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Vue Form Wizard 2

A dynamic form wizard to split your forms easier

Vue-form-wizard is a vue based component with no external depenendcies which simplifies tab wizard management and allows you to focus on the functional part of your app rather than wasting time on details. Just forget about id's, external scripts and jQuery dependencies



npm install @orbica/vue-form-wizard-2

Component registration

//global registration
import VueFormWizard from 'vue-form-wizard'
import 'vue-form-wizard/dist/vue-form-wizard.min.css'

//local registration
import {FormWizard, TabContent} from 'vue-form-wizard'
import 'vue-form-wizard/dist/vue-form-wizard.min.css'
//component code
components: {

Template usage

  <tab-content title="Personal details">
    My first tab content
  <tab-content title="Additional Info">
      My second tab content
   <tab-content title="Last step">
     Yuhuuu! This seems pretty damn simple

Deploy to NPM

  • Once merged into master, run npm version <new version> locally.
  • <new version> can be a version number or one of major, minor, patch or other
  • This will update the version number in the package.json then push to Git automatically
  • The gitlab-ci will then run the tests and deploy to NPM when they pass


Vue-form-wizard works with Vue > 2.2, but the examples in the docs follow the latest Vue > 2.5 changes especially on the slot parts. If you use vue < 2.5.x, use scope="props" instead of slot-scope="props" for scoped slots. See Vue 2.5 simplified scoped slots


Form Wizard props

props: {
  title: {
    type: String,
    default: ''
  subtitle: {
    type: String,
    default: ''
  nextButtonText: {
    type: String,
    default: 'Next'
  backButtonText: {
    type: String,
    default: 'Back'
  finishButtonText: {
    type: String,
    default: 'Finish'
  hideButtons: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false
  validateOnBack: Boolean,
  disableBackNavigation: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false
  color: {
    // Applies to text, border and circle
    type: String,
    default: '#e74c3c'
  errorColor: {
    type: String,
    default: '#8b0000'
  shape: {
    type: String,
    default: 'circle'
  layout: {
    type: String,
    default: 'horizontal'
  stepsClasses: {
    type: [String, Array],
    default: ''
  stepSize: {
    type: String,
    default: 'md',
    validator: (value) => {
      let acceptedValues = ['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg']
      return acceptedValues.indexOf(value) !== -1
  transition: {
    // Name of the transition when transition between steps
    type: String,
    default: ''
  startIndex: {
    // Index of the initial tab to display
    type: Number,
    default: 0,
    validator: (value) => {
      return value >= 0
  customRightButtonText: {
    type: String,
    default: ''
  customLeftButtonText: {
    type: String,
    default: ''
  loadingIcon: {
    type: String,
    default: ''
  loading: {
    // Supports .sync
    type: Boolean,
    default: undefined

Tab content props

props: {
  title: {
    type: String,
    default: ''
  icon: {
    // Icon name for the upper circle corresponding to the tab
    type: String,
    default: ''
  beforeChange: {
    // Function to execute before tab switch. Return value must be boolean
    // If the return result is false, tab switch is restricted
    type: Function
  afterChange: {
    // Function to execute after tab switch. Return void for now.
    // Safe to assume necessary validation has already occurred
    type: Function
  route: {
    type: [String, Object]
  additionalInfo: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => {}


Vue-form-wizard emits certain events when certain actions happen inside the component. The events can be noticed in some of the demos and especially in the async validation demo

  • on-complete Called when the finish button is clicked and the before-change for the last step (if present) was executed. No params are sent together with this event. this.$emit('on-complete')

  • on-loading Called whenever an async before-change is executed. This event is emitted before executing before-change and after finishing execution of before-change method. on-loading is emitted together with a Boolean value. this.$emit('on-loading', value)

  • on-validate Called whenever the execution of a before-change method is completed. The event sends along a Boolean which represents the validation result as well as an int with te tab index. this.$emit('on-validate', validationResult, this.activeTabIndex)

