This package wraps the zstd command in a stream for either compression or decompression.
NOTE: You must have the zstd
command available on your path (TODO: allow specifying the location as a
Here are some quick install commands for zstd
on different operating systems:
OS/Distro | Package Manager | Install Command |
Ubuntu/Debian | APT | sudo apt-get install -y zstd |
Fedora | DNF | sudo dnf install -y zstd |
CentOS/RHEL | YUM | sudo yum install -y zstd |
Arch Linux | Pacman | sudo pacman -S zstd |
openSUSE | Zypper | sudo zypper install zstd |
Alpine | APK | apk add zstd |
MacOS | Homebrew | brew install zstd |
MacOS | MacPorts | sudo port install zstd |
Windows | Chocolatey | choco install -y zstandard |
Windows | Scoop | scoop install zstd |
Windows | MSYS2 | pacman -S zstandard |
Here's a simple example showing compression and decompression in a pipeline:
import { createZstdCompress, createZstdDecompress } from '@neodon/zstd'
import { Readable } from 'node:stream'
import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'
// Example: Compress data, decompress it, and write the result
await pipeline(
// Create a simple readable stream with some text
Readable.from('Hello, world!\n'),
// Compress using zstd
// Immediately decompress to verify the roundtrip
// Write the result to stderr (could use any writable stream)
// Prevent pipeline from automatically closing the last stream - process.stderr
{ end: false }
Here's a complete example showing file compression, decompression, and verification:
import { createZstdCompress, createZstdDecompress } from '@neodon/zstd'
import assert from 'node:assert'
import { createReadStream, createWriteStream, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'node:fs'
import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'
// Example: Demonstrate compression/decompression with file verification
async function main() {
const inputFile = 'inputFile.json'
const compressedFile = 'compressed.json.zst'
const outputFile = 'decompressed.json'
// Sample data to compress
const inputData = {
message: 'Hello from zstd!',
numbers: [1, 2, 3],
nested: { works: true }
// Write initial data
writeFileSync(inputFile, JSON.stringify(inputData, null, 2))
// Compress JSON file to .zst
await pipeline(
// Decompress .zst back to JSON
await pipeline(
// Verify the roundtrip was successful
const result = JSON.parse(readFileSync(outputFile, 'utf8'))
assert.deepStrictEqual(result, inputData)
console.log('Compression/decompression successful!')
This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.