
0.1.8 • Public • Published


A CLI tool for the Cloudonix API.Core

oclif Version Downloads/week License


$ npm install -g @nir.simionovich/cloudonix-cli
$ cloudonix-cli COMMAND
running command...
$ cloudonix-cli (-v|--version|version)
@nir.simionovich/cloudonix-cli/0.1.8 darwin-x64 node-v11.13.0
$ cloudonix-cli --help [COMMAND]
  $ cloudonix-cli COMMAND


cloudonix-cli apikeys COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix API keys data model

  $ cloudonix-cli apikeys COMMAND [OPTIONS]

  COMMAND  (get|create|revoke) [default: get] Command to execute

           get       Get list of API keys
           create    Create API key
           revoke    Delete API key

  --application=application  Application name or ID associated to the
                             API key

  --domain=domain            [Default: Environment Variable] Domain name
                             or domain ID associated to the API key

  --name=name                A string value, representing the API key

  --self                     [default] Refer to the tenant indicated by
                             the configured
                             API key

  --tenant=tenant            Tenant name or ID

  An API key represents a Cloudonix API access token. Cloudonix maintains 
  various API keys, separated to multiple access levels. The following 
  is list of API key levels you can use:
  domain         A Domain (aka: namespace) level API key. 
                 Controls: Domain, Trunk, Applications, 
                 Subscribers, DNIDs
  application    An Application level API key. Controls: 
                 Applications control only

  The 'apikeys' module enables the tenant administrator to manage the 
  tenants API keys.

  Get list of API keys and their information
  $ cloudonix-cli apikeys get --self \

  Generate an API key
  $ cloudonix-cli apikeys create --self --domain=mydomain.org \

  Revoke an API key
  $ cloudonix-cli apikeys revoke --self --domain=mydomain.org \

See code: src/commands/apikeys.js

cloudonix-cli applications COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix applications data model

  $ cloudonix-cli applications COMMAND [OPTIONS]

      (get|create|update|revoke|wizard) [default: get] Command to execute
      get       Get application info or list of
      create    Create application
      update    Update application
      revoke    Delete application
      wizard    Application wizard - connect with verified compatible
      application providers or create a custom app

  --disable               Set the application as disabled

  --domain=domain         [Default: Environment Variable] Domain name
                          or domain ID associated to the application

  --enable                Set the application as enabled

  --id=id                 Application ID

  --name=name             Application name

  --self                  [Default] Refer to the tenant indicated by the
                          configured API key

  --tenant=tenant         Tenant name or ID

  --type=cloudonix|twiml  [default: cloudonix] Application API language

  --url=url               Application remote URL

  An application represents a logic element, implementing one of
  Cloudonix's Voice or SMS application APIs.

  The 'applications' module enables the tenant administrator to 
  manage the tenants applications.

  Get list of applications and their information
  $ cloudonix-cli applications get --domain=mydomain.org

  Get application information
  $ cloudonix-cli applications get --self --domain=mydomain.org \

  Create an application
  $ cloudonix-cli applications create --self --domain=mydomain.org \
  --name=my-app-name --type=cloudonix --url=https://myurl.com/script

  Revoke an application
  $ cloudonix-cli applications revoke --self --domain=mydomain.org \

See code: src/commands/applications.js

cloudonix-cli config COMMAND

Manage Cloudonix CLI configuration and setup

  $ cloudonix-cli config COMMAND

  COMMAND  (get|set) [default: get] Command to execute

           get       (Default) Get CLI tool configuration
           set       Set your CLI tool configuration
           (file: ~/.env.cloudonix.cli

  --apikey=apikey  Cloudonix API key
  --domain=domain  Cloudonix default domain
  --sandbox        Enable/Disable sandbox operations

  The Cloudonix CLI maintains a configuration file named 
  .env.cloudonix.cli - normally located under your home directory.
  If not found, the CLI tool will continue to look for a similar 
  file under your current directory. A third option is to setup an 
  environment variable called CXCLI, which will point to a configuration 
  file of your choice. 

