
1.0.2 • Public • Published



@nodesource/nsolid-serverless is a Node.js module that provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) for setting up infrastructure related to NodeSource N|Solid in a serverless environment. The main aim of this CLI tool is to enable users to instrument their serverless functions with N|Solid, a powerful Node.js application monitoring platform.

By utilizing @nodesource/nsolid-serverless, users can easily manage various resources such as infrastructures and functions, and perform cleanup operations on them. This tool streamlines the process of configuring the necessary infrastructure so that developers can seamlessly monitor and gain valuable insights into the performance of their serverless functions using N|Solid.

Please Note: At the moment, @nodesource/nsolid-serverless only supports AWS as the serverless environment. However, we have exciting plans on our roadmap to add support for Google Cloud Functions and Azure Functions in the future. Stay tuned for updates!


Before using @nodesource/nsolid-serverless, ensure that you have set up the necessary credentials for your cloud provider. Currently, only AWS is supported as the serverless environment. To set up AWS credentials, you can use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and run the following command:

aws configure

Follow the prompts to enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region, and output format.


To use @nodesource/nsolid-serverless, you need to have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. If you don't have them, you can download and install them from here.

Once you have Node.js and npm set up, you can install @nodesource/nsolid-serverless globally using the following command:

npm install -g @nodesource/nsolid-serverless

Alternatively, you can use npx to run @nodesource/nsolid-serverless without installing it globally:

npx @nodesource/nsolid-serverless <resource> [command] [options]


The CLI follows the following format:

nsolid-serverless <resource> [command] [options]


The <resource> can be one of the following:

  • infra: For managing infrastructure.
  • functions: For managing functions.
  • removeAll: For removing all resources.


The [command] applies to infra and functions resources. It can have the following values:

  • --install: Install the specified resource.
  • --update: Update the specified resource.
  • --uninstall: Uninstall the specified resource.

Common Options (Applicable to infra, functions, and removeAll)

  • --region: Specify the region where the resource will be created in your cloud environment. For example, --region us-west-2.

  • --stage: Specify the stage of the created resource. For example, --stage dev or --stage prod.

Options specific to functions

  • --functionPatterns: Filter the functions that will be monitored using a regular expression or a function name pattern. For example, --functionPatterns "myFunctionName|myFunctionName2|myFunctionName3".

  • --tracing: Enable collecting traces from the function invocations. This option is applicable only to functions.


Non-interactive mode

  • Create a new infrastructure in the eu-west-3 region and stage dev:

    nsolid-serverless infra --install --region eu-west-3 --stage dev
  • Deploy a new function and enable metrics collection in the us-east-1 region and stage prod:

    nsolid-serverless functions --install --region us-east-1 --stage prod --functionPatterns "myFunctionName|myFunctionName2"
  • Uninstall the infrastructure in the us-west-2 region and stage dev:

    nsolid-serverless infra --uninstall --region us-west-2 --stage dev

Interactive mode

Interactive mode is available when at least one of the required options (--region, --stage, --functionPatterns) is not used.

  • Install a new infrastructure:

    nsolid-serverless infra --install

    Interactive mode prompts:

    In which region do you want to deploy?
    In which stage do you want to deploy?
  • Install a new function and enable metrics collection:

    nsolid-serverless functions --install

    Interactive mode prompts:

    In which region do you want to deploy?
    In which stage do you want to deploy?
    Which functions do you want to collect metrics?
  • Uninstall a function:

    nsolid-serverless functions --uninstall

    Interactive mode prompts:

    In which region do you want to uninstall?
    In which stage do you want to uninstall?
    Which function do you want to uninstall?
  • Remove all resources:

    nsolid-serverless removeAll


Contributions to @nodesource/nsolid-serverless are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.




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