TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.5.133 • Public • Published


SBase is a user-friendly Typescript wrapper on top of Mongoose and Koa2.

Key Features

1. Model Definition

It maps the db model to a Typescript class, the db schema to the class properties, and the methods to the class methods so that all the model configuration code is well organized in a centralized place and the models have distinct property types. It also supports model inheritance and mixin so that common logic can be abstracted out. It has some useful pre-defined model extensions, such as auto-generate timestamp, KOA2 middlewares, etc.

Below listed how SBase mapping the Mongoose definitions.

Mongoose Features SBase Implementation
Collection configuration Class deocorator @Config
Schema Properties combines with decorators like @Field, @Enum, @Unique, etc.
Methods Class methods
Static methods Class static methods
Model registration Pre-defined class static methoed Model.$register() & Model.$registerNModel().

2. Web Context Validation

It provides numerious built-in validators and sanitizers that can validate any fields under ctx.request, usually query param and body.

import { params, isByteLength, isEmail, ltrim, rtrim } from '@nodeswork/sbase/koa';

  .post('/user', params({
    '!body.email': isEmail,
    '!body.description': [ isByteLength(6, 1400), ltrim(), rtrim() ],
  // ... other middleware chain

3. Model-direct Koa Middlewares

It provides customizable Koa middlewares which are generated from model and allows to chain them with other middlewares.


  .post('/user', models.User.createMiddleware())

  .post('/user/:userId', models.User.updateMiddleware({
    field: 'userId',


$ npm install @nodeswork/sbase

Quick Start

Define a Model

Models are defined by extending NModel or Model class.

// models/users.ts

import { Config, Field, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

// Pass-in model configuration
  collections: 'users',
export class User extends NModel {

  @Unique() email: string;

  @Field() firstName: string;

  @Field() lastName: string

  // get property maps to virtual get function
  get fullName(): string {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

  // set property maps to virtual set function
  set fullName(fullName: string) {
    let [firstName, lastName] = fullName.split(' ');
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

  // method maps to document method
  isEmailFromDomain(domain: string): boolean {
    return this.email.endsWith(`@${domain}`);

  // static method maps to model method
  static async findByName(firstName: string, lastName: string): Promise<User> {
    let self = this.cast<UserType>();
    return self.findOne({ firstName, lastName });

Register the Model

Register models and expose model types.

// models/index.ts

import * as users from './users';

export const User = users.User.$registerNModel<User, typeof User>();
export type  User = users.User;

Use the Model

Use the model with normal Mongoose interfaces.

import { User } from './models';

(async function usage() {

  // Create a new user.
  const user = await User.create({
    email: 'test@abc.com',
    firstName: 'Alice',
    lastName: 'North',

  // Getter
  user.fullName === 'Alice North';  // returns true

  // Modify the user's first name.
  user.firstName = 'Bob';
  // or
  user.fullName = 'Bob North';

  // Save the modified model.
  await user.save();

  // Find by user attributes.
  const user = await User.findOne({
    email: 'test@abc.com',

  // Instance method
  user.isEmailFromDomain('abc.com');  // returns true

  // Class method
  await User.findByName('Bob', 'North');  // returns the instance


Advanced Features

Field Definition


The common decorator is @Field, which accepts the schema and passes down to the Mongoose schema object.

For example, to define a field phone number and specifies the regex validation:

import { Config, Field, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {

    type: String,
    validate: {
      validator: function(v) {
        return /\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}/.test(v);
      message: props => `${props.value} is not a valid phone number!`,
    required: [true, 'User phone number required'],
  }) phone: string;

There are many other decorators to make definitions easiler.


@ArrayField allows to define an array of any other type.

import { ArrayField, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {
  @ArrayField(String) phones: string[];


@DBRef allows to reference to other models.

import { DBRef, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {

export class Post extends NModel {
  @DBRef('User') author: mongoose.Types.ObjectId | models.User;


@DBRefArray allows to reference to other model in a list.

import { DBRefArray, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {

export class Post extends NModel {
  @DBRef('User') authors: Array<mongoose.Types.ObjectId | models.User>;

Virtual Reference

@Virtual allows to reference to other model in a single object or a list.

import { DBRefArray, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {
  @Virtual({ ref: 'Post', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'author' })
  posts: models.Post[];

export class Post extends NModel {
  @DBRef('User') author: mongoose.Types.ObjectId | models.User;


@Default provides default value for the field.

import { Default, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {
  @Default(false) active: boolean;


import { Enum, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export enum UserAuthMethod {

export class User extends NModel {
  @Enum(UserAuthMethod) authMethod: UserAuthMethod;


@IndexField builds index on the target field.

import { NModel, Required } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {
  @IndexField() email: string;


@Required marks the target as a required field.

import { NModel, Required } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {
  @Required() email: string;


@Unique marks the target as a unique field.

import { NModel, Unique } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export class User extends NModel {
  @Unique() email: string;

Nested Reference

Nested schema can be defined separately and shared or referenced by other models.

import { Config, Field, Model, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

  _id: false,
export class UserProfile extends Model {
  @Field() phone: string;
  @Field() address: string;

export class User extends NModel {
  @Field() profile: UserProfile;


Indexes can be defined either through @Unique decorator on properties or @Index decorator on model class.

import { Config, Field, Index, NModel, Unique } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

  collections: 'users',
  fields: {
    firstName: 1,
    lastName: 1,
  options: {
    unique: false,
export class User extends NModel {
  @Unique() email: string;

  @Field() firstName: string;
  @Field() lastName: string;


@Pre, @Post, @Pres, and @Posts allow to add hooks to the model.

import { Config, Default, Pre, Pres, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

  collections: 'users',
  name: 'save',
  fn: () => this.saveVersion++,
@Pres(['save', 'update'], {
  fn: () => this.allUpdateVersion++,
export class User extends NModel {
  @Default(0) saveVersion: number;
  @Default(0) allUpdateVersion: number;


@Plugin allows to extend the model with normal Mongoose plugins.

import { Config, NModel, Plugin } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

  collections: 'users',
  fn: () => {}, // plugin logic
export class User extends NModel {

Data Levels

Data fields can be grouped by pre-defined levels, and the level can be used as a short-cut for projecting, while either retrieving the model instances or calling instance toJSON() method.

For example, suppose there are three levels of data for User model: 1) Basic info; 2) Detail info; 3) Credentials. Below is the model definitions and sample usages.

import { Config, Field, Level, NModel } from '@nodeswork/sbase/mongoose';

export enum UserDataLevel {

  collections: 'users',
  dataLevel: {
    levels: UserDataLevel,
    default: UserDataLevel.BASIC,
export class User extends NModel {

  @Field() email: string;

  @Level(UserDataLevel.BASIC) username: string;

  @Level(UserDataLevel.DETAIL) bio: string;

  @Level(UserDataLevel.CREDENTIAL) password:   string
await User.find({} /* query */, null /* field projection */, {
  level: UserDataLevel.BASIC,
});  // returns email and username

await User.find({} /* query */, null /* field projection */, {
  level: UserDataLevel.DETAIL,
});  // returns email, username, and bio

const user = await User.find({} /* query */, null /* field projection */, {
  level: UserDataLevel.CREDENTIAL,
});  // returns email, username, bio, and password

const userJson = user.toJSON({
  level: UserDataLevel.DETAIL,
}); // returns email, username, and bio.

Koa Middlewares

Api Level



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