  • on-error Called when before-change is a promised and is rejected with a message. The message is passed along this.$emit('on-error', error) See async validation fiddle

  • on-change Called upon step changes. Has prevIndex and nextIndes as params. this.$emit('on-change', prevIndex, nextIndex)

  • on-custom-left and on-custom-right Called when custom-left and custom-right slots are clicked <span @click="$emit('on-custom-left')">

  • active and inactive Emitted by tab-content when active state of tab changes this.$emit(newValue ? 'active' : 'inactive')


  • Default - Used for tab-contents
  • title - Upper title section including sub-title
  • prev - Previous button content (no need to worry about handling the button functionality)
  • next - Next button content
  • finish - Finish button content
  • custom-buttons-left - Appears on right of "Back" button
  • custom-buttons-right - Appears on the left of "Next/Finish" button


By using refs on the form-wizard component, you can access some internal wizard properties and methods. Some of them are intended for internal usage while others can be used for general purpose operations.

  • reset - will reset the wizard to the initial state
  • activateAll - will activate all steps as if the user went through all
  • nextTab - navigates to the next tab. The same method is used when clicking next button
  • prevTab - navigates to the prev tab. The same method is used when clicking prev button
  • changeTab(oldIndex, newIndex) - Navigates from one tab to another. Note that this method does not trigger validation methods. Use it with caution!

!> It's advised to use only the methods above, since the methods which are not listed here are internal and might change or get removed over time.

Scoped slots

Form-wizard exposes multiple scoped slots which can be used to customize some parts of the wizard.

  • nextTab // will go to the next tab/step when called
  • prevTab //will got to the prev tab/step when called
  • activeTabIndex // current active tab index
  • isLastStep // boolean to tell whether it's the last step or not
  • fillButtonStyle // object with styles for wizard-buttons (contains background and color passed through wizard props)

These properties apply to the following slots:

  • prev - Previous button content (no need to worry about handling the button functionality)
  • next - Next button content
  • finish - Finish button content
  • custom-buttons-left - Appears on right of "Back" button
  • custom-buttons-right - Appears on the left of "Next/Finish" button

Footer slot

The footer slot would be usually used to replace the whole content of your footer. By default it contains the wizard buttons (back, next, finish). When using this slot, those buttons are replaced with your own content. You can achieve the same default wizard functionality and event tweak it with the help of the exposed methods/properties from slot props

Note that using this slot, means that you have to handle some of the wizard logic through the exposed methods/properties defined above and your template might get more verbose. If you need very fine customizations and more control over the wizard button actions, then you could use this slot. Otherwise, you could stick with the buttons slots as they can be used as scoped slots as well. One potential usage can be that you want to have a different button when completing the wizard. Maybe you want to position it in the center, give it a different color and click event

<template slot="footer" slot-scope="props">
       <div class="wizard-footer-left">
           <wizard-button  v-if="props.activeTabIndex > 0 && !props.isLastStep" @click.native="props.prevTab()" :style="props.fillButtonStyle">Previous</wizard-button>
        <div class="wizard-footer-right">
          <wizard-button v-if="!props.isLastStep"@click.native="props.nextTab()" class="wizard-footer-right" :style="props.fillButtonStyle">Next</wizard-button>

          <wizard-button v-else @click.native="alert('Done')" class="wizard-footer-right finish-button" :style="props.fillButtonStyle">  {{props.isLastStep ? 'Done' : 'Next'}}</wizard-button>

This is just one example. You can add more buttons, hide or display conditionally based on the exposed properties. Working fiddle for the example above

Step slot

This slot can be used to disable the click event on the step or to customize the UI of each step One possible usage:


Exposed props for the step slot

  • tab (the tab object which contains the tab-content component corresponding to the step) This object contains several fields such as active, checked, shape, color and so on. You can check how these are used here:
  • index (The index of the step)
  • transition (Transition prop passed from form-wizard)

Original Documentation



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  • orbica