It's now considered beta. It works, we use it in production, but there are many more features to come
A HTML web component for designing web components and HTML pages based on PolymerLabs wizzywid which can easily be integrated in your own software. Meanwhile polymer is not used anymore.
npm i @node-projects/web-component-designer
- Chrome/Firefox & Safari
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Compile typescript after doing changes
$ npm run build (if you use Visual Studio Code, you can also run the build task via Ctrl + Shift + B > tsc:build - tsconfig.json)
Link node module
$ npm link
At first you have to setup a service container providing services for history, properties, elements, ...
You can select to use one of 3 code editors available (ACE, CodeMirrow, Monaco). If you use one of the widgets, you need to include the JS lib in your index.html and then use the specific widget.
We have 2 tree components. One independent and one feature rich which uses FancyTree (and cause of this it needs JQuery and JqueryUI).
If you'd like to use the designer on mobile, you need the mobile-drag-drop npm library. Your index.html should be extended as follows:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/mobile-drag-drop/default.css">
<script src="/node_modules/mobile-drag-drop/index.js"></script>
Pointer Tool: alt: select element behind shift: draw selection rect ctrl: add/remove from selection ctrl+shift: pan
The Library uses Images from the Chrome Dev Tools, see and