  * Multiple configuration files and/or environments are currently not 

See code: src/commands/config.js

cloudonix-cli dnids COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix DNID data model

  $ cloudonix-cli dnids COMMAND [OPTIONS]

      (get|create|update|revoke|wizard) [default: get] Command to execute
      get       Get DNID of list of
      create    Create DNID
      update    Update DNID
      revoke    Delete DNID
      wizard    DNID wizard

  --application=application  [Default: call-routing] Application name or
                             ID associated to the DNID

  --disable                  Set the DNID as disabled

  --dnid=dnid                The DNID to create

  --domain=domain            [Default: Environment Variable] Domain name
                             or domain ID associated to the DNID

  --enable                   [Default] Set the DNID as enabled

  --expression               The DNID string provided is a Character
                             Class Expression

  --global                   Set DNID as Global

  --legacy                   The DNID string provided is an Asterisk style
                             extensions matching format

  --prefix                   [Default] The DNID string provided is a

  --regex                    The DNID string provided is a Regular

  --self                     [Default] Refer to the tenant indicated by
                             the configured API key

  --tenant=tenant            Tenant name or ID

  A DNID represents a phone number (or other form of number pattern) 
  that invokes a specific Cloudonix application. The invocation of 
  assigned application is performed for any inbound call or SMS that 
  is intercepted by the Cloudonix application Core. 

  The 'dnids' module enables the tenant administrator to manage the 
  tenant DNID application routing.

See code: src/commands/dnids.js

cloudonix-cli domains COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix tenant domains data models

  $ cloudonix-cli domains COMMAND [OPTIONS]

      (get|config|create|update|revoke) [default: get] Command to execute
      get       Get domain or list all
      create    Create domain
      update    Update domain
      revoke    Delete domain
      config    Manipulate domain settings

  --active           Set the domain as Active or Inactive
                     (used with `config` action)

  --alias=alias      Set or unset a domain alias for domain
                     (used with `config` action) or get domain
                     by alias (used with `get` action)

  --aliases          Get list of domain aliases
                     (used with `get` action)

  --app=app          Set the domain default application ID
                     (used with `config` action)

  --id=id            Domain ID, aka: namespace ID

  --name=name        Domain name, aka: namespace

  --newname=newname  Rename --name to --newname
                     (used with `update` action)

  --pair=pair        Set a domain profile key:value
                     pair, as designated by `pair` and `value`
                     (used with `config` action)

  --regfree          Set the domain as RegistrationFree
                     enabled or disabled (used with `config` action)

  --self             [default] Refer to the tenant indicated by
                     the configured API key

  --set              Set alias or key:value pair
                     (used with `config` action)

  --tenant=tenant    Tenant name or id

  --unset            Unset alias or key:value pair
                     (used with `config` action)

  --value=value      Assign the `value` to the new profile key:value
                     pair, designated by `pair`
                     (used with `config` action)

  A Cloudonix Tenant may have multiple domains associated with it. While 
  a single tenant may have multiple domains, communications or 
  inter-domain data sharing is not available. Domains are treated as 
  discrete logical elments. Domains may have applications, DNIDs, trunks 
  and subscribers associated to them.

  Get list of domains and their information
  $ cloudonix-cli domains get

  Get domain information
  $ cloudonix-cli domains get --name=mydomain.cloudonix.io

  Set a domain alias
  $ cloudonix-cli domains config --name=mydomain.cloudonix.io --set \

  Disable a domain
  $ cloudonix-cli domains config --name=mydomain.cloudonix.io --unset \

See code: src/commands/domains.js

cloudonix-cli help [COMMAND]

display help for cloudonix-cli

  $ cloudonix-cli help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

cloudonix-cli subscribers COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix subscribers data model

  $ cloudonix-cli subscribers COMMAND [OPTIONS]

      (get|create|update|revoke) [default: get] Command to execute
      get       Get subscriber or list of
      create    Create subscriber
      update    Update subscriber
      revoke    Delete subscriber

  --autogenerate       Autogenerate a SIP password
  --disable            Set the subscriber as disabled

  --domain=domain      [Default: Environment Variable] Domain name or
                       domain ID associated to the subscriber

  --enable             [Default] Set the subscriber as enabled

  --msisdn=msisdn      A subscriber identified, normally a numerical
                       string. For simplicity, use a phone nubmer.

  --password=password  [Default: Empty Password] An assigned password for
                       the subscriber.

  --reset              Reset a subscribers SIP password

  --self               [default] Refer to the tenant indicated by the
                       configured API key

  --tenant=tenant      Tenant name or ID

  A subscriber represents a single user-agent endpoint that connects to
  the platform. The user-agent can either be a remote website (using the 
  Cloudonix WebSDK), a remote SIP phone or a mobile application (using 
  the Cloudonix mobile SDK).

  The 'subscribers' module enables the tenant administrator to manage 
  the tenants subscribers.

