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0.1.16 • Public • Published

Muffin Dev for Node - Init, the project initializer

Init is a tool for generating Node projects (apps or packages) with the configurations used on several Muffin Dev projects.

It also setups configurations for several use cases:

  • Prepare an app or web worker project for Heroku deployment
  • Prepare an app project for Surge deployment
  • Prepare a package for browser usage with rollup
  • Add an executable for a package (and provide CLI tools by installing commander)
  • Setup Typescript or let you develop with vanilla JS
  • Setup ES Lint
  • Initialize a Git repository

Note that this tool is perfect for my development process. But feel free to contact me for any additional operations that can suits your needs! ;)

Installation & user guide

You can use it without installing the module using npx:

npx @muffin-dev/init

Or you can install it globally using npm, then run it with the init command:

npm i -g @muffin-dev/init

And then... just answer the questions!


You can also pass the project path to the @muffin-dev/init command directly, so it will skip the first question:

npx @muffin-dev/init /path/to/project

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npm i @muffin-dev/init

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  • fat-muffin