Let Myria's clients who is going to use cryptographic functions such as generate/verify L2 wallet signature, etc. to reuse in our built-in services.
The following tools need to be installed:
# npm
npm i @myria/crypto-js
# yarn
yarn add @myria/crypto-js
- Reference our crypto-js doc
- Reference the implementation in our example/src/index.js. Should be straightforward
# install dependencies
npm install | yarn install
# run build
npm run build | yarn build
# check lint's rules
npm run lint | yarn lint
# check lint's rules and try to fix
npm run lint:fix | yarn lint:fix
# format your code
npm run prettier:format | yarn prettier:format
npm test | yarn test
- We use the git rebase strategy to keep tracking meaningful commit message. Help to enable rebase when pull
$ git config --local pull.rebase true
- Follow TypeScript Style Guide Google
- Follow Best-Practices in coding:
- Clean code make team happy
- Return early make code safer and use resource Efficiency
- Truthy & Falsy make code shorter
- SOLID Principles make clean code
- DRY & KISS avoid redundancy and make your code as simple as possible
- Make buildable commit and pull latest code from
branch frequently - Follow the Semantic Versioning once we are ready for release
- Use readable commit message karma to let us use it in the release notes
🔔 < Ring! Please use semantic commit messages
<type>(<scope>): ([issue number]) <subject>
│ │ | │
| | | └─> subject in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
| | |
│ │ └─> Issue number (optional): Jira Ticket or Issue number
│ │
│ └─> Scope (optional): eg. Articles, Profile, Core
└─> Type: chore, docs, feat, fix, refactor, style, ci, perf, build, or test.