This module is experimental.
- 1.1.0 - upgraded @nexssp/extend to 2.0.1, structure changed. more testing done. still experimental.
1.0.8 - new function
. Different aproach to run commands. If nSpawn has any issues this can be a solution. Keep in mind this module is experimental. -
1.0.6 -
- removes from putput the colors, so the output is just a text.
// To output just to the terminal use option: `{stdio: 'inherit'}`
// To strip the terminal colors use `stripTerminalColors`
const result = nSpawn("nexss Id --something='x y z'", { stripTerminalColors: true });
{exitCode: int,
stderr: string,
stdout: string
cmd: string
args: array // parsed arguments (1.0.7+)
command: string // just orginal command (1.0.7+)