This package has been deprecated

Author message:

@myparcel/js-sdk has been moved to @myparcel/sdk


2.0.3 • Public • Published



npm install @myparcel/js-sdk
yarn add @myparcel/js-sdk

The MyParcel SDK should work with node version >= 8

Git hooks

This repository uses git hooks with Husky.


Runs npm run build before committing and adds the dist folder to the commit you are making.

Use --no-verify with git commit to skip this hook, if needed.

To use this hook while committing from PhpStorm you must have "Run git hooks" checked in the commit dialog. Uncheck it to skip the hook.

Quick start

import Client from '@myparcel/js-sdk';

const client = new Client('api_key_from_MyParcel_backoffice');

// Create one or more new shipments
const ids = await client.shipment.create(shipmentObj);

// Update one or more shipments
const shipments = await client.shipment.update(shipmentObj);

// Delete one or more shipments
await client.shipment.delete(shipmentIds);

// Retrieve multiple shipments
const shipments = await;

// Retrieve a single shipment
const shipment = await client.shipment.get(shipmentId);

Constructor options

Name Type Description
key string Optional. An api key of your account.
acceptLanguage string Optional. Set to negotiate the response language.


Endpoint Supported methods Key required API Reference
shipment create, update, delete, get, search Yes
delivery search No
pickup search No
label create Yes
tracktrace get, search Yes

Endpoint methods

Every method is async.

Signature Description Returns
create({ /* resource data */ }) Create a single resource. An array of integer ids.
create([ /* resource objects */ ]) Create multiple resources. An array of integer ids.
update({ /* resource data */ }) Update a single resource. An array of objects.
update([ /* resource objects */ ]) Update multiple resources. An array of objects.
delete(id) Delete one resource. null.
delete([ /* ids */ ]) Delete multiple resources. null.
get(id) Retrieve a single resource. An object.
search({ /* filter data */ }) Retrieves multiple instances. An array of objects.


We defined a large set of constant values suitable to help to build the payload.

Category Label Description
shipments CarrierIds Carrier ID's
shipments Content Types Set of content types.
shipments Delivery Types Set of deliveries.
shipments EPS Countries European countries.
shipments MultiCollo Countries Countries which support shipment with multiple packages.
shipments Package Types Set of define parcels.
shipments Regions Regions (EU / ROW / Home Country)
shipments Shipment Types Types to define the shipment.
shipments Delivery Statusses Different states for indication the delivery status.
labels Paper Types Different set of Paper formats.
labels Print Positions Directions of the pinting positions.

Countries ISO2

A list of all countries over the world with their ISO-2 code.


For more examples, see the API docs

Create a domestic shipment

import Client from '@myparcel/js-sdk';
import {POSTNL} from '@myparcel-sdk/dist/constant/shipment/carrier-id'
import {PARCEL} from '@myparcel-sdk/dist/constant/shipment/package-type'

const client = new Client('api_key_from_MyParcel_backoffice');

const createShipment = async () => {
    return await client.shipment.create({
        "carrier": POSTNL,
        "reference_identifier" : "FOO-222-BAR-42",
        "recipient": {
            "cc": "NL",
            "region": "Zuid-Holland",
            "city": "Hoofddorp",
            "street": "Siriusdreef",
            "number": "66",
            "postal_code": "2132WT",
            "person": "Mr. Parcel",
            "phone": "0213030315",
            "email": ""
        "options": {
            "package_type": PARCEL,
            "only_recipient": 1,
            "signature": 1,
            "return": 1,
            "insurance": {
                "amount": 50000,
                "currency": "EUR"
            "large_format": 0,
            "label_description": "My custom description",
    (result) => console.log('Success!\n\n', result),
    (error) => console.error('Something went wrong\n\n', error),

