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0.8.3 • Public • Published



First, install the generator:

npm install -D @nx-toolkits/firebase

Firebase Functions

We generate a Firebase Functions app using the @nx-toolkits/firebase:functions and connect it to the Firebase project using the --project option. This allows for normal firebase cli commands to be used to work, as if it was an app generated using firebase cli, but with the added benefits of Nx.

Generate a Firebase Functions app

Use the generator to generate a Firebase Functions app:

nx g @nx-toolkits/firebase:functions

This will generate a Firebase Functions app in the apps folder.

Generator Options

Option alias Description
--name The name of the nx app to create.
--firebaseProject --project The Firebase project to connect to.
--codebase The codebase to use, allowing you to organize firebase functions according to your needs. Learn more here about Firebase Codebase
--nodeVersion The runtime node version to use on firebase functions.
--directory The directory to create the app in.
--tags Tags to add to the app.
--dry-run Run through without making changes.

Deploy a Firebase Functions app

You can deploy a Firebase Functions app using the nx run deploy command:

nx run my-functions-app:deploy

The above command with run linting, building, and then deploy the app to Firebase.

You can also use firebase cli to deploy the app, just like you would normally do:

firebase deploy --only functions

Linting a Firebase Functions app

You can lint a Firebase Functions app using the nx lint command:

nx run my-functions-app:lint

Building a Firebase Functions app

You can build a Firebase Functions app using the nx build command:

nx run my-functions-app:build

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npm i @nx-toolkits/firebase

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  • wmmaina