Bazel Commands
Add new app
node_modules/.bin/ng generate app [name]
Example: node_modules/.bin/ng generate app test
Add new component
node_modules/.bin/ng generate component [name] --directory=[dir]
Example: node_modules/.bin/ng generate component friends --directory=myDir
- must manually import the component's Bazel rule in the consuming Bazel rule
Add new lib
node_modules/.bin/ng generate lib [name]
Example: node_modules/.bin/ng generate lib mylib
- must manually import the lib's Bazel rule in the consuming Bazel rule
Run dev server
ibazel run apps/[app specific path]]/src:devserver (anything between apps/**/src points to a specific app)
Example: ibazel run apps/my-dir/my-app/src:devserver
Run prod server
bazel run apps/[app specific path]]/src:prodserver (anything between apps/**/src points to a specific app)
Example: bazel run apps/my-dir/my-app/src:prodserver
Run unit tests
ibazel test //libs/mylib/src:test
- currently works for libs