TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.2-alpha • Public • Published


Let Myria's clients who is going to use cryptographic functions such as generate/verify L2 wallet signature, etc. to reuse in our built-in services.


The following tools need to be installed:

  1. Git
  2. Node.js 18+

How to use


# npm
npm i @myria/crypto-js
# yarn
yarn add @myria/crypto-js

Consume the crypto-js package

How to contribute

Install dependencies and build it

# install dependencies
npm install | yarn install
# run build
npm run build | yarn build

Add new production codes

Verify or fix lint

# check lint's rules
npm run lint | yarn lint
# check lint's rules and try to fix
npm run lint:fix | yarn lint:fix
# format your code
npm run prettier:format | yarn prettier:format

Verify unit test

npm test | yarn test


  1. We use the git rebase strategy to keep tracking meaningful commit message. Help to enable rebase when pull $ git config --local pull.rebase true
  2. Follow TypeScript Style Guide Google
  3. Follow Best-Practices in coding:
    1. Clean code make team happy
    2. Return early make code safer and use resource Efficiency
    3. Truthy & Falsy make code shorter
    4. SOLID Principles make clean code
    5. DRY & KISS avoid redundancy and make your code as simple as possible
  4. Make buildable commit and pull latest code from main branch frequently
  5. Follow the Semantic Versioning once we are ready for release
  6. Use readable commit message karma to let us use it in the release notes
🔔  <  Ring! Please use semantic commit messages

<type>(<scope>): ([issue number]) <subject>
    │      │        ||      |        |             └─> subject in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
    |      |        |
    │      │        └─> Issue number (optional): Jira Ticket or Issue number
    │      │
    │      └─> Scope (optional): eg. Articles, Profile, Core
    └─> Type: chore, docs, feat, fix, refactor, style, ci, perf, build, or test.

Package Sidebar


npm i @myria/crypto-js

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