Create an international shipment

import Client from '@myparcel/js-sdk';
import {POSTNL} from '@myparcel-sdk/dist/constant/shipment/carrier-id'
import {PARCEL} from '@myparcel-sdk/dist/constant/shipment/package-type'

const client = new Client('api_key_from_MyParcel_backoffice');

const createShipment = async () => {
    return await client.shipment.create({
        "carrier": POSTNL,
        "recipient": {
            "cc": "JP",
            "region": "埼玉県",
            "city": "さいたま市",
            "street": "埼玉県さいたま市浦和区 常盤9-21-21",
            "person": "Tanaka san",
            "company": "さいたま国際キリスト教会",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "0081-48-825-6637"
        "options": {
            "package_type": PARCEL
        "customs_declaration": {
            "contents": 1,
            "invoice": "1231235345345",
            "weight": 30,
            "items": [{
                "description": "Sample Product",
                "amount": 10,
                "weight": 20,
                "item_value": {
                    "amount": 7000,
                    "currency": "EUR"
                "classification": "0181",
                "country": "NL"
            }, {
                "description": "Sample Product 2",
                "amount": 5,
                "weight": 10,
                "item_value": {
                    "amount": 1000,
                    "currency": "EUR"
                "classification": "0181",
                "country": "BE"
        "physical_properties": {
            "weight": 30
    (result) => console.log('Success!\n\n', result),
    (error) => console.error('Something went wrong\n\n', error),

Retrieve delivery types and pickup locations

import Client from '@myparcel/js-sdk';

const client = new Client('api_key_from_MyParcel_backoffice');

const deliveryTypes = await{
    // see for all filters
    cc: 'NL',
    postal_code: '2132WT',
    number: '66'

const pickupLocations = await{
    // see for all filters
    cc: 'NL',
    postal_code: '2132WT',
    number: '66'

Create a shipment with a pickup location

import Client from '@myparcel/js-sdk';
import {POSTNL} from '@myparcel-sdk/dist/constant/shipment/carrier-id';
import {PARCEL} from '@myparcel-sdk/dist/constant/shipment/package-type';
import {PICKUP} from '@myparcel-sdk/dist/constant/shipment/delivery-type';

const client = new Client('api_key_from_MyParcel_backoffice');

const pickupLocations = await{
    // see for all filters
    cc: 'NL',
    postal_code: '2132WT',
    number: '66'

* Transform a pickup information object to a shipment pickup.
* @param {object} pickup
* @returns {object}
const makeShipmentPickup = ({postal_code, street, city, number, location_name}) => ({postal_code, street, city, number, location_name});

const [id] = await client.shipment.create({
    "carrier": POSTNL,
    "reference_identifier" : "FOO-222-BAR-42",
    "recipient": {
        "cc": "NL",
        "region": "Zuid-Holland",
        "city": "Hoofddorp",
        "street": "Siriusdreef",
        "number": "66",
        "postal_code": "2132WT",
        "person": "Mr. Parcel",
        "phone": "0213030315",
        "email": ""
    "options": {
        "package_type": PARCEL,
        "delivery_type": PICKUP,
        "only_recipient": 1,
        "signature": 1,
        "return": 1,
        "insurance": {
            "amount": 50000,
            "currency": "EUR"
        "large_format": 0,
        "label_description": "My custom description",
    "pickup": makeShipmentPickup(pickupLocations[0]),

Download a label

import Client from '@myparcel/js-sdk';
import {A4} from '@myparcel/js-sdk/dist/constant/label/paper-type';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import fs from 'fs';

const client = new Client('api_key_from_MyParcel_backoffice');

// Ask the api to create a label for the given ids.
const [{url}] = await client.label.create({
    // See for all parameters
    ids: [
      // Add your shipment ids
    format: A4,

// The label might not be available for download right away. This could be because
// the requested label is very large, or one of the partners takes a while to respond.

while (true) {
    const response = await fetch(url);

    if (response.status !== 200) {
      // If the label is not available (yet), wait for a bit and try again
      // We strongly recommend that the retry code has sensible retry limits,
      // both in timeout and attempts.
      if (response.status === 404) {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
      } else {
        // Something went wrong, stop retrying.

    // The label is now ready to use. For example, write it to file or send it to the client.
    const file = fs.createWriteStream('myparcel-label.pdf');


  1. Check for open issues or open a new issue to start a discussion around a bug or feature.
  2. Fork the repository on GitHub to start making your changes.
  3. Write one or more tests for the new feature or that expose the bug.
  4. Make code changes to implement the feature or fix the bug.
  5. Send a pull request to get your changes merged and published.




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  • edielemoine
  • mknijnenberg
  • myparcel-nl