Overwolf Electron
We currently have these npm packages:
- @overwolf/ow-electron is a package based on the electron package, which adds a few features to it
- @overwolf/ow-electron-builder is a packaged based on electron-builder which supports building ow-electron
- @overwolf/electron-is-overwolf - similar to electron-is-dev
There is no problem that both packages reside side-by-side with the original electron/electron-builder packages in your project. You just have to create new package.json scripts:
"scripts": {
"start": "ow-electron .",
"build:ow-electron": "ow-electron-builder --publish=never"
package.json properties
Each ow-electron app should have a unique id. The unique id is auto-generated based on the <productName/name + author.name> fields of the package.json.
We use this for ad optimization and optionally, for anonymous analytics reports that you may review on our developer's console.
NOTE: To see the generated uid - you can use the OVERWOLF_APP_UID environment variable (process.env.OVERWOLF_APP_UID) once the |app.whenReady| triggers. Before the app is ready, the variable won't exist.
owadview tag
NOTE: In order to see ads, we first have to setup our backend to support your app's uid (See package.json properties above). Please contact us for further info on this contact us
The <owadview/>
tag, which is based on the Electron tag, hosts and
auto manages ads in your app.
To use it, place the <owadview/>
tag (no attributes required) inside a <div>
which has the size of the standard IAB ad unit you wish to display.
See https://overwolf.github.io/start/monetize-with-ads/ads-monetization-basics for some more information about supported ad units + Dos’ and ‘Dont’s. This documentation is aimed at the Overwolf platform, however, the general ad details are relevant for the ow-electron build as well.
<div style="width: 400px;height: 300px; background: transparent;">
<owadview />
NOTE: We use background: transparent so that you can show a background image as a fallback when there are no ads inventory to display.
A few extra things to know:
- The
starts auto-muted. This can be changed, see https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/api/webview-tag#webviewsetaudiomutedmuted - The tag is self managed so there is no need to worry about visiblity of ads or crashes
Anonymous Analytics
In order to generate some reports for you about the usage of your ow-electron app, we collect very few anonymous analytics (such as when the app is launched and when an app's window is shown).
You can disable this via code:
import { app } from 'electron';
NOTE: This call isn't persistent across sessions - it needs to be called every time the app is launched.
Consent Management Platform (CMP)
CMP makes it easier for you to meet the technical requirements of the law by simplifying the legally required process of collecting consent to cookies.
Before using your app, the user should be informed about the existence of the CMP and be able to easily access it.
We recommend showing this information during the installation phase or as a first-time usage message.
The ow-electron comes with a CMP implementation built in.
NOTE: You can leverage our Windows Installer for this (contact us).
In order to know if the user is required to be informed about the CMP - use the |app.overwolf.isCMPRequired| api:
import { app } from 'electron';
await app.overwolf.isCMPRequired();
In order to open the built-in CMP window - use the |app.overwolf.openCMPWindow| api: