This package is a package to manage cron-jobs in a node.js Typescript application. It is built using node-cron and reflect-metadata packages
npm i @ose4g/cron-manager
The package works with decorators and hance the following lines should be in your tsconfig.json file
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
Annotate your Job class with @cronGroup and annotate each handler with @cronJob
import { cronGroup, cronJob, CronManager } from "@ose4g/cron-manager";
class JobService{
constructor(private name:string){}
@cronJob('*/1 * * * * *','print_name_func')
class AuthService{
constructor(private users: any[]){}
@cronJob('* * * * * *','my_unban_func')
console.log(`There are ${this.users.length} users in the application`)
const manager = new CronManager();
const jobService = new JobService('Ose4g');
const authJob = new AuthService([])
manager.register(JobService, jobService)
manager.startAll() //starts all jobs
manager.stopAll() //stops all jobs
//starting and stopping for specific groups
manager.startGroup('jobs') //starts only jobs in the class with tag equal to jobs
manager.stopGroup('jobs') //stops only jobs in the class with grouptag equal to jobs
//starting and stopping for specific handlers or jobs
manager.startHandler('my_unban_func') //starts the single job with tag equal to my_unban_func
manager.stopHandler('my_unban_func') //stop the single job with tag equal to my_unban_func
manager.getGroups() // returns ['auth','jobs']
manager.getHandlers() //returns ['my_unban_func','print_name_func']
@cronGroup( groupTag? : string )
groupTag: tag to uniquely identify a a set of jobs. The same groupTag can be used for multiple classes.
groupTag: tag to uniquely identify a a set of jobs. The same groupTag can be used for multiple classes.
@cronJob( cronExpression: string, handlerTag?: string)
params- cronExpression: Expression describing the cron interval. The package uses node-cron in the background and hence the expression description is the same.
handlerTag: unique string to identify a single job. The job can be started and stopped using that tag.
manager.register(Class:Function, instance: any)
It registers an instance of a class to the cron job manager.
params- Class: The class we're registering
- instance: An instance of that class