A comprehensive TypeScript/JavaScript library for handling large number operations with BigInt support.
- High-precision arithmetic operations
- Bitwise operations
- Special mathematical functions (factorial, GCD, LCM, etc.)
- Advanced data structures for large number manipulation
- Configurable precision and overflow handling
- Type-safe implementation in TypeScript
npm install @obinexuscomputing/hypernum
import { createHypernum } from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
// Create a Hypernum instance with default configuration
const hypernum = createHypernum();
// Basic arithmetic operations
const sum = hypernum.add("12345678901234567890", "98765432109876543210");
const product = hypernum.multiply(2n, "1000000000000000000");
You can configure Hypernum with various options:
const customHypernum = createHypernum({
precision: 10, // Decimal precision
roundingMode: 'HALF_EVEN', // Rounding strategy
checkOverflow: true, // Enable overflow checking
maxSteps: 1000 // Maximum computation steps
const hypernum = createHypernum();
// Addition
const sum = hypernum.add(a, b);
// Subtraction
const difference = hypernum.subtract(a, b);
// Multiplication
const product = hypernum.multiply(a, b);
// Division
const quotient = hypernum.divide(a, b);
// Modulo
const remainder = hypernum.mod(a, b);
// Bitwise AND
const andResult = hypernum.and(x, y);
// Bitwise OR
const orResult = hypernum.or(x, y);
// Bitwise XOR
const xorResult = hypernum.xor(x, y);
// Bitwise NOT
const notResult = hypernum.not(x);
// Power
const powered = hypernum.power(base, exponent);
// Square root
const sqrt = hypernum.sqrt(value);
// Nth root
const root = hypernum.nthRoot(value, n);
A specialized array implementation for handling large numbers efficiently:
import { BigArray } from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
const array = new BigArray<bigint>();
// Range queries
const max = array.queryRange(0, 1);
An AVL tree implementation optimized for large number operations:
import { NumberTree } from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
const tree = new NumberTree();
// Tree operations
const found = tree.find(12345678901234567890n);
const values = tree.traverse('inOrder');
Handles power tower (tetration) computations:
import { PowerTower } from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
const tower = new PowerTower();
tower.build(2n, 4); // Computes 2↑↑4
const result = tower.evaluate();
Computes and manages Ackermann function values:
import { AckermannStructure } from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
const ackermann = new AckermannStructure();
const result = ackermann.computeAckermann(3, 2);
// Greatest Common Divisor
const gcd = hypernum.gcd(48n, 18n);
// Least Common Multiple
const lcm = hypernum.lcm(48n, 18n);
// Factorial
import { factorial } from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
const fact = factorial(10n);
// Binomial coefficient
import { binomial } from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
const combination = binomial(10n, 5n);
import {
} from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
// Convert to different bases
const binary = toBinary(123456789n);
const hex = toHexadecimal(123456789n);
// Roman numeral conversion
const roman = toRoman(3549);
const number = fromRoman("MMMDXLIX");
The library provides specific error types for different scenarios:
import {
} from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
try {
const result = hypernum.power(2n, 1000n);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof OverflowError) {
console.error('Computation would overflow');
} else if (error instanceof ValidationError) {
console.error('Invalid input values');
- Use BigInt literals (with 'n' suffix) for direct number input
- Enable overflow checking only when necessary
- Configure precision based on actual requirements
- Use appropriate data structures for your use case
- Consider using the built-in caching mechanisms for repeated computations
The library is written in TypeScript and provides full type definitions:
import type {
} from '@obinexuscomputing/hypernum';
// Type-safe configuration
const config: HypernumConfig = {
precision: 10,
checkOverflow: true
// Type-safe numeric input
const input: NumericInput = "12345678901234567890";
- Node.js ≥ 16.0.0
- Modern browsers with BigInt support
- TypeScript ≥ 4.5.0
ISC License
For more information, visit the GitHub repository.