This module exports a viewport.js component which allows the user to manipulate a (directed) graph in the canvas. The animation below showcases how one would maneuver the viewport and edit edge data.
The State
The component requires @cycle/state
logic as provided by the factory Cycle.js functions.
The state at any given point should have the following shape.
type: 'root',
canvas: // the HTMLCanvas element
width: // (optional) width of canvas; inherited by parent.offsetWidth,
height: // (optional) height of canvas; inherited by parent.offsetHeight,
children: [{
type: 'window',
worldMatrix: // 3x3 identity initially suggested,
children: [{
type: 'plane',
worldMatrix: // [[0.1, 0, 0], [0, 0.1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] initially suggested,
children: // Array<graph-node>
type: 'graph-node',
key: // unique key among siblings,
worldMatrix: // suggested to be a function of parent's worldMatrix,
data: {
clickBox: [-1, -1, 1, 1],
title: // string for printed title,
selected: // boolean for if it is selected,
active: // boolean for if it is active,
children: [
inEdgeNode // in-edge-node,
...outEdgeNodes // Array<out-edge-node>
type: 'in-edge-node',
worldMatrix: // suggested to be a function of parent's worldMatrix,
data: {
clickBox: [-4, -4, 4, 1],
parentKey: // parent's key,
type: 'out-edge-node',
key: // unique key among siblings,
worldMatrix: // suggested to be a function of parent's worldMatrix,
data: {
clickBox: [-4, -4, 4, 1],
parentKey: // parent's key,
The component is not responsible for adding/removing nodes, but this can easily be implemented outside the component by implementing the appropriate reducers, provided as discussed below.
This is the component which is responsible for editting a graph on the canvas. The sources are as follows:
Source | Description |
DOM | the object provided by the factory Cycle.js DomDriver. Isolation suggested. |
props | a stream of an object with field initState which is a state like above
state | the source that every Cycle.js app has, when mounted with withState as in @cycle/state
The sinks are as follows:
Sink | Description |
DOM | the DOMObject corresponding to the canvas. |
state | the reducer stream, as requested in the @cycle/state paradigm |
viewport | the
preventDefault | a stream of events in which one should have a driver which adds a listener such that executes event.preventDefault()
This is a function of signature (canvas, state) => void
which can be provided to the makeViewportDriver API.
This is a reducer which adds a graph-node
to the state tree.
newTree = appendNode(tree);
This is a reducer which deletes all of the graph-nodes
which have
newTree = deleteSelectedNodes(tree);