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9.3.0 • Public • Published


Shared ESLint config for Pandell engineering teams.


Add the following to your package.json:

  "devDependencies": {
    "@pandell/eslint-config": "^9.3.0",
    "eslint": "^9.10.0",
    "eslint-plugin-testing-library": "^6.3.0", // only needed when using "testing: { enabledTestingLibrary: true }", see note 1 below
    // ...
  "resolutions": {
    "@typescript-eslint/utils": "^8.6.0" // only needed when including "eslint-plugin-testing-library"
  // ...

Note 1 (eslint-plugin-testing-library) While all other plugins can co-exist with ESLint 9 and are included as direct dependencies of @pandell/eslint-config, eslint-plugin-testing-library only supports ESLint 8 as of August 2024. We chose to reference it as an optional peer dependency, not regular dependency, thus it has to be added to your project's package.json. If you do not set enabledTestingLibrary property (or set it to false), you do not need to include this dependency. This recommendation will be removed in the future after eslint-plugin-testing-library adds support for ESLint 9.

Next, create eslint.config.mjs in the root of your project. Explore available properties in the settings object passed to createPandellEsLintConfig function (see PandellEsLintConfigSettings in node_modules/@pandell/eslint-config/dist/pandellEsLintConfig.d.ts). Example contents:

// @ts-check

import { createPandellEsLintConfig } from "@pandell/eslint-config";

export default createPandellEsLintConfig({
    // type-checked typescript is enabled by default; to disable type-checking
    // rules, uncomment the following line:
    // typeScript: { typeChecked: false },
    react: { enabled: true },
    vite: { enabled: true },
    testing: { enabledJsDom: true, enabledTestingLibrary: true },

For more details and options for configuration, see the ESLint documentation.

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