
1.11.2 • Public • Published

Onirix Embed SDK

Version Documentation Twitter: onirix

Take control of your Onirix augmented reality experiences. Responds to user interaction and acts on the 3D content of the scene.

This library acts as a wrapper of window.postMessage for simplifying communication with Onirix AR experiences. Not only can you use it in the online code editor of Onirix Studio projects, you can also connect to your scene loaded in an iFrame.

Take Onirix experiences to the next level.

Full documentation available at Onirix Docs.


npm install @onirix/embed-sdk

Or include the dependency within the HTML head tag:

    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@onirix/embed-sdk@1.11.2/dist/ox-embed-sdk.esm.js">

Or as ESM modules:

import OnirixEmbedSDK from "https://unpkg.com/@onirix/embed-sdk@1.11.2/dist/ox-embed-sdk.esm.js";


Just create an instance of our EmbedSDK and execute the connect method. From that moment on you will be able to subscribe to the events that occur in the scene and you will be able to execute actions on the elements of the experience.

const embedSDK = new OnirixEmbedSDK();
await embedSDK.connect();

embedSDK.subscribe(OnirixEmbedSDK.Events.ELEMENT_CLICK, (params) => {
    console.log('somebodey clicks me!', params);


If you have embedded an Onirix Studio experience in your application through an iframe, you must pass the Html element of the iFrame to the EmbedSDK constructor.

const iframeElement = document.getElementById("<iframe_element_id>");
const embedSDK = new OnirixEmbedSDK(iframeElement);

Make sure that the iFrame is already loaded before instantiating the EmbedSDK.

See the complete list of events and actions in our documentation.


👤 Onirix

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