirect"
ERROR string "error"
ACCEPTED string "accepted"
FINISH string "finish"
CLOSE string "close"


listener : function

This callback will be called for each event in payment source widget

Kind: global typedef


You can find description of all methods and parameters here

This wrapper helps you to work with paydock api emdpoints

Get browser details

var browserDetails = await new paydock.Api('publicKey').setEnv('env').getBrowserDetails();
// ES2015 | TypeScript

import { Api } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var browserDetails = await new paydock.Api('publicKey').setEnv('env').getBrowserDetails();


var response = await new paydock.Api('publicKey').setEnv('env').charge().preAuth({
      amount: 100,
      currency: 'AUD',
      token: 'token',
// ES2015 | TypeScript

import { Api } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var response = await new Api('publicKey').setEnv('env').charge().preAuth({
      amount: 100,
      currency: 'AUD',
      token: 'token',

Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to make request

Initialization full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
         (async function() {
            var response = await new Api('publicKey').setEnv('env').charge().preAuth({
                amount: 100,
                currency: 'AUD',
                token: 'token',


You can find description of all methods and parameters here

This widget provides you to integrate 3d Secure

Canvas3ds simple example


<div id="widget"></div>

You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized


var canvas3ds = new paydock.Canvas3ds('#widget', 'token');
// ES2015 | TypeScript

import { Canvas3ds } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var list = new Canvas3ds('#widget', 'token');

Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 300px;}</style>
    <div id="widget"></div>
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js"></script>
        var canvas3ds = new paydock.Canvas3ds('#widget', 'token');

Canvas3ds advanced example


canvas3ds.setEnv('sandbox'); // set enviroment

canvas3ds.hide(); // hide widget

canvas3ds.show(); // show widget

canvas3ds.on('chargeAuthSuccess', function (data) {
canvas3ds.on('chargeAuthReject', function (data) {
canvas3ds.on('chargeAuthCancelled', function (data) {
canvas3ds.on('additionalDataCollectSuccess', function (data) {
canvas3ds.on('additionalDataCollectReject', function (data) {
canvas3ds.on('chargeAuth', function (data) {

This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 450px;}</style>
    <div id="widget3ds"></div>
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js"></script>
        var canvas3ds = new paydock.Canvas3ds('#widget3ds', 'token');
        canvas3ds.on('chargeAuthSuccess', function (data) {
            console.log('chargeAuthSuccess', data);
        canvas3ds.on('chargeAuthReject', function (data) {
            console.log('chargeAuthReject', data);

Full example with pre authorization

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 450px;}</style>
    <div id="widget"></div>
    <div id="widget3ds"></div>
    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js"></script>
        (async function () {
            var htmlWidget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
            var {payment_source} = await htmlWidget.on('finish');
            var preAuthResp = await new paydock.Api('publicKey').setEnv('sandbox').charge().preAuth({
                  amount: 100,
                  currency: 'AUD',
                  token: payment_source,
            var canvas = new paydock.Canvas3ds('#widget3ds', preAuthResp._3ds.token);
            var chargeAuthEvent = await canvas.on('chargeAuth');
            console.log('chargeAuthEvent', chargeAuthEvent);

Canvas 3ds for Standalone 3ds charges

After you initialized the standalone 3ds charge via v1/charges/standalone-3ds API endpoint, you get a token used to initialize the Canvas3ds. All above information regarding setup, loading and initialization still apply.

