Collection of util functions used by NDLA
yarn add @ndla/util
npm install @ndla/util
import uuid from "@ndla/util/uuid";
const unique = uuid();
console.log(unique); // > 'b56f476a-bc77-49cd-8be1-9d9aa93117ca'
import { uuid } from "@ndla/util";
const unique = uuid();
console.log(unique); // > '0ada1b02-5888-43fd-9fbc-ccdbb69528f2'
Get an unique identifier.
const unique = util.uuid();
console.log(unique); // > '95821b33-694c-40e8-824c-d115a046d009'
Get component name of a React component. Useful in HOCs.
import { getComponentName } from '@ndla/util';
const withHOC = (WrappedComponent) => {
class NameOfHoc extends Component {
render() {
return createElement(WrappedComponent, nextProps);
NameOfHoc.displayName = `NameOfHoc(${getComponentName(WrappedComponent)})`;
return hoistNonReactStatics(NameOfHoc, WrappedComponent);
export default withStateHandler;
Copies text to clipboard by (1) creating a hidden textarea with the provided text, (2) selects the text, (3) runs document.execCommand('copy')
import { copyTextToClipboard } from "@ndla/util";
copyTextToClipboard("Hello world!");
Finds translation for a specific language in an array named tags from an object. Prefered locales is a fallback option if the given locale translation does not exist.
If no preferdLocales is defined, it is default sat to ['nb', 'nn', 'en']
import { tagsI18N } from "@ndla/util";
tagsI18N(object, "nb", false, ["nb", "nn", "en"]);