  Get list of subscriber and their information
  $ cloudonix-cli subscribers get --self --domain=mydomain.org

  Get subscriber information
  $ cloudonix-cli subscribers get --self --domain=mydomain.org \

  Revoke a subscriber
  $ cloudonix-cli subscribers revoke --self --domain=mydomain.org \

See code: src/commands/subscribers.js

cloudonix-cli tenant COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix tenant data model

  $ cloudonix-cli tenant COMMAND [OPTIONS]

  COMMAND  (get|settings|apikey) [default: get] Command to execute

  --delpair=delpair    Delete a tenant settings key:value pair,
                       as designated by `delkey`

  --generate=generate  Generate a new API key, and set its name

  --id=id              Tenant ID

  --keyid=keyid        Get API key information

  --keylist            [default] Get API key list

  --name=name          Tenant name

  --revoke=revoke      Revoke an API key, indicated by its name

  --self               [default] Refer to the tenant indicated
                       by the configured API key

  --setpair=setpair    Set a tenant settings key:value pair,
                       as designated by `addpair` and `value`

  --value=value        Assign the `value` to the new settings pair,
                       designated by `addpair`

  A tenant represents the highest level of authorization a Cloudonix 
  platform customer can have. Tenants maintain multiple sets of 
  domains, applications, trunks, DNIDs and more.

  The 'tenant' module enables the tenant administrator to query the 
  tenant configuration and control various teant related settings.

  Get my tenant information
  $ cloudonix-cli tenant get --self

  List all tenant associated API keys (all types)
  $ cloudonix-cli tenant apikey --getkey --self

  Add a tenant setting to your tenant
  $ cloudonix-cli tenant settings --addpair=new-key \
  --value=new-value --self

See code: src/commands/tenant.js

cloudonix-cli trunks COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix trunks data model

  $ cloudonix-cli trunks COMMAND [OPTIONS]

      (get|create|update|revoke|wizard) [default: get] Command to execute
      get       Get trunk of list of
      create    Create trunk
      update    Update trunk
      revoke    Delete trunk
      wizard    Trunk wizard - connect with verified compatible service providers

  --direction=inbound|outbound|public-inbound|public-outbound  [Default: public-outbound] Trunk transport

  --domain=domain                                              [Default: Environment Variable] Domain name or domain ID
                                                               associated to the trunk

  --id=id                                                      Trunk ID

  --ip=ip                                                      Trunk IP address or FQDN

  --name=name                                                  Trunk name

  --port=port                                                  [Default: 5060] Trunk port

  --prefix=prefix                                              Trunk technical prefix

  --self                                                       [default] Refer to the tenant indicated by the configured
                                                               API key

  --tenant=tenant                                              Tenant name or ID

  --transport=udp|tcp|tls                                      [Default: udp] Trunk transport

  A trunk represents a connection from the Cloudonix switching core, to a remotely located 
  communications provider or a remotely located communications system. Trunks are IP connections
  based upon the SIP signalling protocol. Cloudonix trunks support the following voice codecs:
  G711u, G711a, G729, G723, GSM, Speex and Opus. 

  The 'trunks' module enables the tenant administrator to manage the tenants trunks.

  Get list of trunks and their information
  $ cloudonix-cli trunks get --domain=mydomain.org

  Get trunk information
  $ cloudonix-cli trunks get --self  --domain=mydomain.org --name=my-trunk-name

  Revoke a trunk
  $ cloudonix-cli trunks revoke --self  --domain=mydomain.org --name=my-trunk-name

See code: src/commands/trunks.js

cloudonix-cli users COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage Cloudonix users.

  $ cloudonix-cli users COMMAND [OPTIONS]

  COMMAND  (get|create|update|revoke) [default: get] Command to execute

           get       Get user information of list of
           create    Create user
           revoke    Delete user

  --domain=domain      Domain name or domain ID associated to the
                       username, if not specified - reference
                       to Tenant user

  --self               [default] Refer to the tenant indicated by
                       the configured API key

  --tenant=tenant      Tenant name or ID

  --username=username  Username to create or revoke. A username MUST be
                       a valid e-Mail address

  Users are identified by e-Mail addresses, that can be authenticated 
  using either Google, Facebook, Github or Microsoft365 authentication 
  providers. Users may be associated with a tenant or a domain. 

  Once a user is associated with a domain, it has access to domain 
  related data models only.

  The 'users' module enables the tenant administrator to manage the 
  tenants associated users and domain associated users.

  Get list of users and their information
  $ cloudonix-cli users get --self --domain=mydomain.org

  Revoke a user
  $ cloudonix-cli users revoke --self --domain=mydomain.org \

See code: src/commands/users.js


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