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
            iframe {
                border: 0;
                width: 40%;
                height: 450px;
        <div id="widget3ds"></div>
        <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js"></script>
            var canvas3ds = new paydock.Canvas3ds("#widget3ds", "token");
            canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthSuccess", function (data) {
            canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthReject", function (data) {
            canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthChallenge", function (data) {
            canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthDecoupled", function (data) {
            canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthInfo", function (data) {
            canvas3ds.on("error", function ({ charge_3ds_id, error }) {
  • The chargeAuthSuccess event is executed both for frictionless flow, or for challenge flow after the customer has correctly authenticated with the bank using whatever challenge imposed.
  • The chargeAuthReject event is executed when the authorization was rejected or when a timeout was received by the underlying system:
    • A data.status of AuthTimedOut will be received for timeouts.
    • A data.status of rejected will be received when the authorization was rejected.
    • A data.status of invalid_event will be received for unhandled situations.
  • The chargeAuthChallenge event is sent before starting a challenge flow (i.e. opening an IFrame for the customer to complete a challenge with ther bank). Once the end customer performs the challenge, the Canvas3ds will be able to identify the challenge result and will either produce a chargeAuthSuccess or chargeAuthReject event.
  • The chargeAuthDecoupled event is sent when the flow is a decoupled challenge, alongside a data.result.description field that you must show to the customer, indicating the method the user must use to authenticate. For example this may happen by having the cardholder authenticating directly with their banking app through biometrics. Once the end customer does this, the Canvas3ds will be able to recognize the challenge result is ready and will either produce a chargeAuthSuccess or chargeAuthReject event.
  • The error event is sent if an unexpected issue with the client library occurs. In such scenarios, you should consider the autentication process as interrupted:
    • When getting this event, you will get on data.error the full error object.

Events and Values

Event Value Type Description
chargeAuthSuccess object Instance of ChargeEventResponse
chargeAuthReject object Instance of ChargeEventResponse
chargeAuthChallenge object Instance of ChargeEventResponse
chargeAuthDecoupled object Instance of ChargeEventResponse
chargeAuthInfo object Instance of ChargeEventResponse
error object Instance of chargeError

Response Values


Param Type Description
status string status for the event transaction
charge_3ds_id string Universal unique transaction identifier to identify the transaction
info string info field for chargeAuthInfo event
result.description string [Optional] field that you must show to the customer, indicating the method the user must use to authenticate during the decoupled challenge flow.


Param Type Description
error object error response
charge_3ds_id string Universal unique transaction identifier to identify the transaction

Vault Display Widget

You can find description of all methods and parameters here

The vault display form allows viewing card number and CVV. The form can be customised according to your needs. You can set styles as well as subscribe to widget events that help monitor user’s actions in real time.

Vault Display Widget simple example


<div id="widget"></div>

You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized


var widget = new paydock.VaultDisplayWidget('#widget', 'token');
// ES2015 | TypeScript

import { VaultDisplayWidget } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var widget = new VaultDisplayWidget('#widget', 'token');

Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 100%;height: 300px;}</style>

    <div id="widget"></div>

    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
        var widget = new paydock.VaultDisplayWidget('#widget', 'token');

Widget advanced example



widget.on('after_load', function (data) {

widget.on('cvv_secure_code_requested', function (data) {

widget.on('card_number_secure_code_requested', function (data) {

    background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
    border_color: 'yellow',
    text_color: '#FFFFAA',
    button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
    font_size: '20px'

This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form

Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 450px;}</style>

    <div id="widget"></div>

    <script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
        var widget = new paydock.VaultDisplayWidget('#widget', 'token');


        widget.on('after_load', function (data) {

        widget.on('cvv_secure_code_requested', function (data) {

        widget.on('card_number_secure_code_requested', function (data) {

            background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
            border_color: 'yellow',
            text_color: '#FFFFAA',
            button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
            font_size: '20px'




Class VaultDisplayWidget include method for working on html

Kind: global class


new VaultDisplayWidget(selector, token)

Param Type Description
selector string Selector of html element. Container for widget
token string One time token


var widget = new VaultDisplayWidget('#widget', 'token');


vaultDisplayWidget.setEnv(env, [alias])

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox. Also we can change domain alias for this environment. By default domain_alias = paydock.com

Kind: instance method of VaultDisplayWidget

Param Type Description
env string sandbox, production
[alias] string Own domain alias


widget.setEnv('production', 'paydock.com');


vaultDisplayWidget.on(eventName, [cb]) ⇒ Promise.<(IEventData|void)>

Listen to events of widget

Kind: instance method of VaultDisplayWidget

Param Type Description
eventName string Available event names VAULT_DISPLAY_EVENT
[cb] listener


widget.on('after_load', function (data) {
// or
 widget.on('after_load').then(function (data) {



Object contain styles for widget

Kind: instance method of VaultDisplayWidget

Param Type Description
fields VaultDisplayStyle name of styles which can be shown in widget VAULT_DISPLAY_STYLE


      background_color: '#fff',
      border_color: 'yellow',
      text_color: '#FFFFAA',
      button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
      font_size: '20px',
      fort_family: 'fantasy'



The final method to beginning, the load process of widget to html

Kind: instance method of VaultDisplayWidget

Wallet Buttons

You can find description of all methods and parameters here

Wallet Buttons allow you to easily integrate different E-Wallets into your checkout. Currently supports ApplePay, Google Pay, Google Pay and Apple Pay via Stripe, Flypay and Flypay V2 checkout, Paypal Smart Buttons Checkout and Afterpay.

