npm install @nativescript/social-share
To use the social share module you must first require()
it. After you require()
the module you have access to its APIs.
// ------------ JavaScript ------------------
var SocialShare = require("@nativescript/social-share");
// ------------- TypeScript ------------------
import * as SocialShare from "@nativescript/social-share";
shareImage(ImageSource image, [optional] String subject)
The shareImage()
method expects an ImageSource
object. The code below loads an image from the app and invokes the share widget with it:
// ------------ JavaScript ------------------
var SocialShare = require("@nativescript/social-share");
var imageSourceModule = require("@nativescript/core");
var image = imageSourceModule.fromFile("~/path/to/myImage.jpg");
// ------------- TypeScript ------------------
import * as SocialShare from "@nativescript/social-share";
import { ImageSource } from "@nativescript/core";
let image = ImageSource.fromFile("~/path/to/myImage.jpg");
You can optionally provide a second argument to configure the subject on Android:
SocialShare.shareImage(image, "How would you like to share this image?");
shareText(String text, [optional] String subject)
The shareText()
method expects a simple string:
SocialShare.shareText('I love NativeScript!')
Like shareImage()
, you can optionally pass shareText()
a second argument to configure the subject on Android:
SocialShare.shareText('I love NativeScript!', 'How would you like to share this text?')
sharePdf(File pdf, [optional] String subject)
The sharePdf()
method expects a File instance:
let pdf = File.fromPath("~/path/to/myPdf.pdf");
Like shareImage()
, you can optionally pass sharePdf()
a second argument to configure the subject on Android:
SocialShare.sharePdf(pdf, 'How would you like to share this text?')
shareUrl(String url, String text, [optional] String subject)
The shareUrl()
method excepts a url and a string.
SocialShare.shareUrl('https://www.nativescript.org/', 'Home of NativeScript')
You can optionally pass shareUrl()
a second argument to configure the subject on Android:
'Home of NativeScript',
'How would you like to share this url?'
shareViaTwitter(text?: string, url?: string): Promise<void>;
Share text or url via Twitter.
SocialShare.shareViaTwitter('Home of NativeScript', 'https://www.nativescript.org/')
shareViaFacebook(text?: string, url?: string): Promise<void>;
Share url via Facebook. Note that text
will usually be suppressed due to Facebook security/abuse prevention, but the url will come through.
SocialShare.shareViaFacebook('Home of NativeScript', 'https://www.nativescript.org/')
- Android Only NOTE:
If you are already using the Facebook Share SDK in your project you likely do not have to add the following.
If you are not using the sdk explicitly in your project yet, add to your app.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.facebook.android:facebook-share:[5,6)'
- Add a
section andprovider
section ot yourAndroidManifest.xml
so it becomes similar to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/>
<provider android:authorities="com.facebook.app.FacebookContentProvider{your-facebook-appid}"
- Create a file
. Add this to the file (replace the id):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<string name="facebook_app_id">126035687816994</string>
Looking for some extra help getting social sharing working in your mobile application? Check out these resources:
- Social Media Sharing in a Vanilla NativeScript Application
- Social Media Sharing in a NativeScript with Angular Application
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