Base Constants & Types
enum Face {
Two = "Two",
Three = "Three",
Four = "Four",
Five = "Five",
Six = "Six",
Seven = "Seven",
Eight = "Eight",
Nine = "Nine",
Ten = "Ten",
Jack = "Jack",
Queen = "Queen",
King = "King",
Ace = "Ace",
enum Suit {
Diamonds = "Diamonds",
Clubs = "Clubs",
Hearts = "Heart",
Spades = "Spades",
type Card = readonly [Face, Suit];
// Convenience type expressing a readonly array of readonly cards
type Cards = readonly Card[];
// Represents a collection of cards that can be used to create a 5 card hand
type HandCandidate = {
readonly pocketCards: Cards;
readonly communityCards: Cards;
// A hand derived from a HandCandidate
type Hand = {
// Straight, TwoPair etc
readonly rank: HandRank;
// Cards included in the ranking combination
readonly rankCards: Cards;
// Cards included in the hand but not in the ranking combination
readonly kickerCards: Cards;
Determines if two cards are identical
import { isSameCard, Face, Suit } from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
isSameCard([Face.Two, Suit.Clubs], [Face.Two, Suit.Clubs]); // true
isSameCard([Face.Three, Suit.Clubs], [Face.Two, Suit.Clubs]); // false
Creates a 52 card deck without Jokers. Accepts an optional parameter object
{ order: "ndo" }
new deck order (default value) -
{ order: "value" }
sorted by suite (Diamonds to Spades) and face (Two to Ace).
import { createDeck } from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
// [[Ace, Hearts], [Two, Hearts] ... [Two, Spades], [Ace, Spades]]
createDeck({ order: "ndo" });
// [[Ace, Hearts], [Two, Hearts] ... [Two, Spades], [Ace, Spades]] (default)
createDeck({ order: "value" });
// [[Ace, Diamonds], [Two, Diamonds] ... [Queen, Spades], [King, Spades]]
Draws n cards from deck without mutating the deck. Returned card order tries to represent drawing cards one-by-one, as opposed to cutting off a chunk of cards from the top of the deck, where index 0 represents the top of the deck. e.g. when drawing 3:
initial deck: [a, b, c, d]
draw first card: [b, c, d] => [a]
then second: [c, d] => [b, a]
then third: [b] => [c, b, a]
import { drawCardsFromDeck } from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
drawCardsFromDeck(deck, 4);
// { cards: [...4 cards], deck: [...deck without 4 cards] }
Shuffling a deck
Shuffle functions are async to allow for async random number generators.
A default shuffle deck function is provided which uses Math.random to drive a fisher-yates shuffle.
import { shuffleDeckNaive } from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
const shuffled = await shuffleDeckNaive(deck);
You might want to use a more robust random int generator, like that provided by (random-number-csprng
)[https://www.npmjs.com/package/random-number-csprng] which asynchronously returns a crypto-secure random int.
import {
} from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
import randomNumberCsprng from "random-number-csprng";
// (min: number, max: number) => Promise<number>;
const randomInt = randomNumberCsprng;
// <T>(arr: T[]) => Promise<T[]>);
const shuffleFunction = createFisherYatesStackShuffle(randomInt);
const shuffle = createDeckShuffler(shuffleFunction);
const shuffled = await shuffle(deck);
As another example, the following produces shuffleDeckNaive
described above
import {
} from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
const shuffleDeckNaive = createDeckShuffler(
const shuffled = await shuffle(deck);
Extracts the highest possible hand from a candidate hand
import { extractHand } from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
const hand = extractHand({
pocketCards: [
[Face.Two, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Six, Suit.Clubs],
communityCards: [
[Face.Four, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Three, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Eight, Suit.Spades],
[Face.Five, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Six, Suit.Spades],
hand: Hand = {
rank: HandRank.StraightFlush,
rankCards: [
[Face.Six, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Five, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Four, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Three, Suit.Clubs],
[Face.Two, Suit.Clubs],
kickerCards: [],
Returns an array of highest hands from a list of candidates. Multiple entries indicates a draw.
import { findHighestHands } from '@pairjacks/poker-cards';
const twoPair: HandCandidate = {...}
const straightTenHighDiamonds: HandCandidate = {...}
const straightTenHighSpades: HandCandidate = {...}
const winners = findHighestHands([twoPair, straightTenHighDiamonds, straightTenHighSpades]);
winners: HandComparisonResult[] = [
candidate: straightTenHighDiamonds,
candidateIndex: 1,
hand: Hand
candidate: straightTenHighSpades,
candidateIndex: 2,
hand: Hand
Describes pocket cards in words
import { describePocketCards, Face, Suit } from "@pairjacks/poker-cards";
[Face.Ace, Suit.Hearts],
[Face.Ace, Suit.Spades],
// Pocket Aces
Describes a hand in words
import { extractHand, describeHand, Face, Suit } from '@pairjacks/poker-cards';
pocketCards: [
[Face.Five, Suit.Hearts],
[Face.Three, Suit.Diamonds],
communityCards: [
[Face.Two, Suit.Hearts],
[Face.Five, Suit.Diamonds],
[Face.Two, Suit.Diamonds],
[Face.Seven, Suit.Clubs],
// { rank: 'Two pair, Fives over Twos', kickers: 'Seven kicker' }