If available in your client environment, you will display a simple button that upon clicking it the user will follow the standard flow for the appropriate Wallet. If not available an event will be raised and no button will be displayed.

Wallet Buttons simple example


<div id="widget"></div>

You must create a container for the Wallet Buttons. Inside this tag, the button will be initialized.

Before initializing the button, you must perform a POST request to charges/wallet from a secure environment like your server. This call will return a token that is required to load the button and securely complete the payment. You can find the documentation to this call in the PayDock API documentation.


The following is the minimum required initialization parameters for Apple Pay and Google Pay via Stripe:

let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
        amount_label: "Total",
        country: "DE",
// ES2015 | TypeScript
import { WalletButtons } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var button = new WalletButtons(
        amount_label: 'Total',
        country: 'DE',

Flypay and Paypal wallets do not require any meta sent to the wallet, so the following is enough for initialization:

let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
// ES2015 | TypeScript
import { WalletButtons } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var button = new WalletButtons(

For Afterpay wallet, the country code is required:

let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
        country: "AU",
// ES2015 | TypeScript
import { WalletButtons } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var button = new WalletButtons(
        country: 'AU',

For Flypay v2 wallet, the client_id is required:

let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
        client_id: "client_id",
// ES2015 | TypeScript
import { WalletButtons } from '@paydock/client-sdk';

var button = new WalletButtons(
        client_id: "client_id",

Setting environment

Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox. Bear in mind that you must set an environment before calling button.load().


Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
    <div id="widget"></div>
<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
        let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
                amount_label: "Total",
                country: "DE",

Wallet Buttons advanced example

Checking for button availability

If the customer's browser is not supported, or the customer does not have any card added to their Google Pay or Apple Pay wallets, the button will not load. In this case the callback onUnavailable() will be called. You can define the behavior of this function before loading the button.

button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));

Forcibly closing the checkout

In some situations you may want to forcibly close the checkout so that your user is back in your checkout screen, fow which you can use this method. Currently supported by Flypay wallet only.


Performing actions when the wallet button is clicked

In some situations you may want to perform some validations or actions when the user clicks on the wallet button, for which you can use this method. Currently supported by Paypal, ApplePay and GooglePay wallets.

button.onClick(() => console.log("Perform actions on button click"));

Performing actions when shipping info is updated

In Flypay, Paypal, ApplePay via MPGS and GooglePay via MPGS integrations after each shipping info update the onUpdate(data) will be called with the selected shipping address information, plus selected shipping method when applicable for Paypal, ApplePay and GooglePay. Merchants should handle this callback, recalculate shipping costs in their server by analyzing the new data, and submit a backend to backend request to POST charges/:id with the new total amount and shipping amount (you can find the documentation of this call in the PayDock API documentation).

For Paypal integration specifically, if shipping is enabled for the wallet button and different shipping methods were provided in the create wallet charge call, Merchants must ensure that the posted shipping.amount to POST charges/:id matches the selected shipping option amount (value sent in when initializing the wallet charge). In other words, when providing shipping methods the shipping amount is bound to being one of the provided shipping method amount necessarily. Bear in mind that the total charge amount must include the shipping.amount, since it represents the full amount to be charged to the customer.

