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4.3.0 • Public • Published

Ontario Design System React Component Library

Built With Stencil


This library was generated using Stencil's React output target dependency. It is based off the Ontario Design System Component Library built using Stencil. For more information, find it on NPM.

Installation and usage

To find documentation on individual web components in this component library, please download and refer to our component documentation.

To use the Ontario Design System React component library, follow these steps:

  1. Install the NPM package.

    npm install --save @ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react
  2. Import the desired components from the component library.

    import { OntarioButton } from '@ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react';
    import { OntarioBlockquote } from '@ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react';


You can now use the React components in your component and template files.

<OntarioButton type="primary">Click me!</OntarioButton>
	attribution="Survey respondent"
	quote="Access to high-quality child care is an issue that impacts our entire society."

Local assets

Along with the components, the local assets (logos, fonts, etc.) need to be copied into your project so that they are available for bundling upon building your React application.

The assets in the NPM package are located at @ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react/dist/assets, and should be copied to your public assets folder.

In a standard React application this can be done in a number of ways. One way is to use the copyfiles NPM package, which you can with any operating system:

copyfiles -E -f "node_modules/@ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react/dist/assets/*" src/assets

Another way is to add scripts to copy the assets in your package.json file. For example:

"prebuild": "npm run copy:assets",
"copy:images": "copyfiles -E -f \"node_modules/@ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react/dist/component-library/assets/images/**\" src/assets",
"copy:favicons": "copyfiles -E -f \"node_modules/@ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react/dist/component-library/assets/favicons/**\" src/assets/favicons",
"copy:fonts": "copyfiles -E -u 6 \"node_modules/@ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react/dist/component-library/assets/fonts/**/*\" src/assets/fonts",
"copy:assets": "npm run copy:images && npm run copy:favicons && npm run copy:fonts"


Contact us at design.system@ontario.ca for assistance with this package.




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npm i @ongov/ontario-design-system-component-library-react

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  • ods-devops
  • mstjean
  • smorris
  • nicholasgajewski
  • kylebinger