TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.2 • Public • Published

A simple Vue3 directive and a wrapper component to animate elements as they appear in viewport with TypeScript


npm install @neeravp/vue-3-animate-in-view
# or
yarn add @neeravp/vue-3-animate-in-view


Import to your Vue application


import { createApp } from "vue";
import { AnimateInViewDirective } from "@neeravp/vue-3-animate-in-view";

const app = createApp({
  /*** options */
app.directive("animate-inview", AnimateInViewDirective);


Directive can then be used normally on any element

  class="w-1/2 h-96 bg-gray-500 mx-auto opacity-0"


import { createApp } from "vue";
import { AnimateInViewComponent } from "@neeravp/vue-3-animate-in-view";

const app = createApp({
  /*** options */
app.component("animate-in-view", AnimateInViewComponent);


Component can be used anywhere in the app now

<animate-in-view animation="fadeInSlide">
  <div class="w-1/2 h-96 bg-red-500 mx-auto"></div>


Say we have declared two animations and classes to apply the animations

  .fadeInSlide {
    animation: fadeInSlide 1s ease forwards 0.3s;
  @keyframes fadeInSlide {
    from {
      opacity: 0;
      transform: translate3d(10%, 10%, 0);
    to {
      opacity: 1;
      transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

  .fade {
    animation: fade 1s ease forwards;

  @keyframes fade {
    to {
      opacity: 0.25;

Pass the desired class as a string literal (in single quotes) in your Vue template:

<div v-animate-inview="'fade'">Animate me once upon scroll</div>

Scroll Direction

To apply animation only on specific scroll direction,

Directive: pass the value as object

Component: pass an object to the animation prop.

On Downward scroll: the animation will only trigger the first time when scrolling down while element comes into the viewport.

<!-- Directive -->
<div v-animate-inview="{down: 'fade'}">
  Animation will be triggered once while scrolling down when the element enters
  the viewport

<!-- Component -->
<animate-in-view :animation="{down: 'fade'}">
    Animation will be triggered once while scrolling down when the element
    enters the viewport

On upward scroll: the animation will only trigger the first time when scrolling up while element comes into the viewport.

<!-- Directive -->
<div v-animate-inview="{up: 'fadeInSlide'}">
  Animation will be triggered once while scrolling up when the element enters
  the viewport

<!-- Component -->
<animate-in-view :animation="{up: 'fadeInSlide'}">
    Animation will be triggered once while scrolling up when the element enters
    the viewport

Repeat Modifier and Prop

Note that by default the animation will only trigger once: the first time the element scrolled into view.

To repeat animation everytime the element is scrolled into view:

Directive: use the repeat modifier

Component: pass the repeat prop

<!-- Directive -->
<div v-animate-inview.repeat="'fade'">Animate me upon scroll forever</div>

<!-- Component -->
<animate-in-view animation="'fade'" repeat>
  <div>Animate me upon scroll forever</div>

To repeat the animation everytime while scrolling down

Directive: add the repeat modifier

Component: pass repeat as prop

<!-- Directive -->
<div v-animate-inview.repeat="{down: 'fade'}">
  Animation will be triggered while scrolling down when the element enters the

<!-- Component -->
<animate-in-view :animation="{down: 'fade'}" repeat>
    Animation will be triggered while scrolling down when the element enters the

Multiple animations

Different animations can be used for each direction:

<!-- Directive -->
<div v-animate-inview="{down: 'fade', up: 'fadeInSlide' }">
  Animation will be triggered whenever element enters the viewport, scrolling in
  any direction

<!-- Component -->
<animate-in-view :animation="{down: 'fade', up: 'fadeInSlide' }">
    Animation will be triggered whenever element enters the viewport, scrolling
    in any direction

Note that by providing both up and down directions,

Directive: the repeat modifier is implicitly set.

Component: value of repeat prop is set to true implicitly


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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npm i @neeravp/vue-3-animate-in-view

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  • neeravpandya