After analyzing the new shipping information, and making the post with the updated charge and shipping amounts if necessary, the button.update({ success: true/false }) wallet button method needs to be called to resume the interactions with the customer. Not calling this will result in unexpected behavior.

button.onUpdate((data) => {
    console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
     // call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
     button.update({ success: true });

For ApplePay via MPGS and GooglePay via MPGS integrations, you can also return a new amount and new shipping_options in case new options are needed based on the updated shipping data. Before the user authorizes the transaction, you receive redacted address information (address_country, address_city, address_state, address_postcode), and this data can be used to recalculate the new amount and new shipping options.

button.onUpdate((data) => {
    console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
     // call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
        success: true,
        body: {
            amount: 15,
            shipping_options: [
                    id: "NEW-FreeShip",
                    label: "NEW - Free Shipping",
                    detail: "Arrives in 3 to 5 days",
                    amount: "0.00"
                    id: "NEW-FastShip",
                    label: "NEW - Fast Shipping",
                    detail: "Arrives in less than 1 day",
                    amount: "10.00"

Performing actions after the payment is completed

After the payment is completed, the onPaymentSuccessful(data) will be called if the payment was successful. If the payment was not successful, the function onPaymentError(data) will be called. If fraud check is active for the gateway, a fraud body was sent in the wallet charge initialize call and the fraud service left the charge in review, then the onPaymentInReview(data) will be called. All three callbacks return relevant data according to each one of the scenarios.

Note that these callbacks will not trigger for Afterpay wallet since the payment completion for it is done via Redirect method, and therefore this SDK won't be loaded once the payment is completed at checkout.

button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.onPaymentInReview((data) => console.log("The payment is on fraud review"));
button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));


The above events can be used in a more generic way via de on function, and making use of the corresponding event names.

button.on(EVENT.UNAVAILABLE, () => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
button.on(EVENT.UPDATE, (data) => console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
button.on(EVENT.PAYMENT_SUCCESSFUL, (data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.on(EVENT.PAYMENT_ERROR, (data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));

This example shows how to use these functions for Apple and Google Pay via Stripe: (Required meta fields: amount_label, country. Optional meta fields: wallets)

Apple and Google Pay via Stripe Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
    <div id="widget"></div>
<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
    let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
            amount_label: "Total",
            country: "DE",
            wallets: ["google", "apple"],
    button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
    button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
    button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
    button.onPaymentInReview((data) => console.log("The payment is on fraud review"));

This example shows how to use these functions for Paypal Smart Checkout Buttons: (Required meta fields: - . Optional meta fields: request_shipping, pay_later, standalone, style)

Paypal Smart Checkout Buttons Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
    <div id="widget"></div>
<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
    let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
            request_shipping: true,
            pay_later: true,
            standalone: false,
            style: {
                layout: 'horizontal',
                color: 'blue',
                shape: 'rect',
                label: 'paypal',
    button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
    button.onUpdate((data) => {
        console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
        // call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
        button.update({ success: true });
    button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
    button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
    button.onPaymentInReview((data) => console.log("The payment is on fraud review"));

    // Example 1: Asynchronous onClick handler
    const asyncLogic = async () => {
        // Perform asynchronous logic. Expectation is that a Promise is returned and attached to response via `attachResult`,
        // and resolve or reject of it will dictate how wallet behaves.

    button.onClick(({ data: { attachResult } }) => {
        // Promise is attached to the result. On Paypal, when promise is resolved, the user Journey will continue.
        // If no promise is attached then the Paypal journey will not depend on the promise being resolved or rejected

    // Example 2: Synchronous onClick handler
    // button.onClick(({ data: { attachResult } }) => {
    //     // Perform synchronous logic
    //     console.log("Synchronous onClick: Button clicked");
    //     // Optionally return a boolean flag to halt the operation
    //     attachResult(false);
    // });


This example shows how to use these functions for Flypay v1 Wallet. (Required meta fields: - . Optional meta fields: request_shipping, pay_later, style)

Flypay Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
    <div id="widget"></div>
<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
    let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
               request_shipping: true
    button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
    button.onUpdate((data) => {
          console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
          // call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
          button.update({ success: true });
    button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
    button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
    button.onPaymentInReview((data) => console.log("The payment is on fraud review"));

This example shows how to use these functions for Flypay v2 Wallet. (Required meta fields: - . Optional meta fields: -)

Flypay V2 Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
    <div id="widget"></div>
<script src="https://widget.paydock.com/sdk/latest/widget.umd.min.js" ></script>
    let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
            access_token: 'TOKEN',
            refresh_token: 'TOKEN',
            client_id: 'CLIENT_ID',
    button.onUnavailable((data) => console.

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npm i @paydock/client-sdk



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