
0.1.4 • Public • Published


A nodejs cli tool for packaging and pushing projects to an Octopus Deploy instance.

NOTE: This project is currently in a pre-release state and its api is subject to change at any time.


Either through cloning with git or by using npm (the recommended way):

npm install -g @octopusdeploy/octojs

And octojs will be installed globally to your system path.

You can also install octojs as a developement dependency:

npm install --save-dev @octopusdeploy/octojs

With a local installation, octojs will not be available in your system path. Instead, the local installation of octojs can be run by calling it from within an npm script (such as npm start).


The simplest way to get started is to ask for help

octojs help

each command will also return help details detailing the valid arguments

octojs help pack


By default the pack command all files from the base path (defaults to cwd). To exclude files:

  • The --dependencies parameter allows you to define precisely which npm_modules you want to include
    • prod will include just those modules that are defined as non dev dependencies. This is the recommended value.
    • both will include all npm_modules files. This is the default option
    • none will exclude the whole npm_modules directory.
  • Passing the --gitignore flag will result in the .gitignore file at the root location being read, and being used to exclude files from the archive.

To include additional files:

  • provide the octopack.json file (automatically looked for in working directory or via explicit reference) and include an includes array of glob paths.
  • if executing through the cli then the --include argument can be provided multiple times to specify multiple glob paths.
  • if executing through code, then the files can individually be provided by using the .append() method. This method allows globs, file paths, buffers or streams.


Usage: octo pack [<options>] [basePath]


    --id <packageId>                           Override ID of the package
    --version <packageVersion>                 Override the version of the packag (default from package.json or timestamp)
    -O, --outFolder <directory>                The folder into which the generated package will be written (default '.')
    -D, --dependencies <prod|p|both|b|none|n>  Configure which node_module dependencies should be packaged (default both)
    -G, --gitignore                            Exclude files mathced from .gitignore
    -C, --config <path>                        Path to config file
    -q --quiet                                 Provide minimal output
    -v --verbose                               Provide detailed output
    -d --debug                                 Spam the console with logs
    -h, --help                                 output usage information


    $ octojs pack
    $ octojs pack --outFolder ./dist --format zip
    $ octojs pack -v --dependencies prod --gitignore -O C:\bin
    $ octojs pack --version 2.0.0 C:\Development\OtherApp

NOTE: If the config file is detected at the basePath location or is provided, then its values will be included with cli arguments taking precedence.


var octo = require('@octopusdeploy\\octojs');
octo.pack({outFolder: "./"}, (err, result) => {
      } else {
          console.log('Package: '+ result.name);
          console.log('Path to package: '+ result.path);
    .append('buffer files/hello.txt', new Buffer('hello world'), {date: new Date(2011, 11, 11)})
    .append('stream.txt', fs.createReadStream('./package.json'))


The octojs commands will look for a file named octopack.json and additional arguments will be automatically included in the execution. Arguments supplied via CLI or in-code will override values provided in octopack.json

A simple example file might be

    "format": "zip",
    "outFolder": "./bin",
    "verbose": false,
    "include": ["dist/**/*", "config/**/*", "nodemon.json", "ReadMe.md", "start.bat"]

allowing the command to be as simple as

octojs pack




    --package <file>     Package file to push
    --server <url>       The base URL for your Octopus server - e.g., http://your-octopus/
    --apiKey <key>       Your API key. Get this from the user profile page. If the guest account is enabled, a key of API-GUEST can be used.
    --replace            If the package already exists in the repository, the default behavior is to reject the new package being pushed. You can pass this flag to overwrite the existing package.
    --space              Name or Id of the target space.
    --timeout <seconds>  Timeout in seconds for network operations. (default 600)
    -C, --config <path>  Path to config file
    -q --quiet           Provide minimal output
    -v --verbose         Provide detailed output
    -d --debug           Spam the console with logs
    -h, --help           output usage information


    $ octojs push --package C:\Out\Acme.Web.1.0.zip --apiKey API-SFJ23JSD2312 --server http://octopusserver.acme.com

NOTE: If the config file is detected at the basePath location or is provided, then its values will be included with cli arguments taking precedence.


var octo = require('@octopusdeploy\\octojs');
 octo.push("./AcmeProject.1.0.0.zip", {
            apiKey: 'API-XXX223123',
            server: 'http://octopus-server',
            space: 'My Octopus Space' // optional
    }, (err, result) => {
     } else {


    npm test

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npm i @octopusdeploy/octojs

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  • jbristowe
  • shaunmarx
  • octobob
  • octokartik