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8.0.3 • Public • Published


Simple date and time controls and utilities.

  • Extensible.
  • Forgiving of multiple date and time input formats.
  • (More or less) locale-aware.

Stackblitz demo


Install the library and its dependencies (moment and lodash).

npm i --save @nowzoo/ngx-date-time moment lodash


Import the library module...

import { NgxDateTimeModule } from '@nowzoo/ngx-date-time';
  imports: [
export class MyModule { }

The ngx-date-control and ngx-time-control components are now available for you to use:

  [inputId]="formId + 'date'"
  [inputId]="formId + 'time'"

Public API


    The format for dates.
  • const MODEL_TIME_FORMAT = 'HH:mm'
    The format for times.


interface IDateParseResult

  • year: number
  • month: number
  • date: number

interface ITimeParseResult

  • hour: number
  • minute: number


class NgxDateTimeParser

Static methods to "guess" dates and times from a variety of strings the user may input.

  • static parseDate(dateStr: string): IDateParseResult
  • static parseTime(timeStr: string): ITimeParseResult

class NgxDateValidators

Date control validation designed to work with MODEL_DATE_FORMAT; that is, both the control value and the min/max constraint are expected to be strings in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

  • static minDate(min: string): ValidatorFn
    If the control value is a day before min, the function will return {minDate: true}

  • static maxDate(min: string): ValidatorFn
    If the control value is a day after max, the function will return {maxDate: true}

abstract class NgxAbstractDateControl implements ControlValueAccessor

An abstract base class for a date control that

  • accepts a variety of user inputs,
  • "guesses" the date,
  • normalizes the model value to MODEL_DATE_FORMAT, and
  • sets the displayed input value to a format of your choosing.

Note that the actual value of your control will always be in the format MODEL_DATE_FORMAT -- not the format displayed to the user. If the value you pass in cannot be parsed -- if it's not formatted to MODEL_DATE_FORMAT -- then the control value will be the current day.

  • abstract displayFormat: string
    A Moment format, like 'LL'. This is the format that will be displayed in the text box. Your implementation must set this.

abstract class NgxAbstractTimeControl implements ControlValueAccessor

An abstract base class for a time control that

  • accepts a variety of user inputs,
  • "guesses" the time,
  • normalizes the model value to MODEL_TIME_FORMAT, and
  • sets the displayed input value to a format of your choosing.

Note that the actual value of your control will always be in the format MODEL_TIME_FORMAT -- not the format displayed to the user. If the value you pass in cannot be parsed -- if it's not formatted to MODEL_TIME_FORMAT -- then the control value will be set to the current time.

  • abstract displayFormat: string
    A moment format, like 'LT'. This is the format that will be displayed in the text box. Your implementation must set this.


DateControlComponent extends NgxAbstractDateControl

An implementation of NgxAbstractDateControl.

Selector: ngx-date-control


  • displayFormat: string
    The format that will be displayed to the user. See Moment's formatting docs. Default: LL
  • inputClass: string
    The class to be applied to the text input. Pass any error classes here. Default: form-control.
  • inputPlaceholder: string
    The placeholder to be applied to the text input. Default: Enter date....
  • inputId: string
    The id to be applied to the text input.

TimeControlComponent extends NgxAbstractTimeControl

An implementation of NgxAbstractTimeControl.

Selector: ngx-time-control


  • displayFormat: string
    The format that will be displayed to the user. See Moment's formatting docs. Default: LT
  • inputClass: string
    The class to be applied to the text input. Pass any error classes here. Default: form-control.
  • inputPlaceholder: string
    The placeholder to be applied to the text input. Default: Enter time....
  • inputId: string
    The id to be applied to the text input.


Contributions are welcome.

git clone https://github.com/nowzoo/ngx.git
npm i

The library code is located in projects/ngx-date-time.

To run tests:

  • ng test ngx-date-time
  • or use the wallaby.js file at projects/ngx-date-time/wallaby.js

Build the library with ng build ngx-date-time.



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npm i @nowzoo/ngx-date-time

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  • chriscarson